《I Want You Dead || Jeon JungKook》Grave


Jimin drove the car and I sat on passenger seat looking out of the window in deep thought.

Looking at me, he placed his hand on mine which was holding a bouquet of flowers.

He smiled and worry was visible in his eyes, I smiled back reassuringly but it was was forced.

Soon we reached the destination and walked in. My heart clenched at the sight. I placed bouquet and looked with pain at it.

JungKook's grave.

It's been exactly a year after his death.

I kneeled beside and placed my hand on the stone.

I remembered those days when we were together in relationship. We loved each other immensely. We were happy together until one day he had an accident resulting the spot death.

He was an overprotective boyfriend who also took care of me a lot.

That very day, he went to jewelry shop to buy me a heart pendent but unfortunately a truck hit his car while driving back on a one way road.

I never thought something this tragic would happen to JungKook. He can never come back to me yet I miss him so much.

He is a part of my life when I thought I couldn't live without him but here I am with Jimin beside me.

Jimin and JungKook were best friends. After the accident, Jimin went through a lot. He couldn't comprehend or accept the death of his bestfriend.

He was there for me through the difficult situation when I tried to commit suicide and hurt myself with cuts and burns. He guided me out of the painful situation and helped me to understand and move on.

Jimin is the best person that someone could ever have.

And I'm lucky to have him.

Days after days, months after months passed, Jimin and I made it out of this dreadful memory, being each other's strength and go to, eventually falling in love with one another.

But I guess fate doesn't want us to be together...


Precisely, doesn't want me to feel loved by anyone.

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