《The Princess of Potential》Epilogue: Culminating Circumstances


Duke Sebastian Icarus of Troivack surveyed the vineyard coolly, his posture casual, but his instincts sharp. He glared through the small round spectacles perched on the end of his long nose, barely daring to breathe so as to remain as inconspicuous as possible.

“I see you’re early, as usual.”

Sebastian did his best not to react, though he was cursing horribly in his mind.

He hated how that wretched commoner always managed to sneak up on him from behind.

Turning slowly, he faced the half-blooded Troivackian with a disdainful lift of his eyebrow. “Of course. My time is precious. What news have you, Mr. Zephin?”

Leochra Zephin, a man with chestnut brown hair that looked auburn in the summer, and his face pale instead of olive… the only indicator his father was a Troivackian was his dark eyes.

“I have three noble families willing to help our cause,” Leo smiled coldly. “The Troivackian Prince is too well-known as a fool. The scandal of his love affair with that gypsy has dissuaded most nobility from wanting him as King– even if it means he is more susceptible to their… suggestions.”

Sebastian waited expectantly, he did not like the slow build to the more important information.

“However, the idea of murdering the Daxarian Princess before she reaches the palace in Vessa for her coronation was… incredibly well received. Our King would have no choice but to choose a Troivackian Queen more fit for ruling our people. Perhaps even a daughter of one of our esteemed Dukes…” Leo gestured his hand in the air with a faint smile.

Sebastian glowered in response.

“I do not wish to force one of my idiot daughters on His Majesty. Our King was the perfect leader until the legendary Daxarian foolishness rubbed off on him. I’ve heard rumors that he has even been known to laugh when the Princess of Daxaria is present. Such weakness in our great leader must be eradicated early on.”

Leo’s hands dropped to his side as he tilted his head over his right shoulder, an amused glint in his dark eyes. “It’s said our King truly loves the Princess of Daxaria. Are you certain that your plan is a wise one?”

The Duke rolled his eyes before making a ‘tsking’ sound.

“An error in judgment. Our King has been perfect for much of his life, he is allowed one error of judgment. Once he is free of the Daxarian Princess’ spell, I’m sure he will return to his senses, and if not…”

“We could see about one of Princess Nora’s son’s becoming King, though they too were raised in Daxaria– as fishermen no less,” Leo suggested while casually laying his hand on the hilt of his sword.

“A fact we could hide assuming they aren’t grinning simpletons… a good idea. See if you might find some of the former Princess’ offspring. Though I still prefer the idea that we try to make Prince Henry King and have him as a puppet. It would make matters much easier to manage.”

Sebastian touched his gloved hand to his temple as he felt the threat of a stress headache draw nearer.

“What about waiting to see if the Princess of Daxaria even survives birthing her first child? It would negate much of the threat, and the offspring would be raised here in Troivack. Should we need a puppet, we could always have King Brendan Devark killed and place a toddler on the throne while more… seasoned nobility manage the kingdom.”

Sebastian was unable to mask his surprise. A surprisingly compelling argument given how well-known it was that the last Daxarian Queen barely managed to survive the births of her children…


That type of thinking was one of the reasons he had agreed to stoop so low as to partner with a commoner in his wish to gain better control over the Torivackian court.

Leochra Zephin had a rather broad scope of the world, and often saw situations and opportunities others wouldn’t even dare to entertain.

Not to mention the way he had organized multiple mercenary groups to operate under him, bringing to the table several hundred seasoned warriors who were uninvolved with the Troivackian court unless paid to be otherwise.

“I’d prefer a pure blooded Troivackian on the throne. We will try to kill the Princess shortly after she arrives,” Sebastion announced finally after giving his options another few moments of serious thought.

Leo bowed.

“As you wish. By the way, Your Grace, what shall I do with the most recent delivery of Zinferan slaves? If we attempt to sell so many of them at once it’d raise suspicions now that the Troivackian King has begun to focus his attention on eradicating the trades.”

