《Running from him》Chapter 14



After Jennifer left I just sat back on my phone waiting for miracle to finish getting her hair done.

"I'm ready daddy". She said patting my leg causing me to look down at her.

"Alright let's go pay so we can get up out of here". I said picking her up and walking over to the girls station.

"How much". I ask pulling out some twenties.

"Sine y'all know Jennifer and she helped me out it'll be 25". She said and I handed her two twenties and grabbed miracles hand walking out.

"Daddy we go home now". She asked as I buckled her in.

"No we going to visit somebody". I said kissing her forehead before closing the door.

Getting in the drivers side I start the car up and put Jennifer's address into gps before pulling off.

Finally pulling up to Jennifer's address I see some nice looking apartments.

Getting out I go to the back and get Miracle whom was sleep. Lifting her up on my shoulder I close an lock the door before making my way to the building and looking for Jennifer's apartment number.

When I found it I knocked on the door and stood back waiting for her to answer it.

"Hey come in". She said smiling and I looked around inside before fully stepping in.

"If you got somebody in this bitch to kill me you better think twice". I said and she started laughing taking Miracle from me.

"I don't have anyone to kill you". She said laying her down in the guest room I assume.

"Let's go talk in my room I'm watching a show". She said walking out of the room and I nod following her.

Sitting at the edge of the bed I stare at her while she looked at the tv.


"So When was you gone tell me you was pregnant ". I ask and she looks from the tv to me.

"When you got your shit together did you honestly think I was going to let you use me and then turn around and stay with you and China hell no". She said shaking her head.

"Aight I admit I was wrong for that but you still should have told me". I said and she nodded her head.

"you're right but I didn't and it's done now so we can only move past it". She said and I nod agreeing with her.

"I want to get back together though". I said out of nowhere and she started laughing.

"there's no way in hell". She said shaking her head as I just stared at her blankly.

"I'm for real man". I said getting aggravated.

"We can be friends but as far as a relationship I'm good with being single". She said looking at me to see my reaction.

"Cool but then can we work on a relationship". I ask and she sits there like she's thinking about it.

"after all the stuff you put me through I really shouldn't give you a chance but I love you so if we can make the friendship work first I'm willing to give it another try but we can't have any secrets between each other so whatever you have to say, say it now". She said and I started thinking about shit that she would want to know.

"Jaime is one of my bitches and she's living with me and china". I said looking down but I could still feel get looking at me.

"really ace". She asks raising her voice.

"She came onto me man". I said looking over at her.

"But you knew she was my Bestfriend so both of y'all are in the wrong and she was dating your friend Nate". She said mugging me as I just sat there.


"get out". She said lowly and I almost couldn't hear her.

"what". I ask with a confused look on my face.

"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT". She yelled and I stood up.

"let me go get my daughter". I said trying to walk towards the guest room.

"no she's sleeping come get her tomorrow". She said and I nodded walking out hearing the door slam behind me.

Getting in the car I lock the doors and lean the seat all the way back before grabbing miracles care bear cover and throwing it over me.

Closing my eyes I let darkness take over me.

Today was definitely something I didn't expect...

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