《Inazuma Eleven x Reader (closed)》Fubuki Shirou x reader(Go):The moment we met
Fubuki Shirou a.k.a Shawn Frost
(dedicated to
Manabe:he's up again!
Minaho:YES!now we're all fair!
Orison:on the story because I still need to watch Log Horizon and I wanted to see Soujiro-kun!and SHŌRYU-CHAN!!
Manabe:don't tell she's addicted to that anime -_-" AND SOUJIRO SETA!!??AND SHŌRYU!!??
Minaho:maybe...oh yeah she like Soujiro Seta...who wouldn't have a crush on him?hmm..and Shōryu??hmm maybe just the cuteness
Fubuki:*anime fall* this world is doomed because of them....
Orison:SOUJIRO SETA SHŌRYU!!!!!!!!!!
(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/C)-eye color
"aahhh...another day for work" you said and stretch out before going downstairs and preparing for work
-Time skip-(TIME SKIP ALREADY!?!?!?!?)
"(f/n)-senpai!!" Ameki said and tug on your leg "senpai!" Haru said and jumped in joy seeing you...wanna know where you are?in an orphanage dude what else?and you're a teacher in the orphanage
"yah (f/n)-chan" Hanako said and you waved at her "aahh~time to be in class" you said and went to your class's room and they greeted you...guess what?you're the most nicest teacher there and every single children likes you and you always make them feel happy like they were your real children (accept it please I dream about owning an orphanage so don't judge it)
"you always do your work well (F/n)-chan...good work!" Hanako said and you smiled sweetly at her "arigatou...Hanako-chan" you said and started class and just like the same...it's always cheery and active...
-Tins skip-(-_-")
"nee...how do you think Yukimura-chan and the other children that we've been taken care last last last or blah blah year is now?" Arasu said and you and Hanako laughed at her shorten sentence "I think Shirosaki-chan will be alright" Hanako said and you sweatdrop "yeah...alright with his attitude" you said sarcastically (please no offense to those who like him)
"yeah I think of that too...how about Yukimura-chan!?he's one of your student right (F/n)-chan?" Arasu said and you smiled...hearing his name makes you cheer up "hmm...he'll be fine...after all he's the kind of kid who would do everything and try to mess up some things" you said and they laugh
"nee...how do you think is that guy we saw with the white hair and grey eyes doin'~(F/n)-chan~" Arasu said and you blushed "h-how can I know if I don't even know him...not even his name" you said and you look away "aww c'mon (F/n)-chan!! you're a grown up now and you can be married now but why won't you let any boys in your life!?" Hanako said and you sighed
"girls...seriously...it's not about the looks...it's about the attitude,acts,and how the person care about the others" you said in a n expert way and they sweatdrop
"yeah yeah right teacher" Arasu said and you smiled "well...let's go home then!" you said and they nodded before the three of you parted ways
"hmmmm...I wonder what his name is" you said thinking of the same guy
-Flashback 10 years ago-(you're probably 13-14 years old and Fubuki is 14-15 years old)
"H-Hanako!" you called and run after her
"come on (F/n)-chan!you need to let a man in your life sometimes!" she said and you glare at her "I told you this is not the right age for me to have a boyfrie-" you said but got cut off when a ball hit you (IN THE FACE MEN!!) and you fell down the ground with a loud 'thud'
"HOLY MOLY!!(F/n)-chan are you alright!?" Hanako said and help you up while a white haired-guy run up to you "I-I'm really so sorry for hitting the ball!!" he said and bowed at you before Hanako elbowed you with a smirk and you glare at her
"a-are you alright!?" he asked again now looking worried before you felt heat rising to your cheeks... 'h-he's so...c-cute' you thought
"yeah right you just hit her by a soccer ball in the head and you will ask her if she's alright...great(sarcasm) good job" a guy with a mohawk hair said and the grey haired guy look down
"n-no it's fine really it's fine d-don't worry" you said waving a hand at him and smiling in an awkward way and he sighed before smiling 'kyah~!so cute!' you thought before smiling back "thank goodness...really sorry for hitting the ball" he said and you smiled "don't worry about it" you said
"OI!!YOU TWO GET BACK HERE!!" a guy with googles said and the two of them went back "jaa,see you sometimes!" grey haired said and you waved at him before he left and got elbowed by Hanako
"w-what!?" you asked and she smirk while you blushed "heeee~he's cute admit it" she said and you hmph'ed and look away while she snicker "s-stop it seriously...tsk let's go" you said and dragged her ignoring the snicker you are hearing
-Flashback Ends-
"I wish I can see him aga-" you said and got cut off by a cheerful voice that you've missed "(F/N)-SENSEI!!!" Yukimura shouted and run to you
"Yukimura-chan!hisashiburi(long time no see)!!" you said and he smiled "kyaaaahhhh~why are you so cute!!??" you screamed and he sweatdrop
