《You Make Me Crazy [BangtanBoys/BTS Jungkook]》Chapter 3: I hate him


New day, new luck.

Well I didn't expect much. My school life is going to be like in my former school. I even got already a new hater in my class on my first day.

New record.

My place belongs to the ones who are getting bullied by everyone. Of course I didn't want to go to school. But I was just doing my duty. Going to school, learning and later graduating from there. The daily life of a student.

I went downstairs as I heard Dad singing in the living room. He was cleaning the house early in the morning. He seemed very motivated today.

''Good morning YeonSeul.'' He beamed. It was a bit awkward to see him so happy. I didn't see him smiling so much. But I was happy to see him like that. Since our move to Seoul, he kind of changed. I think it was new start for both of us.

''Did anything good happen?''

''Yes. I met someone. He was my best friend when I was in the high school. Unfortunately he moved and we lost contact since then. He is going to visit us today.''

''That's nice dad. I'm happy you found your old best friend.''

''I already prepared food for you. Don't forget to pack it in your school bag. I don't want you to starve.'' He laughed a little. Dad's food is always amazing. Cooking is one of his hobbies.

''Thank You. Okay time to go to school.'' I took my backpack.

''Alright sweetie. Have fun.''

''I will.'' I tried to be convincing even though I possibly failed.

As I entered the bus, I saw that guy again.


He sat in the back, sleeping. Does he always take this bus to school? If yes, then this means .... I'm going to see him every morning.

''Noooooo.... I don't want to.'' I mumbled to myself. I didn't want to do anything with this arrogant boy. And being in the same class was enough of a torture for me.


As I was about to get off the bus, I noticed something.

Jungkook was still sleeping. It was the station where we both have to get off. I looked at him, thinking whether I should wake him up or not.

I grinned evilly as I decided to wake him up and just went to school as if nothing happened. Not that it was evil, because I didn't even know him and I wasn't obliged to do this. As I entered the classroom, I saw all the furious gazes and silence was noticeable for a short moment. I just went to my seat, taking my headphones and tried to ignore everyone. I didn't care. As the lesson was about to begin, Jungkook entered the classroom just in time.

'He was lucky' I thought as I looked at him, a bit disappointed that he actually made it in time. I listened to the teacher and tried to focus on what she was saying.

The teacher wrote something on the board and he turned around and glanced at me. I looked at him.

Suddenly he trew a crumpled paper....

... in my face.

I gave him an angry gaze.

''What the heck was that for?!'' I was about to explode and I tried to be as quiet as possible. He pointed at the paper.

Did you think I was stupid? You don't know me, I can do anything to you that might hurt you. Being the slut's mother is really something else. That's why you are so different compared to other girls.

Watch out.

How could he dare to include my mother? I couldn't stand it anymore. I left the classroom without saying anything. The teacher turned around and saw me leaving the classroom. Everyone was curious why I'm doing that.

It seems like the teacher won't follow me.

''I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.'' I was telling myself. I was incredibly furious and if I wasn't at school and teachers weren't not around, I would beat him up as hard as I could. I was actually quite used to the bullying however, I was quite sensitive when someone mentions my mother.


Wow. That was easier than I thought. I was surprised at how easy I could make her furious when she actually did come off as a quite tough person. She got everyone's attention as she suddenly left and my eyes followed her while a smirk suddenly formed on my lips. I've already told her that I was going to ruin her life. That was just the revenge of the situation in the bus. I hated girls like her. Not that it really bothered me earlier but I sensed that she wanted to provoke me, therefore it serves her right.

''What happened!'' Mrs. Park looked at the class.

''Mrs. Park, YeonSeul just left the lesson.''

''I bet she is pregnant and is in the toilet now.''

''Maybe she wants to commit suicide.''

''Let her die. She doesn't need to live.''

The whole class was starting to wonder why she left.

''Be quiet!'' Mrs. Park shouted. Everyone immediatly stopped talking. She can be really scary.

''Jungkook. Go find YeonSeul.''

''I don't care about her.'' I mumbled while rolling my eyes and crossed my arms.

''What did you say?''

''Nothing.'' I stood up sighing, and left the classroom. I didn't want to find her and I wasn't going to. So I decided not to look for her and just walk around the school. The class was boring anyway.

''15 minutes passed. I think it's enough.'' I looked at my watch and went back to the classroom.

''Did you find her?''

''No. I'm sorry.'' I answered shortly and headed to my seat.

''Let's just continue the lesson.'' Mrs. Park sighed loudly.


The class finally ended. I didn't even understand what she was talking about in almost all of her classes. That was probably because I always fall asleep but who cares about school, right? At least I don't. Apparently, Yeon Seul won't come. This was good since her presence was not welcome.

I saw girls coming towards me and silently sighed. Being popular has its benefits but I just couldn't hear these high pitched screams.

''Sorry ladies, I gotta go now.'' I faked a smile. Actually I was quite bugged, because I have to experience it everyday. As I said, being popular isn't easy at all. Especially when girls admire you. They can be crazy.

''Next time okay?'' I waved at them and left. I needed to rest.

''Alright Yeon Seul. Come back to reality. You are strong. You knew this is going happen sooner or later.'' I told to myself and looked at my phone.

''1st class is over.'' I was thinking whether to go to the next lesson or not.

''Next subject is ..... math.'' I didn't really like math, but I had to go. Otherwise the teacher will call my Dad and didn't want him to be worried and the lie would be meaningless.

As I was on my way to the next class, I saw Jungkook in the corridor going in my direction. I rolled my eyes. I will have no peace here. I tried to ignore him.

As we passed each other, he tried to bump into me. I consciously avoided him while I looked in my direction.

''I am not dumb.'' I continued walking. I didn't turn around to see him. But I bet he was really dumbfounded. One more reason why I hate him. So stupid. I tried not to laugh and had to control myself. When I was out of his sight, I couldn't stand it anymore.

I burst into laughter which was so loud, that people already looked at me awkwardly. I stopped. He was just so stupid. It was kind of embarrassing. But I still grinned. Suddenly I bumped into someone's chest and I fell.


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