《Running from him》Chapter 17



Right now I'm laying on Jennifer bed as she talked about who was going to get the baby and which day.

"Did you hear what I said ace". She asked mushing my head.

"Nah what you say". I ask looking over at her.

"I'm having pain in my stomach". She said and I hoped up throwing on my shoes as she looked at me.

Smacking my lips I push her back and slide her sweats on.

"Come on". I said picking up the baby bag and grabbing her hand.

Walking out of the room we make our way through the living room and out the door. Locking it behind me I follow her to the car and help her in before going and placing the bag in the back.

Getting in I start the car up and pull off speeding down the road.

"CAN YOU SLOW THE FUCK DOWN". Jennifer yelled as I swerved through the lanes.

"CAN YOU NOT FUCKING YELL AT ME IM TRYING TO GET YO ASS TO THE HOSPITAL". I yelled back looking over at her for a second before looking back at the road.

"Why are you yelling at me". She asked and I gave her a confused look before smacking my lips.

"man you literally just yelled at me". I said trying to watch her and the road at the same time.

"OKAY BUT THAT DON'T MEAN YELL BACK BITCH". She screamed causing me to smack my lips.

"You know what I'm gone just be quiet". I said shaking my head.

"Yea you do that". She said causing me to look at her crazily.

Not saying anything else I continue to drive. Finally making it to the hospital I grab the bag and help her out of the car and into the hospital.

"AYE I NEED A DOCTOR, NURSE SHIT ANYBODY". I called out as she squeezed my hand hard as hell.


"I almost knocked yo ass black".I said causing her to laugh as they wheeled her off with me beside her.

"Boy hush". She said laughing as I stood on the side watching them move her to the bed.

"so your water broke and you're about a cm dilated so I will be back to check on you In a while".The doctor says checking her as I stood to the side watching him.

"Okay thank you". Jennifer said as I made my way to the seat I'm the room.

"Where you going". She asked causing me to look at her.

"I'm not even gone say shit to that cause fly obviously see where I'm going". I said taking a seat leaning back.

"You didn't have to get smart about it". she said and I just kept my mouth closed pulling out my phone to see what miracle was doing.

Hearing movement around the room I open my eyes and see they setting up for Jenn to have the baby. Standing up I make my way over to the side of the bed and grab her hand kissing it while rubbing her head.

"I never seen you act like this". she said smiling looking up at me as I looked down at her.

"It's more where this come from". I said leaning down to kiss her but she turned her head.

" No sir you thought I was playing we are co-parenting". she said and I waved her off causing her to laugh.

"Alright mommy you're ready to push". The doctor said taking a seat in front of her.

Walking to the side I go and grab her hand like I be seeing in the movies.

"On the count of three I want you to push". The doctor said.


After she had my son I haven't been able to put him down.


"Let's me hold him". She said and I looked over at her like she was crazy.

"Man hell Nah you held him for nine months". I said and she started laughing.

"Stop playing". She said but I was dead serious.

"I'm not playin with you". I said looking back down at him as he started to move around.

"Look he wants his mommy". She said once he started whining.

"Here get his cry baby ass I didn't want to hold him anyway". I said jokingly as I stood up and walked over to give him to her.

"Aww you made daddy sad". She said looking down at him and he stopped whining.

"That's a very lil nigga you better not ask me for nothing cause guess what the answer gone be, Nope". I said going to take a seat causing Jennifer to laugh.

"I cannot with you right now you really mad at him". She asked just as a nurse walked in.

"So do we have a name". She asked looking up from the clipboard.

"Weston pierce". I said and she nodded writing it down before leaving the room.

"I can't believe you did it I'm proud of you". Said looking over at her with a smile.

"Thank you". She said looking up from him at me with a smile.

"Come lay with us". She said and I stood walking over to the bed.

Taking off my shoes I slide into the bed on the side of her and she placed him in the middle of us.

This is how I wanted things to be all along...

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