《You Make Me Crazy [BangtanBoys/BTS Jungkook]》Chapter 14: You are important


I slowly opened my eyes as I felt something soft on my lips. I couldn't believe it. Is Jungkook really kissing me? His eyes were closed so he didn't noticed that I could actually see everything he was doing right now. Even though I couldn't believe what I saw. I should shove him away, but I wasn't able to. It was as if my body didn't function. What am I feeling right now? I should stop it. But instead, I just stayed still. At this point I realized that I was in love with him.

I was in love with the oh-so-popular Jungkook.

I didn't want it to be real and all that time I was stubborn and didn't want to accept the fact. But I knew this couldn't go on. I was tired of avoiding him since it got harder every time. But instead of happiness, I felt guilty. I've never felt something like this before. No matter how much I try to fight against my feelings, I'm getting more and more attracted to him.

Why did you do this to me?

Why me?

I wanted to ask him so many questions. I was confused and my mind was a mess. Jungkook slowly opened his eyes, not surprised that I noticed everything he just did. We faced each other for a long time. His face saddened.

''I'm sorry.'' He whispered, still looking at me. For what? For kissing me? My mind was about to explode. It seems like as if he was a totally different person which I wasn't used to see. And the worst thing is I felt attracted to him and I didn't even know the reason for that. It sure wasn't his appereance.

''Please be my girlfriend.'' He suddenly spoke and my eyes grew big as I heard him saying those words. I couldn't say anything. My body felt tense and I felt so weak that I wasn't even able to open my mouth.

''I-I can't.'' I replied with a light shivering voice and my heart started to ache even more. A part of me wanted to be with him. Though, we both can't be together. It's like water and fire and they don't fit each other.

"At least while we are in tokyo." He added, hoping I would agree. I seriously didn't know what to do. I was aware if I agree to that, it would cause too much trouble. I wondered why he was so determined about that. I felt like being trapped and it was more than a headache for me since I never thought I would end up with someone like him. Just a few months ago I despised him so much and hoped satan would come and take him to hell. It was almost unbearable to look at his face. But nothing of that remained.


The night felt like years and I still wasn't able to answer his question. There was such an awkward atmosphere because Jungkook and I were alone with no one else. I was hoping Mrs. Yang would come soon and rescue me from this uncomfortable zone. I was such in disbelief and everything didn't seem real. Well, I hoped it was only a dream. Plus, how can someone like Jungkook want me as a girlfriend? There were a bunch of other girls and I just couldn't believe that he liked me. He was always evil and ruined almost everyone's life and this can not be that he want me as a girlfriend. It got already suspicious and as much as I didn't want it to be true - he definitely planned something behind my back. I just felt like this because he acted so kind lately, too kind for my taste to be honest.


''Mrs. Yang.'' I exclaimed as I saw her approaching us. I hoped she clarified everything for me so I didn't have to stay with Jungkook alone. Since what happened just a few hours ago it got so awkward. I felt really guilty because she was doing everything for me and there wasn't anything I could help her. But by Mrs Yang's expression I knew this isn't going to be easy.

"I'm trying my best. But it's going to take a while." She tried to encourage me. "I'm sure we will find a solution soon." She patted my shoulder and soon turned her gaze to Jungkook.

"I bet you are tired as well. It would be better for you to go with the other student."

"I'm fine Mrs-"

"No. We don't want you to waste your precious trip, right YeonSeul?" I nodded heavily and felt a relief in my heart.

"Don't forget what I just said." These were the last words he said before he turned around and left with the teacher. I was alone again without no one disturbing me. But I just couldn't forget the incident between me and Jungkook. Should I give him a try? Should I really agree? I just don't know and heaved a big sigh.

Please be my girlfriend. I couldn't do anything but laughed. I laughed at myself. At this time I regretted the deal, but there was no turning back. A good opportunity to win the deal. However, I felt incredibly miserable. I broke a lot of girl's hearts and I've never felt sorry. Except for one person. Yeon Seul. She made me do things I've never done for a girl before. She was changing me and I obviously wasn't happy about that.

Hah. And the kiss. Such an embarrassment. I was making myself into a fool. I just shook my head in disbelief.


As I arrived the hotel, Jimin approached me.

"Seems like you'll win Yeon Seul's heart sooner than I thought." He smiled and put his hand around my shoulder in joy.

"Shut up." I glared at him as a sign that he should remove his arm from my shoulders.

"Tch. Fine."

I was obviously not in a good mood today and Jimin noticed that. However, this didn't mean that he cannot try to brighten me up. It sometimes work, more or less. But definitely not today. Jimin belongs to the fucking annoying, always laughing like a dumb-- i mean to the "drunk" ones and his happy mood never ends. I didn't even remember how we got that close. Well, I don't care.

"By the way, that V dude wants to talk to you." I almost forgot that he also existed. "You should come to his room. It's 2 rooms away from ours. Left." Jimin added. What did he want from me?

"Well, thanks for letting me know." I said and was ready to leave. I went to Taehyung's room, kind of curious what he wanted to talk about.

"You're here." He didn't bother to turn around.

"What do you want?" Taehyung stood up and approached me.

"Don't you dare to hurt Yeon Seul." He warned.

"And what if I will hurt her?" I asked curiously since I wanted to know what he might do.

"I'm sure you don't want this as well." I looked at him confused. I didn't know what he means. "If you hurt her, you will be the one to suffer as well." He replied and still wore that serious look on his face.


