《jungkook ff Forgive Me Please》warning ⚠



I was laying on my bed when I hear a notification from my phone there was a message from unknown number..

???:hey bicth


Me:who the hell are you?

???:hahaha,you don't have to know me..

Me:hey,better watch your text, and second don't ever calling me BITCH..

???:hahaha I can do whatever I want..

Me:you,heartless BITCH..

???:wth?I'm not heartless for sure..I still have heart

Me:heart my ass just leave me the hell A.L.O.N.E


Me:what freaking you want?

???:I want you to stay away from my kookie..

Me:k-kookie you mean freaking Jeon jungkook?

???:watch your text bicth don't ever call my kookie like that..

Me:my kookie my ass,just for your INFORMATION..I never chase your JUNGKOOK..he was the one that chase me so..I WANT YOU TO STOP TEXTING ME!

Seriously what's was she's looking at jungkook he just a playboy that playing girl heart..

[??? P.o.v]

just look kookie you will be MINE ONLY MINE hahhaha..

{y/n pov}

Lisa:y/n-shii the food is ready come on let's eat

Me:I'm coming..

[magical time skip]

{at night~}

Ahh..what a tiring day

..i can't sleep I was still wondering how come she's got my number..ahh just forget about it let's just sleep~

[tomorrow morning]

Ahh..Lisa unnie wake up!!(shaking Lisa body)

Lisa:5 more minutes maknae~

Me:no 5 MINUTES manager-nim say we should go to yg building NOW!


Me: I don't know manager-nim say he wants to talk about something..come on

[skip at yg building]

Manager-nim:welcome girl's~so the reason why we here because we want to talk about y/n and Jimin collaboration..so this is the lyrics y/n please remember it..because Thursday we will record it..



[skip to Thursday]

Manager-nim:ok fighting y/n!

Blackpink except me:fighting!

Me:thank you all I will do my best~

*image that punch is you and Chen is Jimin*

All:awww,you're so good~


Rose:awww,I ship you two (Y/n and Jimin ship name)

Lisa:you guys voice is maching~

Jennie:(y/n and Jimin ship name)aw, y/n and Jimin forever

[meanwhile someone watching them from afar]

???:maybe you guys can laugh now bu t just look something will happen y/n hahaha (laughing evilly)












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