《Various Females X Male Reader (Open Request)》Creati Game Mode Season 1
(Momo Yaoyorozu X MR)
A/N MHA season 1 down. Very nice cause it's a Jump anime. Yaomomo... It's not because of her costume i am attracted to her but her overall personality. You got a makings of a leader, quirk of creating and nice girl persona. Shall we enter? I made this story cause my eye are getting blurry now
3rd POV (Welcome to Dimension 13|8|1)
This world has been the world of powers evers since that glowing baby was born. 80 percent of the population has a quirk no matter what.
Today we are looking at another kid with a quirk
Quirk: Gamer
You can basically have video game logic. You also have an inventory system by looking through any gadgets. You've acquired this quirk do to radiation exposure to the television when playing video games with the console.
What is know about you is that you are a kid accepted through recommendations. Your quirk is so versatile, you basically an embodiment of all walks of gaming fandom
Skating down the streets of Musutafu heading to UA the kid is now using AC parkour skills, THPS tricks and Ender pearls. It's no breaks. He must get to class 1A before the bell.
Y/N; "The gates I made it "
He said passing through a bunch of reporters looking for a story. Heading up to the room you felt a bit anxious meeting new people. Opening the door of 1A you see a couple of students chatting away some are resting like it's a their house. Some are kept to themselves.
A guy in glasses saw and walked up to you.
Glasses: "ahh are you a student here as well?"
Y/N: "Better believe it big man. names Y/L/N"
Iida: "I see. Iida. Tenya Iida" Both of the students shook hands and Y/N went to the back of the class room.
Y/N: 'I wanted to smell the fresh air but this kid is asking for a waterboarding session' he thought looking at the blonde guy sitting by the window legs above the desk.
Blonde: "Do you mind? I hate when you stare at me!!! " He shouted
Y/N: "Bastardo right here thinks he's big shot by shouting hahaha" He laughed pulling something from his back
Blonde: "Why you ass-!!" He was interrupted with 2 barrels of am Over Under
"MW 725 Shotgun. You want test of quirks? I am just looking for a seat and you let off like that? " The blond suddenly cooled down and I despawned my weapon "Thank you"
I then saw the only chair in the back and sat there. I heard his name goes like Bagecko?I don't care.
??? : "Do you really have to point a gun at him like that? " A woman with an interesting dark hair spoke up
"I pulled it out for self defense friend. I went of like that and my gun must went off if needed." I said looking at my phone
I then here glasses spoke up to blond.
Iida: " Hey please put down your feet off the desk" The blond seems to doesn't care
Blond: "Pfft not that I care I can best them"
This argument went on and on till a green haired guy enters the room.
Brown hair: "Hey where is the teacher?"
???: "Right here"
We see a guy who is in a bed roll all cozied up
Aizawa:My name is Mr Aizawa and I am your homeroom teacher Ok class you ned to do a Quirk Apprehension Test. Fail the test and consider yourself dropped from the course.
Timeskip to the school yard
3rd POV
Aizawa: the first test is a 50 meter dash
And with that Iida jumped ahead. With. His. Leg. Boosters.
Y/N: "huh I can do better... I think... Maybe... " He murmur
???: "you have something?" The same woman from before asked
Y/N: "Hmm why yes" He pulled out a potion "add sugar to an awkward potion and a glow stone is a Potion of Swiftness II" He drank the potion and off to the races
As he bout the finish line his time is a flat 4.0. Faster than whom he heard as Asui.
Greeny: "That was cool how can you run that fast?" He asked fanboying
Y/N: "Like I always do. Video games" He replied doing jazz hands
Izuku: "C-cool! My name is Izuku Midoriya but Deku is fine as well."
Y/N: "Sure thing bud. Y/N L/N. What you saw is some of my quirk" He pulled out a normal looking pistol and holster it back into thin air
Izuku: "so you create objects? " He asked again proving something
Y/N: "More or less. My quirk is just revolving around games. My statistics, power and weapons"
Aizawa: "Is that so? Cause the next test is gonna be a grip test"
He shrugs and got the machine on his hand
Y/N; "Oh I bet New Vegas put in a good work for me. Strength 10" He said trying to do the test
Lo and behold he got a 136 on the grip.
