《You Make Me Crazy [BangtanBoys/BTS Jungkook]》Chapter 18: Interruptions


Please read the A/N at the end. Thank you.


I couldn't stand watching Jungkook and Rahee together. I felt like someone stabbed me right into my heart and it got difficult for me to breathe.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked and I came back to reality.

"Yes." I answered, my hand turning into a fist and I had the urge to beat up both of them. Jungkook was a bastard. But no matter what I do, I couldn't stop liking him.

"Do you want to go home?" He asked, looking at me with a worried expression.

"No I'm good." I looked at him and gave him a little smile. "Really." My smile widened but Taehyung's expression didn't change. Perhaps, I wasn't convincing enough.

After the dinner we went to a karaoke bar with some other people joining us. I decided to go with them since I didn't want to stay at home alone and after all, it was kind of a distraction for me too.

However, I didn't really enjoy it. It was rather scary and crazy to see dad in such a party mood but I didn't say anything and let him have a little fun with some of his old friends. Judging by Taehyung's expression he wasn't amused as well.

I couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook and Rahee and the scene where she kissed him on the cheeks flashed through my mind.

"The world is big yet small." Taehyung suddenly said, still watching them dancing and singing.

"Things just turned out like this." I replied and sighed heavily. Just when I find a friend and get used to everything something has to intervene. Plus, the confession - if I could say it, didn't make anything better. I didn't believe in fate or anything like this but that was really odd.


It was monday and I felt like killing myself. The weather was getting colder and I might freeze to death even before winter was coming. It gave me goosebumps thinking how much colder it would be in winter.

Dad was already awake and prepared something in the kitchen as I went downstairs and headed to the fridge.

"You seemed to have a lot of fun with Taehyung's father."

"Of course I had. We didn't see each other for almost 25 years." He paused for a few minutes. "So, you already know Taehyung and that's a big plus for me and Geebee."

I stopped everything I did at the moment and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Don't tell me you call his father Geebee." I said in disbelief.

"I do. Back then, everyone called him that." He turned and looked at me. "Wanna hear the reason?"

"No." I answered immediately.

"So it started in the middle school and one day Jihoon, his actual name, wore these hilarious black and yellow outfit. He kept wearing those two colours for about a year," he started to giggle a little, "and that's when his nickname was born." By that he burst out laughing.


"This nickname is really bad." I murmured and dad seemed to hear it.

"It wasn't my idea to call him like that. I just got along with it." Dad turned around to face me. "So back to the main topic." His gaze intensified.

"Well," he cleared his throat "we promised each other something."

"We?" I asked.

"Me and-" Exactly at this moment his phone rang and I stared at him being confused of what this actually means but I couldn't care less.

I didn't expect Jungkook in front of my house at all as I closed the door and turned, seeing his expressionless face which I haven't seen for too long. Sometimes I was wondering what he was doing that he barely attended to the lessons.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I just wanted to pick you up." He shrugged as if it was the most normal thing in the world. I didn't respond. It was the first time we talked to each other since what happened in front of the restaurant. That wasn't even a conversation to be quite honest.

We didn't share any words while waiting for the bus to come as well as we were in the bus.

"We need to talk." Jungkook spoke and stopped walking.

My pace slowed down until I froze to the spot.

"There's nothing to talk about." I continued heading to school.

"I need to talk to you." He repeated and I stopped again. I hesitated whether to give him a chance or not although I couldn't think of a topic he wanted to talk about than us. Actually, there never was an us.

"Oppa!" I heard someone shout and I recognized Rahee immediately.

My hand turned into a fist, taking a deep breath and I started to walk. I was still angry and disappointed.

I couldn't focus on the lesson and what the teacher is saying, because Jungkook's presence made me uncomfortable. No matter how much I try, I can't forget him.

"Jungkook, seems like you were so busy coming to school." The teacher said.

"Of course." He nodded slightly, his arms crossed. I shifted my gaze back to my notes and curiosity started to increase.


It was time to eat and I took a seat near the window in the cafeteria. The cafeteria got noisier as other students entered. I dreamily looked out of the window while eating my mandarins. I came back to reality as I heard loud whispers and saw Jungkook sitting in front of me. His bored expression always bothered me so mu h since I couldn't figure out what he feels, whether he is in a good mood or not. I just cannot figure it out.

