《Various Females X Male Reader (Open Request)》Creati Game Mode Season 2 Before the Festival
Momo Yaoyorozu x Gamer! Male Reader Part 2
Peace Sign -Kendo Yonezu. Let's put you in that opening. Your segment was you are pulling out your eagles and holsterng back in.
3rd POV
The USJ incident has been in the news. The faculty are now amping up security and needs to know the reason behind the attack.
Class 1A was given a break after the attack. One student in particular., was cleaning his pistols having earbuds on
Y/N: "Why doesn't he enjoy killing but it's rightoues and like any chore?" He said as there was a knock on his door. His mother, M/N, answered the door seeing a refined teen the same age range as Y/N.
M/N: "Hello can I help you?" Asked M/N
???: "Yes I came to visit Y/N, is he home?" Without hesitation she was welcomed and saw Y/N fiddling the . 45s
She then sat beside him and hugged his arm. Y/N snapped back to reality and saw it was non other than his new soulmate Momo.
Y/N: "Momo what are you doing here? " Asking as he removes his music
Momo: "You see after that incident I became worried as you were took in the infirmary. You may have shot yourself with that adrenaline, but seeing you sustain more I worry that you might die. I realized that my love is there but still we need to train more to become stronger pro heroes. "
Y/N: "No need to worry dear I am here to be by your side. Besides Denki's electric discharge woke Nikto's full potential." He hugged back.
When they loosen up they have been entirely close to each other the whole time he works. To Momo, she copied what ever he was doing.
The motion goes: Grabbing a pistol and half cocking the slide. Removing the magazine. Inspecting both ejecting hole and looking down the barrel. Returning the magazine and cocking the slide back.
Y/N: "If you think the weapon is defective tell me and I will find a way to repair it" She nodded and kept following his move.
Once all the pistols are done inspecting Y/N looked at her and smile. The same smile that accepted her feelings after the incident.
Momo: "You know you smiling made me realize one thing"
Y/N: "What is it then? "
Momo: "Protecting it so I can see you always happy" The two of em hugged again. This hug was different. To him is was to protect her as well. To her is that care must be taken care of.
As they released his mother then spoke up
M/N: 'Hey are you two hungry? I made porridge" She said as Momo's stomach grumbles
Y/N: "Well my dear creative girl. Shall we?" He stood up and held her hand standing as well.
Eating with someone is fun. To her surprise M/N just knew his son already have a girlfriend. The two had been dating for a few days now and they are happy.
Timeskip The Next Day
The more the two grow into the relationship, the more Momo become a worrywart.
She had invited Y/N to a Dojo and it took 5 minutes for him to come. This in turn hugged him tighter and went in.
Y/N: "You oughta loosen up Momo I am ok and it's hard to find this Dojo ok" He said looking for a good weapon as she created her bo staff.
Momo: "I should stop you from doing that stunt with Kaminari again, is Dark Side really that strenuous?" He saw him with his Kali sticks on the other side of the mat.
He just nodded and placed his phone standing on the side of the mat. Showing life bars.
They took their stances Momo counted down signalling to attack each other. He ran and slid, swiping his weapons from left to right. Momo then blocked his attack half way with her own.
In response she attacked with a overhead strike and he formed an X with the sticks blocking in the process. With the use of the other stick outside the X, he thrust it on to her stomach. It deducted a smol portion of life on Momo's part.
Momo: "Nice job but I can do better" She then swiped the other stick and did another overhead.
Y/N: "Wrong move dear" He then did another thrust on the side
Momo: "ugh why did I forgot that" She walked back and did another stance.
Y/N stood up and rushed on her. He swung both of his sticks and with force her staff slipped, flew, and made a hole on the Dojo's wall. He went behind her and locked her in his embrace.
Momo: "You are definitely strong hun" He smirked and sat down with her on the mat.
Y/N: "I got my inspiration to be strong right here" He then cuddled with her. Luckily no one booked the Dojo that day. A few minutes passed and rested.
Momo: "Thanks dear... " They then stood up and got a change of clothes. Y/N talked about getting lunch with her so they went out.
Momo: "Hey Y/N? I know it may sound strange but can you teach me how to shoot? " She asked. He nodded see as she had taught him melee basics.
Y/N: "We can make do Momo. I had a schedule on clearing near the beach. " He responded as they got to a nice quaint restaurant.
Lunch was again, a nice thing. Like the couple they are, being lovey dovey in public was the norm. Feeding each other, holding hands, the whole 9 yards.
The billing came and Y/N got his wallet out. Momo insists on paying but as a man, he paid their meal in full.
Y/N: "Don't worry about it dear I can pay for it. Save yours first"
Momo: "Awe but I insist, but ok I trust you" They got out of the restaurant and headed to the Tacoba Municipal Beach Park to relax. In awe and confusion Momo asked.