Y/N: "Eh thatll do I won't be using some Hercules thing to cheat up" He said releasing.
Izuku: "So if you know a game your stats basically tally in? "
Y/N: "Exactly this quick is really a cheaty type man"
Standing long jump
Y/N: "I am a jumper but not a long one though" He said holding kali sticks.
Izuku dint made the jump and saw Y /N
Izuku: "what's with the sticks? "
Y/N: "Ruin from Black Ops 3 my friend" He said going to the starting line
He ran and jumped like Ruin using his Gravity Spikes. And he didn't cleared the sand box.
Y/N: "Son of a..." He went near Midoriya being gloomy.
Repeated Side steps
Ok this one is dumb. Some grape guy named Mineta used his quirk to bounce around
When Y/N was up. He used Agility 10 to step faster.
Aizawa,: "Haha where is that speed when you are at that long jump? "
He shrugs and went back in line
Ball Throw
Y/N saw Izuku getting reprimanded for using his quirk. Apparently his quirk is so dangerous it can kill him. This in turn the true Eraserhead show up. Izuku went on and did a 400+
Y/N: "Goddamn I can't do a Grenade Throw. It's gonna be weak" He thought. "Wait a minute"
Standing in the line the throw was impressive. He used NFL for his throw.
Y/N: "Oughta be a field goal sir"
Aizawa: "Yes a whole field. Weaker from any one though"
Y/N: "Yeah I don't through great"
The rest was all easy. Toe reach, sit ups and running still.
Aizawa: "That's a wrap you all passed.
Class 1A: " What?!!! "
Aizawa: "Everyone's performance is good"
Blond: "I can't believe it!!"
They all looked at the blond guy
Blond: "I don't care what it is but you have been hiding that quirk of yours Deku"
Izuku: "I was just doing-"
Blond: "Shut up you quirk less bastard" He was ready to attack Izuku.
Like and school yard fights a teacher stops it. Mr Aizawa used his quirk and capture the blond kid. Things easen up and Izuku was task to get healed by Recovery Girl.
The day was now done and Izuku was healed. He went back to his class before dismissal and made friends with most of the class including Y/N
The 2 of em talked and learned about his beef with Bakugo Katsuki
Y/N: "You'd be threading muddy waters green, if a competition is he wants can you give yourself a yes? "
Izuku: "I can do it if being a hero is what it is"
Y/N: "Oorah that's the spirit"
???: "You seem energetic even though we had a lot in the the Quirk Apprehension test" The same dark haired woman asked as they looked at her
Y/N: "You oughta be smiling even in hardships my friend. Ain't that All Might's thing hahaha" He chuckled and leaned back
Momo: "You said something about your quirk about summoning right?it's nice that I can relate with someone" She said holding her hand out "My name is Yaoyorozu Momo"
Y/N: "Y/N L/N and as I said to Dek here is that I use my quick in some aspects. For instance" He then got a stick straight out of his phone. "I can get a lot of items from my phone or any other electrical device." He then break the stick "Acquire certain powers from a selection. I based it on Fallout Games' SPECIAL tallying my points to 10 each except for Luck"
Momo: "That's overpowered... Did you get in through recommendation? "
Y/N: "Yes someone approached me saying UA is the way to go"
Momo: "That's Pretty good" She said smiling at him
Time Skip The Next Day
It's not all fun and games... Since Y/N Intelligence skill is in 10 academics are a breeze. Lunch time was normal. He's hanging out with his new friends. One of which is Todoroki Shoto, another kid from recommendations.
Y/N: "I felt like we are going to a warzone today?" He said as he bit unto his food
Shoto: "You think?" He replied eating as well.
Y/N: "To put it simply today is not any other day like yesterday.
Timeskip Classroom
And it went like that. All Might barged in with finesse and explained that the students are going to have a Battle Trial.
It was then reveal that student will be able to use their hero costumes. Y/N hero costume is not that special because in turn he can change Amor type anytime.
As Y/N changed Momo saw him in his Base Armor.
