《To String Together ( Huaze Lei )》Welcome Home


My eyes searched the passengers walking through the gate. I felt anxious waiting to see Faye for the first time in five years. She became one of my closest friends when we had first met. I remember when Faye's mother came over to my house for something my mother invited her for and Faye happened to be with her that day. Our mothers insisted we color together in the living room while they did their thing.

Faye Calinao was a shy and very timid girl. At first she spoke barely above a whisper and she was a very sensitive girl. At our young age, I thought she was strange. She was nothing like Ah Si, Meizuo, or Lei. She was nothing like Geng, who couldn't come over that day, because she was sick. Faye never seemed to speak unless I spoke to her. It wasn't until she was about to leave, she told her mom she wanted to tell me something and she walked over. She thanked me for coloring with her and for not being mean to her. She briefly mentioned no one ever stayed around her for long and she liked my company. I sent her a small smile and nod realizing I wanted to be her friend that day.

Here we are fifteen years later and I'm reuniting with her from when she left Shanghai towards the end of the first year of senior high school. Faye told me of the news she would be studying her last year of university here where she somehow chose the school I attended. She had asked to stay with me for the time she is here and I immediately agreed to allow her to stay.

"Ximen." I'm nudged by one of my best friends, Meizuo. I turned towards him and he pointed in the direction of where the passengers were coming through the gate. I turned my head again towards the gate and immediately spotted Faye from a distance and my heart escalated to see her in person. "She is so pretty." She came through the gate and she stopped a few feet away from the gate. She had her cello on her back, her luggage by one side and her violin carried by her other hand.


"That's Faye," I spoke in what sounded like I was in a daze. From beside me, Meizuo turned to me shocked.

"Really? How have you never introduced us?" I looked to my best friend giving him a knowing look.

"She is like a sister to me. She is off limits for dating." I turned back towards Faye and saw her looking around, unsure of her surroundings. I begin to walk towards her and Meizuo right behind me. When I am within a certain distance, her eyes shifted to me and a smile appeared on her face. She put her violin down and started making her way over to me at a fast paced walk. I smiled tiredly and opened my arms as she approached me and I was engulfed in her scent.

"Ximen," she spoke softly.

"I've missed you here," I said to her knowing this was what she needed to hear.

I've missed him. It felt great to be back here with Ximen. I missed his hugs and his presence. He seems a lot taller last I remember. I pulled back and smiled up at him wondering how I was lucky to be one of his closest friends. Ximen smiled and took a step back to look towards someone who was standing right next to us.

"Faye, meet Meizuo. Meizuo this is Faye." His name rings a bell in my head. His slightly taller six foot figure was like Ximen. He had black hair that was mid length and in a style like I think is ivy league. He seems like a serious person like Ximen. Meizuo breaks into a smile and I relaxed slightly.

"Hello," I spoke lightly and waved. "I've heard the many stories of you and Ximen." Meizuo raised an eyebrow in curiousness and looked between the two of us.


"Ximen never mentioned to me about you until earlier today. You are by the way really pretty." Ximen shot Meizuo a look and I smiled faintly knowing I told Ximen to never tell them about me when we first met. Ximen even now has been like a protective brother.

"Thank you. It's... well... I told Ximen not to tell anyone."

"He kept you to himself." Meizuo had a pouting expression and folded his arms. I requested I stay away from Ximen's other best friends, because there was one in the group who made me miserable during my life spent here. It wasn't until senior high school did it get worse. I felt uncomfortable at the time being the only girl and I did not want to be in the way of his friendship with them. Ximen met them well before me.

"Alright," Ximen interrupted and shook his head. He walked towards where I left my luggage and violin. He took a hold of both of them and walked back towards us. "Lets head to the house. I'm sure Faye would like to eat?" He looked towards me to make sure I was alright with the plans. There's a twelve hour difference between where I was and here.

"Food sounds nice," I nod and think about what we will be having.

"Is it alright if Meizuo comes along?" I looked towards Meizuo and his eyes were wide and looked like he was going to hit his friend. I laughed and broke into a smile. I nod. Meizuo doesn't seem like a bad person. I know Ximen is closer with Meizou than the others. I followed the both of them assuming they had parked somewhere or had a vehicle waiting for us.

"Are we eating at your house?" I asked Ximen and he shook his head.

"I was thinking of taking you to Mojo cafe? I remember you liked going there." Meizuo seemed to be confused about the place.

"Have you been there Meizuo?" He shook his head.

"Never been there. It seems like you and Ximen have your places to go. How... have you known each other?"

"Since we were five," I said sheepishly.

"Huh," Meizuo spoke curiously. "Ximen mentioned you went to the states at the end of our first year of senior high school. I'm surprised we've never ran into each other."

"My studies." I smiled at him and he nodded. I hoped he wouldn't continue with the topic. We get to the door leading outside and I stop for a moment to take a deep breath of the fresh air. Ximen and Meizuo turned around to look towards me in an expression at first I thought looked to be straight faced. Meizuo smiled.

"Welcome back to Shanghai Faye."

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