Sebastian began striding towards his horse on the edge of the vineyard, though he didn’t particularly like turning his back on the mercenary leader…

“Try to sell them at a discounted price in groups to nobility in the south. It won’t seem as strange down there as opposed to the north.” The Duke pulled his gloves on more snugly as he reached for his horse's reins.

“What of the slave?”

At this, Sebastian hesitated.

He knew it was a bad idea to keep any evidence of his involvement in the slave trade nearby, but… that one particular one… that boy… he was something special.

“Bring him to my keep. I shall hide him until I go on a lengthy journey– after which I will claim him as a bastard of mine I've brought back to serve under my house,” Sebastian explained, though it was more to himself than for the sake of Leo who watched as the Duke mounted his horse with a swish of his black cape.

“Very well,” Leo replied pleasantly.

The Duke kicked his heels into his horse’s sides, but the animal failed to begin its trot as four men wielding swords emerged from the vineyard. Their deadened stares and silent footfalls making Sebastian recoil.

“Your Grace, I believe you forgot that this month was when my payment was due.”

Leo’s easy going tone only made the Duke feel even more disturbed as he reached with fumbling fingers for the gold sack attached to his saddle.

“An honest error. Here.” He thrust the sack in Leo’s direction, his gaze never leaving the men closing in on him.

Sebastian of course had his own guards nearby, but the question was how quickly they could get to him before any serious damage was done…

Leo plucked the gold from the Duke’s hand then bowed.

“Until next time, Your Grace.”

Sebastian gave an indignant sniff before once again pressing his heels into his horse’s sides, urging the beast forward, and this time, his path was clear.

Leo smiled at the Duke’s back as he heated the gold in his hand and nodded to his men, his dark eyes shifting unnaturally in the moonlight.

“It looks like we need to arrange a proper welcome party for the Daxarian Princess, men!”


Tam stared at the desk heaped with books and letters before him, blankly.

He didn’t even dare to breathe out of genuine concern that one of the piles might fall in an avalanche.

A strong hand reached up and clasped his shoulder. “Sorry to say with both your Da, and you gone, things got piled up,” Likon noted lightly.


“How… urgent is it that this all gets dealt with?” Tam asked slowly.

“Oh… definitely before the next full moon.”

“In three days?”

“That’s the one. Time does fly when you travel,” Likon patted Tam’s shoulder twice before strolling towards the door a little too spritely.

“I’m supposed to get through this and attend the Princess’ wedding tomorrow?” The future Viscount’s voice rose along with his eyes– a sure sign he was more than a little distressed.

Likon swung around wearing a bright half grin. “Aren’t you glad you decided to start taking on more duties to prepare for becoming Viscount?”

Tam looked back at the desk, swallowed, then turned back to Likon. “You know… I’ve always thought of you like a brother…”

“Not a chance, my Lord.” Likon bowed dramatically. “The pleasure is all yours. How could a mere peasant like myself even dream of handling what the most sacred class known as nobility can?”

“Why don’t you ask my husband. You know. The one who used to be a cook.”

Likon nearly leapt out of his skin at the sound of Annika’s voice behind him.

Tam grinned and waved to his mother.

The Viscountess wore her usual Troivackian style dress that was cooler during the summer months. A navy blue flowing chiffon that somehow made her dark eyes all the more striking.

Annika smiled and nodded to her son. “Hi, my love, I am glad you two made it back safely.”

“Hi, Mum, has Da returned yet?” Tam greeted while stepping further away from the nightmare of work on the desk of his father’s study.

“I received word that he has just arrived at the castle with His Majesty, King Brendan Devark.”

“That’s good,” Tam pressed his hands into his pockets and lowered his gaze comfortably to the floor again.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Annika’s sharp voice made Tam realize that Likon had silently made his way over to the window, and was in the process of climbing out.

Likon froze, and slowly turned his head until he could make eye contact with his mistress, a strained smile stretching his features.

“I… was… going to… write my report for you, Lady Ashowan,” he managed to say despite sounding strangled.

Annika shared a wry look with her son before gracefully folding her arms across her middle and gliding forward.

“You are aware that if you are set on becoming my son’s assistant with a pay raise, paperwork is part of the job, correct?”