Momo: Hey your hero costume seem like you are just a soldier.
He placed his rebreather mask on and did a palm punch action. His action then changed to a Mid strength armor
Y/N: 'you didn't see much yet my friend cause my games are still starting up." He said as they went to Ground Beta.
Izuku: "Isn't this the testing grounds from the entrance exam?" Said Midoriya though his green mask with a striking resemblance to a certain Huge guy.
All Might (AM}: "So Subtle" He thought and replied with "Yes this is now with the rules"
There will be a building containing the dummy weapon and there will be 2 teams. Heroes VS Villains. The heroes would go to the weapon and the villains should prevent them.
Y/N: "Defend the base... King of the hill from Call of Duty again." He opened his inventory system grabbing an Assault Rifle.
AM: Yes. Now we will now pick the Teams.
This was bad for Y/N as he was not pick in any teams (The number of students in Class 1A was 21.)
AM: "I Think I can come up with a compromise here" He said putting Y/N in Team C
Mineta POV (You weren't expecting that weren't you?)
"What The?!!! I was supposed to get her piece of ass by myself !!!!!"
Momo POV
"At least I can carry on with another creative type... I don't think Mineta can do much though... "
"Least I have a teammate in any other way. And Grape guy is half a firepower if he had one. "
Denki POV (wait another one?)
"What are we gonna do again?"
Izuku and Ochaco won the battle but Tenya Iida was the MVP. Momo explains that Iida was doing his duty as a villain keeping with the weapon and what not.
Timeskip (What's different here is that this match has an unknown result)
It's was our time to shine. I then saw Momo closing up the item.
"Need some help Momo?"
Momo: "I am fine although you can make more defenses in the general area" She said and I nod
"Good thing I had my score streaks available.Mineta what you gotta do?" I said placing my transform shield microwave radiation variant on the door way.
Mineta: "I dunno I am just gonna look around like someone's ass" I heard him say.
This ticked me off as I placed the RPD on the shield. I looked at Momo and she cringed at the pervert.
"You mudak" I said holding the baby. "Try address a woman like that makes me kill yah" I said placing him on the chair by the gun.
"Do another comment like that ill-" Then Momo place her hand on my shoulder. "I'll deal with him when the time comes don't worry" She said and I nodded back at her.
I then grabbed my AR and wandered our the room. "Hallways clear."
Suddenly All Might radioed in
AM: "Y/N this just a trial run don't use live rounds"
"Don't worry chief I am using airsoft rounds. I won't kill them. Just make them itch in swelling." I then switch to a shotgun for convenient firepower
Going back to the main room I saw Denki and Kyoka going up the stairs. I hid from them thanks to my Dead Silence perk.
When they made a turn I radioed my teammates in and Mineta threw his hair balls at the 2 preventing them from moving. He then fired the MG shooting the 3 of us. I hid behind another room
"Mineta seize fire. Momo push with me" I said running towards them and shooting their backs.
As I got near I swang my shotgun and hit Denki's back and Momo had Kyoka pinned as well. The 3 of us won the trial.
AM: 'Great Job youngsters. Momo and Y/N with your Plus Ultra efforts you both are MVPs" Me and Momo high fived and went back with the others. Of course I had use my stimpaks on the two for a quick recovery.
Denki: "Thanks friend" He said as I carry both of them
After that trial we are all back in class and we are just lounging. Denki and Kyoka watching me play shooters on my laptop as I think of another techniques.
Denki: "ever thought of melee based games?"
"Did that too but it's meticulous. Consider I need to close in my range."
Momo: "Its not hard to do N/N" Momo then suggests "Wanna train with me sometimes cause I use my Bo staff you know"
"I'll take up to your offer Momo"
We smile at each other and I went back on my game. Apparently more students piled on my game.
"Wanna watch me play shooters, projected? "
3rd POV
Y/N was now setting his laptop to built in projector.
When the class was having fun watching, Bakugo went home early.
Y/N: "Yo blonds school hours still not done."
Bakugo: 'Shut up!!! ". He kept walking out the door.
The class looked at him as he walk out the door.