I rolled my eyes, ready to stand up and leave but Jungkook stopped me.


"How's it having V around you most of the time?" He leaned back.

"How's it having Rahee, who sticks to you everyday?" I attacked giving him a blank look and luckily succeeded.

"I'm not here to discuss with you about insignificant things." He answered and I shot him a glare.

"I.." He paused and it took me less than a second to look at him. On the one side I hoped that it wasn't about "us" but on the other side I desired to clarify things because everything right now was just a big mess.

"What did you want to say?" I repeated feeling a litte impatient because he took so long.

"Oh yeah," he cleared his throat,"I-"

"Hey, didn't see you this morning." Taehyung took the seat next to me and slung his arm around me. I looked back at Jungkook and saw his lips turning into a fine line. I like Taehyung but that was probably the worst timing to interfere.

"Are you even listening to me?" Taehyung asked. By that Jungkook stood up and left and the noise of the chair echoed that everbody noticed it. I was baffled and I was left with a confused mind.

"What was he doing here?" Taehyung spoke eating one of my food.

"I'm sorry Taehyung but I gotta go now." I stood up left not letting him say anything.

I was determined to know what Jungkook wanted to talk about and I looked for him searching on every floor at school but he was nowhere to be seen. I started to wonder whether he skipped lessons again but my idea disappeared as I heard a way too familiar voice behind my back.

"Did you look for me?" I turned around and saw Jungkook's usual evil smirk which I probably missed too much. It's been almost 2 months now and my heart still fluttered whenever I see these dark brown eyes and this smile that was now rather artificial.

"I thought you skipped class again." I replied feeling suddenly nervous and my cheeks felt as hot as lava.

"I was skipping enough classes already." He gazed at me and it was silenr again.

"V," his eyes were fully focused on me, "what is he to you?"

"W-what?" My eyes widened. My heart beat faster than expected and his sudden question made me taken aback.

"He's a friend." I replied feeling relieved that I was even able to spit out a word. I could see Jungkook's eyes and eyebrows relaxing as if he was satisfied with my answer.

"Let's go eat ramen after school."

"Ramen?" I raised a brow.

He nodded and gave me a smile that melted my heart. It wasn't his usual fake and evil smirk, I sensed the sincerity and warmth in it.


The last class of the day felt like hours and I yawned and stretched myself as it finally ended. I left the school building and saw to my surprise Jungkook waiting outside the school.

While walking to the convenience store we kept quiet for the longest time as possible and none of us dared to say anything.

"What do you want?" Jungkook asked as we stood in front of the ramen section with a huge variety of flavors. "I still owe you this."

"Actually you owe me an explanation." I could see his puzzled expression but he didn't ask again.

I looked around struggling to choose one of probably 50 different ones. I could eat anything and it was more difficult than expected.

"Hey, I don't have any patience to wait until you finally choose." He added. "Just saying, I have a life."

"I want this one." I replied quickly pointing at the chicken flavored ramen. You can do nothing wrong with chicken. Jungkook chose the same one and as I was about to hand over my money to the customer he slapped my hand and shoved me away.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked and glared at him.

"I told you I owe you this. I'd feel guilty." He answered and paid for the ramen at the same time. I didn't say anything and felt suddenly hot und angry.

As soon as we started to eat ramen I spoke.

"Do you still feel guilty?" I looked at him in the eyes seeing the confusion in it.

"What the hell does that mean now?" Jungkook's voice sounded annoyed again. I let out a short laugh at how stupid he acted.

"Are you serious? I wasn't going to behave like this but you made me like that." My anger increased.

"Hey listen, I-"

"It's been 2 months and you don't remember anything. Are you really that stupid or is it intentional?"

"That's not it. Just stop being so moody."

"I can't because you fucking piss me off!" I shouted.

Jungkook dropped his chopstick and turned to look at me with an furious expression.

"What do you want me to do, huh? Tell me!"

"I want you to get out of my life!"

"Fine. Okay fine, as you wish!" He stood up and left.



AND I'm going to dedicate every chapter to one of you guys starting from this chapter! All you have to do is comment and if your comment makes me laugh, smile or happy i will dedicate the chapter to you. :)


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