Momo: "Isn't this na junkyard before?" They walked to the floating gazebo.
Y\N: "Heard some kid cleaned this place up or maybe that one All Might sighting." They say down on the edge feeling the water. He had held her close and they listened to the waves. Momo leaning more onto him
A few more minutes had pass Momo feel energized. They got up and went on the end of the beach. The clearing still had a couple of broken appliances littered. Stood in front of them was a refrigerator. Or what's left of it. From his pack was a red spray paint. He then sprayed a target for them to shoot on. He then came back beside her and a pulled out a real pistol. The both of them sat down and he began explaining.
Y/N: "I need to explain gun safety before I hand you your first pistol. First, treat it like it's loaded, loaded or not. Second point the gun at a safe direction. Third. If you have a target you must make sure of you are shooting. Lastly, if you are not ready to fire don't put your trigger finger on it yet." He said as Momo quickly adapted on the four rules. She nodded and handed her the firearm and a pair of earplugs.
Y/N: "Here is your basic 9mm." He point and explained each part of the gun. Momo nodded and stood up, wearing the earplugs. She then took aim on the target and clicked. To her surprise it didn't fired.
Momo: "Um? I check that the gun is loaded why is that? "
Y/N: "Safety is on for a reason Momo" He said pointing at the safety switch. She then flipped it and began firing. The first shot went up and it hit 2nd ring upper center.
Second time taking aim, this time lowered. The recoil hit her and adapted quickly. She took the Bullseye. A smile formed on the male's face and kept watching her take bullseyes. After all 13 rounds. Her accuracy was a 70% because of 9 hitting the target bullseye
Momo: "I win" She then hugged him but stopped at a few second.
Y/N:"Momo safety" She giggled and clicked the safety on the pistol. Not knowing where she'd put the gun she placed it on the ground and then wnt back on huggin Y/N.
The day was eventful but it comes to an end. Y/N took her to her home. Chatting and eating the snacks they have bought. They where at the gates of her home as they stopped walking
Momo: "Well this is my place I'll see you around Y/N"
Y/N: "Likewise my dear. If you ever feel the need just message me and I'll be replying" He hugged her and went on their way with Momo hearing in her home and him getting to his
That evening the two are in fact texting each other. The relationship kept blooming.
Timeskip. Class 1A
1A is back in class. Word of mouth that is that they are famous due to USJ incident. They are now waiting for homeroom to start.
Toru: "Oh I bet they saw me on TV"
Ojiro: "it's not hard to find if you are just glove you know."
Y/N: "Well seen or not seen C1A had made into the Annals of UA history ladies and gents. And you know what they say, History is written by the victors. " In unison everyone agreed with Y/N as he drank his canned coffee.
Momo: "Wise words coming from you hun" She looked at him and smiled back
Shoto: "Are you certain of it?" he skeptically asked the student behind him.
Y/N: "Look Shoto we be Hero Course Class 1A. Quirk loaded masters of battles. If you don't show our metal, then we are not who we seem to be." He threw his can from the to trash can up front as they again nodded in agreement
Bakugo: "I like the sound of that makes me wanna blow your face" He evilly smirked at Y/N
Y/N: "Oh it's on C4" He said pulling out a pistol. But momentarily stopped by his girlfriend and Shoto. On the other hand by Sero and Izuku.
Tenya Iida came in shouting, telling everyone to sit down. The 6 reluctantly did and Bakugo is still seething. They students are now seated.
They kept waiting till the door opened. It was Mr Aizawa. All bandaged up from his face to body.
Iida: "Sir it's nice to see you again all patched up. " as usual Iida being a brownnoser.
Aizawa: "Thanks for the compliment but I have an announcement"
Y/N: "Yeah good to see you back... Joshua Graham" he chuckled but Momo threw him his power bar for the day to his head.
(Legitimately I found it funny so I made a meme that NewVegasMemes Subreddit gave it a 2.8K upvotes)
Aizawa: "The sports festival is coming" The class was surprised. "This is a large event so much so the Olympics only had few viewership. "
Y/N: "Finnaly I have a reason to shoot Bakugo!!! " He cheered and the blond stoop up.
Bakugo: "Oh that's it. it's on you Momo wannabe" He then gets ready cracking his sweaty palms of explosion. In return he tried to shoot again
The same students stood up but almost drastic measures. Sero using his tapes on Bakugo, and Shoto using his freeze on Y/N. The 6 eventually was stopped by Eraserhead.
Aizawa: "Why did I even become a teacher... Sit down you six. " They sat again and Y/N commented
Y/N: "Momo wannabe. I like the insult, but I am not the exact same as my girlfriend ok..."the class when all oohs and aahs as he say the g word
Momo: "What come one Y/N we are the same type of quick but yours is most technological and unconventional way. I mean mine is great and all but yours is way better."