Few minutes into gaming Izuku went in the room. The first to greet him was his partner Ochaco
Ochaco: "Deku you are amazing and we won the trial."
Izuku: "Thanks hey where's kachan? "
Y/N spoke up
Y/N: "Blond dismissed himself early seeing how he is gloomy about the loss that happen"
Izuku then ran where to Kacchan went to declaring a war of power.
Back in the room, Y/N spoke up and said
"Felt another one tomorrow and it's gonna be a huge one. It's so huge we get sore so bad"
Time skip
Another day, another gun to destroy only this time it felt different in the morning. As usual the media are interviewing the students.
When Y/N was in the spotlight he just shoved the people out of his merry way and kept walking.
Just then the same girl tapped his shoulder
Momo: "Hey are you ok? " Asked as she was fiddling with her hands
Y/N: "I feel uneasy and it's gonna be from today's work" Looking back at her.
Momo: "Don't be cause we need to have our game face on right? Here take this. I hope you like berries" She hands her a power bar and went in with her in 1A
Aizawa: "Today you kids need have a representative. You need to make it up on your own.
Bakugo then raised his hands.
Bakugo: " I'll be the representative I am stronger than any of these weakings"
The others then raised their hand and argued who is going to be the representative.
Iida then came up with an election. And with that Midoriya has 3 Votes. 2nd goes Momo with 2 votes. Thus the officers are Midoriya as the representative and Yaoyorozu as his Deputy. Iida was not happy. Bakugo was furious. Ochaco was was whistling and Y/N pointed the whole hand at Izuku and said "Boi"
As usual it was lunch time. Momo and Y/N is eating together again.
Y/N:"Least you got a duty to serve, Deputy..."
Momo: "Can I ask you something? " He nodded chewing on his food again. "Did you vote for me?" He swallowed and leaned back.
Y/N: "Oughta be a confidential piece of information Momo. But yes I did. You or another one like Glasses. You seem to be a leader persona per se." He then took another spoonful
Momo then smiled and thanked him. He nodded back and looked at his phone. Momo then ate as well hearing the alarms.
UA. Has. Been. Breached
Lunch Rush cafe was empty in a few seconds. The students are escaping the school for it was a dangerous breach. A villain bypassed the UA Defense Barrier. It must have been the reporters from before.
The 3 recommended kids pushed through as well, with Y/N feeling nauseous with the body heat, students rocking motion, deafness and compressed like a goddamn zip file.
The hallway has been loosen up as Iida save the day. The students orderly went out the hallway.
After the mishap they went back in the room and Izuku step down of his role and gave it to Iida.
Momo looked down but Y/N's hand went on her shoulder.
Y/N: "Rest assure you can still do your duty" They smiled again at each other
Aizawa: Today, you are going to USJ with me and 2 other pro hero for rescue exercises. Suit up and board the bus outside.
The students did what Aizawa said and with that Y/N changed to a Heavy Armor.
Mezo: 'Hey Y/N? "
Y/N: "What up Mez?" He responded and say Mezo Shoji holding up a hand. He responded by holding on to the handshake.
Mezo: "Listen I need a man like you. You seem you can take hold of what I request." He inquired.
Y/N: "Then speak up friend I am all ears" They walked to the bus.
Mezo: "Sooner or later we'll have something that needs to be in pairs or groups. You are strong with your versatile quirk and I want in." Without thinking Y/N responded.
Y/N: "Consider it done Sixer". The shook hands and boarded the bus
The bus ride is a little loud, Izuku's quirk is like All might. Shoto and Bakugo's quirk are versatile. When they got there they class was greeted by Thirteen (13)
13: "Hey kids welcome to the Unforseen Simulation Joint. Today we will see how you will use you quirk in a rescue operation. But first we need to-
Suddenly a giant blight shadow emerges at the middle of USJ. Villains. They are here. They said something about All Might not being here.
Aizawa: "13 take the kids out and call UA. I will deal with them"
Izuku: "But Mr. Aizawa they're many of them"
Aizawa: "Don't worry Izuku"
Aizawa jumped in and fought small time villains. Y/N then saw them using guns so he grabbed a Kar98, taking aim at fast shooters.
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