《Running from him》Chapter 11


Getting dressed was hell I kept having to use the bathroom which left me to where I am now late for something the team is having.

Looking around for my keys my phone begins to ring in my hand.

"Hello". I ask lifting the pillow up from the couch.

"Girl where the hell are you, everybody, already here". Bishop said into the phone as I looked on the side table and spotted my keys.

"I was looking for my keys but I found them and I'm on my way but who we having a party for". I ask as I pick up my purse on my way out of the door.

"You know Beatrix's birthday is tomorrow so we doing something for her today that's why I said dress cute". He said as I started the car and backed out.

"Aww okay well I'll be there in twenty minutes". I said and we said our goodbyes before hanging up.

Pulling into the parking lot I grab my thing and walk inside when I see everybody smiling at me with baby stuff all around.

"Umm what's going on". I ask fake smiling as I look around.

"Surprise girl I set this up for you, you needed a gender reveal". Bishop said walking up to me as I glared at him.

"I can't believe you I didn't want one but I don't want to sound ungrateful so thank you but no pictures or videos". I said and he smiled hugging me.

"Yes And oh my gosh girl you look so beautiful in that dress". He said grabbing my hand and he showed me around.

I'm still with China but after Jennifer left I looked for her for a while before getting a new bitch and that new bitch is her friend Jaime. I didn't come into her she came on to me and I took it.


"Baby I'm going to take miracle to school". Jaime said walking into the living room with miracle trailing her.

"Alright don't let shit happen to my baby Jaime I'm not playing with you". I said looking over at her.

"I won't". She said and I called miracle over to me.

"Have a good day baby I love you". I said kissing her forehead causing her to smile.

"I love you too daddy". She said before leaving out with Jaime.

Standing up I grab my keys and walk out to my car getting it.

Pulling into nates driveway I get out of the car and knock on the door and his girl Sofia opens it.

"Hey, ace come in". She said giving me a hug as I walked in.

"What's good Where Nate" I ask standing beside the front door.

"He's downstairs in the basement". She said and I nod walking down there.

"What it do boy". I ask when I make it to the bottom of the steps.

"Nothing man what's up". He ask dapping me up as I sat down.

"Not shit been working and dealing with China and Jaime". I said with a sigh and he shook his head.

"I still can't believe the Jennifer you was talking about was my jay and you dating her best friend that's grimy man". He said as I smacked my lips.

"She the one that came up to me throwing her pussy at me and I wasn't gone decline". I said shrugging my shoulders.

"You don't think you owe Jennifer a little respect that's a nice girl man she gone be heartbroken when she find out". He said causing me to sigh.

"Man it is what it is but we got business to talk about". I said sitting up.

"Let's get to it". He said rubbing his hands together.


Standing outside everybody was gathered around me waiting for the gender reveal.

"Okay Jennifer you're going to open the box and the balloons will come out while me and Beatrix do the powder bombs". Bishop said standing me by the box.

I nodded and looked around and the only phone I saw was mines because I asked someone to record this for me.

"Okay on the count of three one two three". Bishop screamed and I opened the box and the balloons came up just as the blue powder flew out..

"YES YES YES". Everybody cheered running over to hug me while I smiled.

Maybe this gender reveal wasn't a bad idea.

But what she didn't know was that somebody was recording and posted it to Instagram...

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