《I Want You Dead || Jeon JungKook》It's been a while


Jimin P.O.V

I drove back to apartment with heavy heart. It was raining when I reached back but empty handed.

I couldn't find her.

I looked up at the dark sky, letting the cold droplets soak me.

Tears escaped my eyes yet I felt it didn't.

I walked inside the house hoping she was back.

I closed the door and sighed heavily rubbing my face in frustration.

I looked around the living room when an inaudible gasp escaped me.

She sat there on the couch backfacing me. I spurted towards her as the heaviness I was feeling left bringing back the joy to see that she was back, alright and safe.

She was soaked from head to toe and looked very pale.

"Where were you? I was so worried." I said but she continued to look front with empty gaze.

I walked back with a towel and covered it around her shoulder to feel warmth.

"You are safe that's all I want." I smiled and hugged her but she didn't move an inch.

I retreated back in instinct when I noticed her body was icy cold. No warmth radiated at all.

"You feel so cold." I mumbled examining her pale hands and neck.

But she didn't even blink as I spoke untill,

"Does a dead body radiate warmth Chim?" She said still looking the same direction.

I widened my eyes as I listened two different voices coming from her.

And that she never called me Chim.

It took me no time to realize what was happening.

"D-Dead body??" I stuttered inching backwards.

Finally she faced me with a creepy look on her face.

"It's been a while, my dear best friend."

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