"Who do you think I am? I don't think you know me good enough." I scoffed.

"I do." He answered back without even thinking about it. I rolled my eyes. So he was calling me just because of this kind of stupid thing? "I know about the deal. Don't worry I won't tell her anything."

"As if I would worry about that." I smirked.

"You do like her, right?"

"I'm not obligated to answer this." I replied since it wasn't completely false what he said. However, I regretted saying this because it was way too obvious.

"Just look how much you've changed since she came to our school."

"Fine Fine! I like her, okay?" I shouted, not being able to surpress my anger. "But that doesn't mean I can't hurt her." I stated. And that was indeed true.

"Then I will protect her. I won't let her get hurt by someone like you. She's important to me." So is she not important for me? Anger started to build up even more and my hand turned into a fist. I had the urge to punch him right in the face. I was about to punch his face, but someone interrupted us. It was another student, who shared the room with Taehyung. He was at a loss of words. His body tensed up as he saw me ready to punch Taehyung's damn face.

"You're lucky." I said, still looking at him furiously and let go of his collar.

She just came into my life and nothing seemed to work since then. I was sick of it. Sick of everything.


"Hey Jungkook." A teacher called my name. "You're late. We're going to start our trip now." Even my trip in tokyo was ruined. Well, I've never expected this to be good. Since 2 classes were going together, it was noisier than it already would be with just one class. And it was just annoying. As the teachers gave us a little free time, I just sat on a bank. I was never this kind of type who likes sightseeing. Things like this were tiring. I closed my eyes for a while and heaved a big sigh.

"It feels so good to have not Yeon Seul around us."

"Awesome idea to hide her passport. Jin you're amazing." Obviously Ra Hee's voice.

"Where is it right now?"

"In my bag."

"I personally would already throw it away." I slowly opened my eyes as I eavesdropped - no that wasn't eavesdropping. Without thinking about it I stood up and immediately punched Jin on his face, hard.

"How dare you, huh? Bastard." And again, I punched him a bunch of times on the face and let out my anger. Though, I didn't really know what I was doing right now either. How dare you to make her suffer so much? To be honest, I wasn't better at all. But I alone - am enough trouble for her. Instead of begging to forgive him, he showed me his evil smirk which caused him a few punches more. This disgusting smirk.

"S-stop that!"

"S-stop Jungkook!" Ra Hee shouted. I could see her fear on her face. I couldn't stand RaHee's voice anymore. She was getting on my nerves. I approached her and grabbed her wrist - hard enough that she winced.

"Tell me."

"O-oppa, what are you doing!"

"Where is YeonSeul's passport." I asked her, this time more clear and slow. I stared at her, which made her nervous and scared at the same time.

"Let her go! You're hurting RaHee unnie!" One of her girls said. As if I would care.

I tightened my grip until she gave up.

"Okay, okay! It's in my handbag." I immediately let go of her wrist and searched for the passport in RaHee's handbag. And it indeed was in it. I kond of felt relieved and was about to go to YeonSeul. However, another teacher, Mr Kim stopped me. He is known for his rough words.

"What happened?" He looked around and saw Jin almost knocked out on the ground. "Who was it?"

"That bastard there." Jin pointed at me.

"You come with me." He odered. "You all and get up Jin."

"But I have to go-"

"No excuses." He interrupted and looked at me with furious eyes. I didn't want YeonSeul to spend her trip on the airport any longer. As much as I didn't want to do it, there was only one person I could confide her passport without any worries. Well, without any worries that he will hurt her. But still, doing that by myself would be better. I felt uneasy but that was for YeonSeul. I had to do it.

"Taehyung." I exclaimed.

"Give YeonSeul this." I said, handing him the passport.

"Aren't you coming? Do you have to get your ass spanked?" Mr Kim shouted and his face turned a little red.


I didn't imagine the trip to be like this and the incident with Jungkook didn't make it better at all. It just caused me more troubles and I was thinking all the time what to do if I see him. He makes me crazy. Beside that, my stomach rumbled for almost 2 hours. As I was about to buy something to eat I saw someone running in my direction.

"Taehyung." I exclaimed, waving at him happily. He was out of breath but still had the energy to smile at me.

"You owe me something."

"What do you mean?" I looked at him baffled. At this time he showed my the passport he was holding.

"Is this really mine?" I asked, excited. As he nodded I jumped in joy and hugged him tightly.

"I talked to Mrs Yang already. She told me to bring you to our hotel."

"Thank you, Taehyung. Thank you." I smiled. "I'll treat you next time." My stomach suddenly started to rumble again. I could see Taehyung's face turn red from trying not to laugh and I punched him lightly with my elbow.

"Wait here okay." Taehyung suddenly said, a little too sudden for me.

He returned with 2 cups of ramen.

"Seems like you're very hungry." He commented as he watched me swallowing the ramen.

"I am." I smiled and he laughed, ruffling my hair.

I suddenly saw Jungkook from far.

Please be my girlfriend.

He was already about to leave. I choked.

"Are you alright?"

"Y-yes. Hey, I need to go somewhere." I stood up and left in an instant. I was running as fast as I could, until Jungkook's back was visible.

"Jungkook!" I shouted, still out of breath.


Yay, more of Jungkook's p.o.v haha xDD. Sorry for any mistakes, I wrote this on my phone & I'm too lazy to re-read this lol. Anyways, hoped you guys enjoyed it :)

- strabkiss

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