Y/N: "I beg to differ. You are pure creationism. I am just a walking armory with skills to boot." They humbleness to each other still gave oohs and aahs.
Aizawa: "Spare me your cheesy love story after I get Midnight make me horny" He then disrupt the disruption. "Like I said the Sports Festival is coming and I want you all to participate. This is your chance to make a name and to be scouted. " Everyone agreed and classes started.
The lunch went on and the others are now heading to Lunch Rush Cafe. Bakugo then went up to Y/N. He extended his hand and spoke up.
Bakugo: "I have been thinking, if we are going to fight let's settle it in the sports festival" They shook hands and agreed with each other "also I like and hate the name C4 so don't bring your hopes up"
Y/N: "Sure thing C4. Well cmon, my girlfriend needs her energy she said" He say walking to the door. Momo was in fact waiting.
At lunch between their peer groups, the couple began making their training schedules. For 2 weeks, nonstop training after school.
The couple will train till they feel like their bodies won't move. Momo teaching Y/N close quarter combat during M-W-F and Y/N teaching Momo how to shoot during T-Th-S. Sundays? Of course it's a rest day.
Class hours has ended. As the couple was about to leave their classmates are blocking the door. Apparently other students like 1B, support and general studies are now checking out 1A in order for them to find a strategy. Some blue haired guy from General Studies made a few choice word which let Bakugo off. After the failed standoff they all went home.
Week One
Monday: Y/N kept blocking Momo's attacks with a staff and had him on the ground
Tuesday: Momo is still using the basic pistol however she is now landing her shots dead center.
Wednesday: Since Momo is best in melee weaponry, they are now using wooden swords to incapacitate each other.
Thursday: Momo is buff. Handling an SMG recoil is different though. So Y/N specialty made her MP5 to be stable as she shoot.
Friday: Another one for the kali sticks. Momo always lost to him due to the fact the sticks are shorter than her Bo staff.
Saturday: since no school and not much to do. They decide to use a shotgun. The problem? High recoil. He shot is good but her recovery from recoil. Not so much.
Sunday: that day, the couple hanged out chilling on the sofa as his parents went out for a few hours
2nd week
Mon: They are going free form. As Y/N summon a wooden sword, he then executed 1.8 combat system.
Tues: Progressing the caliber. Her AR accuracy is a little off or maybe the gun itself. After all most ARs are varied in fire rate and caliber.
Wed: "You sure you don't want me to hold back? I don't want to hurt you" He said putting up his fist. "I'll be fine after all I am also attacking" She confidently said
Thurs: "Wow this is tedious" She said aiming her SPR206 at the target. "That's why snipers are special in the battlefield."
Fri: Momo pinned him on the floor kissing.
Sat: after a well placed shot was made. Y/N gifted her a kiss.
Sun: It was the day of relaxation again. The usual couple thing on the sofa.
Y/N: "Hope we can duke it out on the arena Momo"
Momo: " Mhm I know what you can do in our battle" He kissed her forehead
Time skip
The Hour is near. They class is now ready to show Musutafu and all of Japan what they are made off.
Momo: "Let us all give it our best" Momo shouted and they all respond.
They walked out the door. People cheered on and showed love for 1A.
Hand in hand with one another the couple has now being cheered on.
To Be continued...
A/N: Next Time on Creati Game Mode.
Y/N: "Enemy AC 130 above."
Momo: "Let's move"
Y/N: "Don't let that loss distract you"
Momo: "I can't take it"
And now Omakes with DJ
Edit: 10vvotes for each Momo story = Part 3
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Дэлхий ертөнц урьдын тайван байхаа больжээ. Гэнэтхэн энд тэндгүй хүчтэй газар хөдөлж, олон хот тосгод сүйрч, хүмүүс сая саяаараа үхэж үрэгдэв. Гэвч дан ганц энэ аюул дэлхийд нүүрлээгүй байв. Тун удалгүй дэлхий даяар хүн рүү дайрч, тэднийг тасчиж, өөртэйгөө ижил болон хувиргадаг үхдлүүд тархсан юм. Гэвч эдгээр аймшигт сүйрэл болоод үхдлүүдийн цаана маш том нууц, далд зорилго агуулагдаж байв.Ким Жисү их сургуулийн ангийнхантайгаа зугаалж байхуй эхний сүйрэл нүүрлэж, тэр зугтаж явсаар, нэгэн айлын зооринд орж амь гарах ч, дээрээс нь нуранги дарж, дээш гарч үл чадан олон хоног өнгөрөөнө. Ертөнцөд тэр эргэж ирвэл шууд үхдлүүд таарч, түүнийг болоод хамт байсан гэр бүлийг нь тасчин идэж, хөнөөж орхисноор үйл явдал эхлэх билээ.
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