"please...don't tell me...you still call me cute" he said and facepalmed "of course you are!!" you said and he sighed "well... tomorrow I won't be the only one you will call cute!of course you will always call me and him cute duh!no one can resist our cuteness!!" he said with a smirk "eh?where did you learn that attitude!?" you asked in shock and he smirk
"I learn it by myself and tomorrow I will introduce you to someone!and there's noway you won't like him!" he said and shines on top of the mountain waving the flag of hope with sparkling eyes and sparkling background with some flowers and snow and you sweatdrop 'typical Yukimura-chan...still the same boy I kno-WAIT!!!did he just said...' you thought and shook your head
"e-eh!?won't like him!?who him!?" you said and he nodded enthusiastic "yep!and he's cool and awesome!plus for you cute!!" he said and you sighed "why do you have to do this?" you asked and he grinned "because you look poor without a boyfriend!" he said and you glare at him
"excuse your sentence Yukimura-chan!I can live alone!and I don't need a boyfriend!" you said and he smirk "oh really?" he said and you smack his head with the hand bag and he covered his head "h-hey!!w-what's that for!?that hurts!" he said and you glare at him sending shivers down his spine
"shut up Yukimura-chan I'm going home" you said "sure sure I'll meet you in the orphanage tomorrow!with that guy I'm talking about!" he said and run away while you sighed "you're still the child I know for years...but I like it" you said and went home with a smile
-Next Day brought to you by Soujiro Seta-
Minaho:she's disaster itself -_-"
Manabe:I thought of that too...and Soujiro...{I'll kill him sometimes}
"yah (F/n)-chan!" Hanako said and you waved at her and you felt someone hugged your legs (I don't like how it sounds *shivers*)
"ohayou!!sensei!!" Ameki said and you shuffled her head and greet everyone in the orphanage and went to class
-Time skip brought to you by Shōryu-
Orison:HO MIH GWAHD!!!!!!
Manabe:-_-" seriously...{I'll kill him too}
Minaho:{I think I know what Manabe-kun is thinking} disaster -_-"
"bye guys!" you said and walk out of the orphanage and started to walk around waiting for Yukimura and sat down on a bench near a vendor
"hmmm I wonder who this guy is" you said "(F/N)-SENSEI!!!" Yukimura shouted running to you and in some ways you can see he's dragging someone from behind "ah finally I was becoming impatient" you said in a joking tone "hmm at least you waited!" he said and you nodded
"Y-Yukimura...k-kun....why...do...you...n-need to....r-run?....I...I wasn't..ready for that" the guy behind said panting and holing his knees ...you can see he has white spiky hair and a coat "I told you senpai!I told you to get ready for this day!" Yukimura said and you heard the guy 'senpai' murmured something which you didn't understand
"ah right!in the point!(F/n)-sensei meet Fubuki-senpai!" Yukimura said and you smiled at the guy who was panting and now was smiling at you...now you can see his face and you also noticed he has grey eyes...then you went silent...so those he...
(Soujiro&Shōryu:-_-" the silence)
"YOU!!??" the both of you shouted at the same time and Yukimura covered his ears to avoid censoring
"y-you're the g-guy who hit the soccer ball to my face!!" you shouted and back off and so did he "y-you're the girl that I hit in the head by a soccer ball!" he said and Yukimura blinked so many times that he can't count it
"eh????the two of you know each other?" he said and you calm down and so did he "a-eh n-no I just met him by incident" you said and he nodded "uh yeah...you still remember huh...that was 10 years ago" he said and his index finger scratch his cheeks in a weird way making you squeal on the inside 'kyahhh!!he's still cute!!and how can I forgot him!!' you thought
"w-well yeah...h-hisashiburi....even if we don't really know each other" you said and look away blushing and Yukimura smirked "well then!well the two of you know each other now!and I'm going to leave the both of you now!" he said and run "Y-Yukimura-kun..." Fubuki said and sighed "there he goes again" he said and you giggle making him confused
"typical Yukimura-chan...he's always like that" you said and smiled "nee...you known him for how long?" he asked and you started thinking "hmmm...I'm sure it was...only 6 six years ago" you said and he nodded
"well...he left us...wanna go for a walk?" Fubuki said and you blushed "s-sure" you said and the two of you started walking around with a comfortable conversation knowing each other well and in some ways you feel like you've known him for years and the fluttering feeling inside of you just won't stop and you keep skipping a beat whenever he laugh or giggle
-Time skip brought to you by Shōryu and Soujiro-
Shōryu:tell me....laugh and giggle are the same thing right?
Orison:tell me...do they have the same brain as Fubuki?-_-"
Shōryu&Soujiro:we have different brains Orison-kun....
Orison:ooh....I see -_-
"well,see you sometimes (l/n)-kun" Fubuki said and you smiled at him "please Fubuki-kun...just call me (f/n)" you said and he smiled making you blush (Soujiro:of course he always smile...he's the type of guy who always smile...Shōryu: agree!)
