《jungkook ff Forgive Me Please》JUN?..


Jun p.o.v

I was standing outside in Blackpink dorm. I missed y/n-shi so much.. I was her bestfriend but I love her more then a friend..if really like her from long time ago...but I really shy and don't want my friendship broke..so I didn't confess to her...and I hear that y/n and jungkook was broke up because jungkook cheating on y/n that bastard..and that's make me happy for sure to hear that y/n and jungkook break up..but after that I hear a rumors that saying y/n and taehyung or v from bts is dating and ofcurse it's break my heart into millions pieces..and not just that there Was a fans saying that say she see taehyung and y/n cuddle..holding hands..and worse.......................

































I was so deep in thousands that I wasn't realizing that y/n is besides me until she wave her hands in my face..

Y/n:hello Jun oppa~

O my god this void I miss this voice so much

Y/n:(hugged me tight)Jun oppa I miss u~

Me:(blushing)i-i miss you too~y/n-shi..

Y/n:c'mon let's go inside..(shouting)guys someone is here...

Then Lisa came..

Lisa:who is it,who is it?is it baekhyun oppa?(notice me)oh my god Jun oppa (hugged me tight)I miss you so much~

Me:i-i miss you to Lisa-shi...

???:guys who is it?

Y/n:it's Jun oppa~jennie unnie..


[me & jennie hug eachother really tight..officaly jennie is like a sister to me..]

Then another voice came..

???:guys..whoever is it why are you guys so noisy?

Y/n:(chuckle)sorry Rose unnie for distrub your beauty slepp~btw Jun oppa is here..

Rose:omo Jun oppa~

(we two hugged eachother)


~skip at night~

Y/n:Um,guys I think it's pretty late now how about Jun oppa go back now?

Lisa:yah..but ok

[then me including y/n and Blackpink member]

Me:bye guys























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