《One For Sorrrow [MxM]》Chapter 14


Days past, I wasn't sure how many, but it grew hotter and made way for summertime. From dawn to dusk and sometimes later, I'd be out in the gardens, weeding, tilling and replanting. So far Floss and I had covered at least a half of the patches and flowers of all sorts grew in them.

I planted an entire plot of poppies around the original one that now stood tall. And of course, jasmine and lavender, if Floss noticed she didn't say anything about it either. Those three were the ones I wouldn't let anyone else near, I cared for each of them personally.

A lot of the other servants helped with the watering and trimming, everyone seemed ecstatic that Floss and I had taken on this task. They constantly chatted about how long it had been since flowers had grown there. Even the head cook, whose name I now knew was Albyyn, seemed to smile a little bit more. Although he probably only liked them because I was growing vegetables for him.

Caerus hadn't touched me again since that night. He still cornered me when I was alone on occasion and stole kisses and bites, but he never touched me anywhere other than my hips. And I let him, it didn't hurt me and it seemed to keep him off my back for the most part.

When he forgot and his hand began straying up my shirt I stopped him before he went further than my stomach. Even though I didn't mind as much now since I'd filled out a little bit and I wasn't just skin and bones now. But I was still afraid of the scars on my back. Recently I'd been more scared of what he'd think of me and not how I would have to explain.

And that terrified me.

Like how he had me pressed against the wall at this very moment.

"Caer-mmn!" He cut me off and pushed his lips against mine, "master, Floss is-" another breathless kiss, "Floss is expecting me!" I finally squeaked and squirmed against his chest. I had only come inside to fill up the watering can for her.

Caerus pressed his firm body against mine as I whined and dug my fingers into his shoulders. His hands were strong against my hips as he pinned them into place against the hallway wall. His lips trailed down my neck as he nipped at my collarbone.

"Kellen," he groaned and I already knew what he was going to ask, "service me for one night, just one." Caerus had been hounding me the past few weeks, trying to take me to bed. But I refused every time. "I could give you anything you want."

That was also what he'd been saying, and I had no doubt that he would spoil me endlessly if I were to offer myself to him just once. But I was surprisingly content, the only thing I really wanted was my sisters.

Caerus had assured me that they were fine at the shack, no better or worse. He also said that if they began to get too thin or too sick he'd nudge something or other their way. But they didn't know where I was if I were dead, and they still mourned.


"I don't want anything, master," I whispered in an effort to distract him. By now I had come to realize that he absolutely loved it when I called him master. And most times I could use it to distract him. Other times... it did not work as planned and he had me pinned beneath him for half an hour.

By the end of those times I was panting and red in the face, and usually had to excuse myself from whatever I'd been doing to fix my... problem. While Caerus wasn't allowed to touch me there anymore, it didn't stop me from thinking about him when I did. It wasn't intentional, but he was usually the one that brought it on, so it usually ended with him too.

"You could see your sisters again," ah. That. Every time he offered I almost agreed, but always ended up refusing. Caerus sucked on the place beneath my ear where he knew I was sensitive.

"Caerus," I whined and pawed at his chest, he began to speak again but went utterly still. I watched silently as he shot a glance towards the front door.

"Dammit," he cursed and jerked open the closet beside us, "Kellen, you have to be quiet."

I didn't even have time to argue when he shoved me inside and closed the door. I blinked and stood in the cramped darkness. The tang of magic filled my nostrils as I jiggled the knob. He'd locked it when there was no lock.


"Caerus! It is so good to see you, how long's it been? A century? Two?" Called a deep male voice, if I enjoyed how sensual Caerus' voice sounded, then this was an entirely different level.

"What do you want?" Caerus responded sourly, it was very obvious he disliked the man.

"Oh, a few things. But most importantly who has made you so frustrated? Might I be interrupting?" the stranger mused and I felt my stomach drop, was he talking about me? Is that why Caerus hid me?

"You're definitely interrupting Eros," Caerus replied, at least I knew the man's name now.

"Come on, Caerus you can't hide things from me, the sexual frustration is coming off you in droves," Eros scoffed and I cringed, that was probably my fault.

"So? I don't want you putting your grubby hands all over what's mine," I could almost hear the eye roll from Caerus, even as a tiny thrill shot through me at his choice of words.

"Please, I just wanna see," Eros whined like a child, I could probably put an end to this now and help Caerus from this awkward encounter. I twisted the knob again, still locked, but he was losing focus on it.

"Yeah right, you can't keep your hands to yourself," Caerus snorted, but before Eros could respond I twisted the knob hard and fell out of the closet.

"I can't believe you locked me in a closet," I gasped and stumbled forward to see a fuming Caerus.

Okay, so maybe I shouldn't have done that.

The stranger squealed and clapped his hands, I blinked and turned to him. He was very... handsome, actually.