"then just call me Shirou" he said and you blushed (Soujiro&Shōryu:again -_-") "s-sure...Shirou-kun...well see you then" you said and he waved at you "see you at the orphanage tomorrow!(F/n)-kun!" you said and he nodded before leaving "okie!!oh my goodness!!kyaaahhh~" you said and giggle "I think I like him now...more than like...he looks nice and he's so kind and warm-hearted...kyah!...I think having someone in my life won't hurt to try" you said (Soujiro&Shōryu:so having someone to cheat on you won't hurt huh...the reader is quite brave)(please what they said doesn't mean he will cheat on you!)
-Next day-
"WHAT!?AWW HOW SWEET!!" Hanako shouted and Arasu covered her ears and look at your seriously "really!?how lucky you are yo meet him again!" she said and Haru and Ameki hugged your legs "sensei will have a boyfriend!" they said and you blushed "ahahaha don't go into that kind of conclusions!" you said and smiled nervously
-Time skip brought to you by boyfriend-
Orison:I'd rather die -_-"
Shōryu:O_O seriously!?die!?
Soujiro:hmm...you might need time to get ready to die
Orison:I dun care I'd choose die!{but that will only happens when everything is alright}
Manabe:please...Soujiro and Shōryu excuse her attitude
Minaho:yeah...she's always like that when it comes to things like those...and you're newbies here so I warn you,..this place you are in...is hell itself-her room...and we're about to get torture
Soujiro&Shōryu:oohh....weird Orison-chan
"aah finally!" you said as you went out of the orphanage and look around and got greeted by the white haired guy with grey eyes "ah (F/n)-kun!" he said and walk to him "yah Shirou-kun" you said and he smiled making you blush
"let's go?" he said and you nodded before the two of you started walking and start a conversation again and ended up in a comfortable silence and Fubuki lead you to a place where only God knows (people...I dun know the place at Hokkaido)
"nee....I wanted to ask you something" Fubuki said a bit nervous (Orison:Soujiro and Shōryu...things are about to get serious!don't take your eyes off of the scenes!...Soujiro&Shōryu:hai!*looks seriously*...Manabe&Minaho:-_-" they're really serious)
"yes Shirou-kun?" you said and he look at you with a blush "uumm...about the moment when I met you 10 years ag" he said and you nodded "I...did that on purpose" he said which shock you "e-eh!!" you said
"I did that on purpose...to get your attention..and...to meet you" he said with a slight blush and your eyes widen of what he said "just to meet me?" you asked and he nodded looking at you "t-to know you...to be able to talk to you" he said and you blushed more and it as a dream of what he did next (Soujiro&Shōryu:dream??)
he lifted your chin and kissed you with great passionately and love (Soujiro&Shōryu:O_O....what the....)...he broke the kiss and stare in your (e/c) eyes and you blushed furiously and stare back at his grey eyes and he smiled
"S-Shirou-kun...." you said and he giggled "I love you (F/n)-kun!" he said and you smiled with tears of joy before hugging him and he hugged back before pulling away "I-....I love you too Shirou-kun!" you said and he giggled
"the moment we met...I already love you" he said and kissed you again...he licked your bottom lip and you opened your mouth and he slid his tongue in and swirl around every inch (Soujiro&Shōryu:*shivers*) and he broke the kiss and hugged you and you hugged back
"I love you (F/n)-kun" he said and look up the sky smiling and you snuggle in his chest "I love you too Shirou-kun" you said and smiled
~Extended Ending~
"finally!she got a boyfriend!" Hanako said and Yukimura shines on top of the Eiffel Tower with a flag of victory while smiling like an idiot (Soujiro&Shōryu:ouch!) with glitters and sparkle background and flowers and his eyes are sparkling like the stars making Shirosaki sweatdrop while Asaru take pictures
"yes!finally!she won't be poor anymore!" Yukimura said and Shirosaki sighed "don't call her poor" he said and Ha ako patted his head
"let him say what he wants!" she said and Shirosaki facepalmed
Orison:and that!my newbie gentlemen is how to work in my company!
Soujiro&Shōryu:O_O...Minaho-kun is right...this is torture
Minaho:told ya
Orison:don't worry the two of you will experience that too!
Manabe&Minaho:good luck!
Soujiro:n-no thanks I'm fine fooling around the place
Shōryu:y-yeah...I can live my life without that *tries to get out*
Orison:sorry wolf fang...you won't get away *grabs Shōryu*
Shōryu:-_-" this is the end of me
Soujiro:*tries to sneak out*
Orison:samurai man you're not going anyway *grabs Soujiro*
Soujiro&Shōryu:the end.....
Orison:until next time creepers!bye!
All(except Soujiro&Shōryu):ALLEZ!!
Soujiro&Shōryu:what's ALLEZ????
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