Tam smiled triumphantly behind his mother, making Likon narrow his gaze for a brief moment before removing his foot from the window ledge and slowly turning back around.

“I thought I was your protegee,” he muttered as he begrudgingly strode back further into the room.

“You are, but that is not a long term trade befitting a man of your talents,” Annika began while staring at Likon with a knowing glint in her eyes.

“I would happily apply to be Lady Katarina’s body guard then,” Likon bowed hastily, and hoped that his mistress failed to see any hint of emotion on his face.

Unfortunately for him, she did.

Annika’s face grew tense before she shared a knowing look with her son who gave a small shrug of his shoulders before shaking his head.

“Likon, my daughter is going to Troivack for a year. We can’t have you being isolated in one location while I am still trying to settle all of the brothels here in Daxaria, and Lord Ashowan inspects the schools. The Viscount may even choose to accept the title of Duke at long last if our plans go accordingly.” Annika’s tone had taken on a firmness that left no room for debate.

Likon’s spine stiffened ever so slightly as he slowly raised himself back up, his expression composed… but entirely too composed. It was obvious he was hiding his true emotions on the matter.

“Go have a bath and a hot meal, then return to help Tam with the Viscount’s work.” Annika’s voice softened as she reached out and gently touched Likon’s arm, her dark eyes softening slightly as she tried to gentle herself for the sake of a boy she considered her adopted son.

Likon’s eyes lowered as he swallowed down words everyone knew he wished to say.

Turning back to the window, he strode forward and proceeded to climb out, as was his preferred method of getting to his room on the other side of the estate.

Once it was certain that he was no longer within ear shot, Annika turned to her son, her expression sorrowful. “So, he has yet to let go of his feelings for Kat?”

Tam nodded slowly. “I know Kat has told him several times that nothing has changed, and despite his best efforts, nothing has changed for him either.”

Annika let out a long sigh before raising her hand to her mouth and gingerly biting her thumb nail.

“Perhaps Kat being gone in Troivack will help matters, though I do worry about how she will fare over there…”

Tam reached out and patted his mother’s shoulder. “I’d be more worried for the Troiackian courtiers than Kat.”

Annika dropped her forehead to her hand before letting out a weary chuckle.

“I’m not so sure of that, Tam. As much as I’ve tried to impress upon you both what Troivack is like, I worry you think I am exaggerating things. As much as I’d like Kat to learn to curb her more reckless impulses, should things get out of hand I may even acquiesce to sending Likon there to handle things…”

Removing his hand from her shoulder, the future Viscount stepped so that he stood in front of his mother. “Let’s try and have a bit of faith in my sister. As difficult as it is to believe she won’t find any source of trouble… At the very least we have the King’s word, and we know Alina adores her.”

Annika nodded slowly before looking to the ceiling, as though silently pleading the Goddess for a miracle on her daughter’s behalf that she stay out of trouble for once.

“Well… I suppose we’ve done all we can to prepare her. Now… shall we go get ready for the rehearsal dinner? I imagine it wouldn’t be a bad idea for us to go and lend a hand given how chaotic the castle must be right now.”

Tam let out a long breath.

Weddings sounded horribly tiring, time consuming, and worst of all; crowded.

He had avoided attending nearly all weddings, but this one he knew he couldn’t miss… not when Alina was his friend and his sister’s best friend.

“I’m sure our presence won’t help the wedding preparations go any faster,” Tam called out to his mother as she opened the chamber door. He was rather hoping he could convince her to wait until the very last minute to go to minimize the time he was expected to socialize.

“I’m surprised at you, love. I would have thought given that Alina is seeing her brother for the first time in years that-”

“What?” Tam’s eyes shot up to his mother’s face, his shock clear.

Glancing over her shoulder, Annika bore a tense expression for a moment before it shifted to a grim smile.

“Ah… I see you and Likon haven’t heard. You both need to work on staying informed no matter where you are.”

Tam frowned and opened his mouth to retort, but never got the chance.

“The Crown Prince of Daxaria has returned as of this afternoon, Tam. Your father and the Troivackian King brought him, and you better believe there is going to be more than a little excitement about that.”

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