Like the epitome of sexual desire in one body. Golden blond hair and blue-green eyes, not to mention the natural tan and dimples. I was certain women fell over him everywhere he went. And while he was quite exquisite, my attention focused on the shorter male beside him. Who I hadn't known was there while trapped in the closet.


When our eyes met I almost gasped in surprise. He had the same nose as me, the same thin hands and the same blue lagoon eyes. Not to mention other subtle features that we shared. But these were things that you'd only notice if you'd seen them every day, every time you looked in the mirror, for example.

But there were differences of course. His hair was black as ink while mine was the same honey gold color as my mother's. He was older in appearance as well, late twenties maybe, he had the body of a man while I was still little more than a boy.

I shielded my surprise and ducked behind Caerus.

So maybe I wasn't ready to talk with these strangers.

"Oh, he's so adorable, Caerus! Let me see him, please?" Eros asked and walked closer, the other man followed close behind. Eros, apparently, did not notice our similar physical features.

"Looking only," Caerus huffed a warning and pushed me in front of him, I could see on his face that he would've lost anyway. I'd let it pass, just for now. Eros gave me a pat on the head and looked down at me with interest.

"What's your name?" Eros gave me a charming smile that might've made me swoon had I not already found comfort in Caerus' darker appearance.

"Kellen," I crossed my arms over my chest and didn't dare break eye contact.

"And I suppose you're the one Zephy has been sneaking off to see against my orders?" I was smart enough to recognize the prickling threat in his tone. I assumed 'Zephy' was the man beside him, judging by how he blanched at the question. Caerus didn't even flinch which also told me that he knew about this.

But I was very confused. I'd never seen the other man in my life, save for when I looked very closely at my reflection.

"I have never met him in my life," I answered bluntly and pointed my finger at Zephy.

"Maybe not in his mortal form, but there are other ways," Eros pointed out and narrowed his blue-green eyes. "Ever felt an odd breeze, strange brushes of wind?"

Oh gods, was that him? Was that even possible? All those times I'd thrown my window open and when I'd run through the woods. He was there?

"No," I answered firmly, I knew better than to tell him, Zephy was very obviously in a similar position to mine. By the way Eros kept him at his side and spoke of him. He and I both owed debts to different men.

"Why don't I believe that Kellen?" Eros clicked his tongue in irritation, he said my name like a threat and I watched as Zephy glared at Eros' back.

"Because you're a prick," I returned sourly and began to take a step around him. Eros grabbed the side of my shirt and his fingers brushed against my side. I let out a muffled help and twisted away from his touch as he yanked me back.

"I don't think you know who you're talking to," he seethed and placed his hands on my shoulders to keep me in place.

"Don't touch me," I answered curtly and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Caerus is allowed to touch you," Eros returned and I rolled my eyes.

"No, he's not," I huffed and tried to pull away, but his grip was surprisingly firm.

"Those marks on your neck say otherwise," he mumbled lowly and looked at the hickeys.

"He's not allowed to touch me anywhere else," I stated and removed his hands. I was beginning to realize that if it came down to it, Eros had more power to wield over Caerus. I had to watch my steps carefully.

Like the one I took into Caerus' chest. I pressed against him and inhaled his familiar smell.

It was a calculated move. Caerus had staked his claim over me and Eros was not allowed to cross that line.

"I'm beginning to see why you haven't bedded him yet, Caerus," that cocky smile was back on his face and he pretended as if our exchange hadn't even happened. I felt my cheeks grow warm at the remark.

I wasn't even sure if I wanted to know how he knew.

"Eros, keep your thoughts to yourself, I don't want to hear them," Caerus replied flatly and placed his hands very obviously on my hips.

"All I'm saying is that if you fucked more often you might be more enjoyable to be around," Eros raised his hands in surrender. "You used to be so much fun, and then everyone got cursed. Let it go, Caerus."

"If you want me to fuck him then leave, I'll have no use for you waiting here with your tongue down Zephyr's throat," Caerus hissed and tightened his grip on me. I tensed immediately, he wasn't serious right?

But I felt worse for Zephyr who went pink in the face, whether in embarrassment or anger or both, I couldn't tell.

"You wound me Caerus, we used to be such good friends," Eros placed a hand on his chest dramatically and then turned to Zephyr. "We would do far more than kissing, thank you very much," Eros titled Zephyr's chin up. "You don't mind, do you Zephy?"

"No," he muttered in a low, soft voice that reminded me of silk. I felt a pang of remorse for Zephyr, who probably did mind.

"See?" Eros turned back to us and gave his companion a pat on the head. "Go on, we'll be waiting," he shooed us with a hand but Zephyr placed a hand on his arm.

Eros shot him a glance that I knew all too well, back off or you'll be punished instead. But Zephyr didn't, he just shook his head. Eros flicked his tongue over his lower lip with a grin. Zephyr was doing for me what I had done for Floss so many weeks ago.

I felt guilty for it, too, but it was his choice I suppose.

"Oh all right, but do grace me with some civil conversation."

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