《Scarlet Taste (Vampire! Yandere x Emotionless! Reader)》27. Bath time


Both you and Cain sit in the bathtub. It was quite big and you both had lots of room. Nothing could be seen because of the bubbles and the cloudy water so he wasn't as embarrassed. Earlier, when you moved your crossed arms away from you breasts, Cain had turned around. You were confused, but you didn't voice it. He waited for you get in the bath and then he asked you to close your eyes so he could do the same.

You didn't question him at all.

You knew people were embarrassed by naked bodies... you've read about it, you were just confused as to why. You guessed it was more of a privacy issue than anything.

Now, you two were just sitting there in awkward silence. Cain couldn't stop thinking about your succulent skin. He's seen most of it already because he had already bathed you before, but it was far more enchanting to see such a body in action. You looked better awake.

After a few minutes of pure and relaxing silence, Cain began to fantasize. They were innocent fantasies.

You two would live in this house and maybe Ebben would move or just stay in his room while you two got used to the married life. He would treat you like the divine deity that you were and you would only smile for him. You two would cook together and maybe ever start a garden. Then his fantasies got darker. He would burn your old town to the ground and he's make sure that no one would ever look for you. He would kill everyone and keep you all to himself. Then he would return home and drink your blood. Then the fantasies took a sexual turn. You would make the cutest noises while he drank from you. He, of course, would want to hear them more. After drinking your blood, Cain would pick you up and take you back to his bedroom where he'd—


...where he'd—

"Hey?" You say. "I have an important question."

Cain slowly shifts back into reality. Just then, he realized that he had been biting his lip thinking about you. You really were something.

"Oh... um... ask away." Cain says, avoiding eye contact with you.

"Did I taste good?"

Cain began to cough violently, his whole face turning red rather than just his cheeks.


You raise a brow.

"How did my blood taste Cain?" You ask, leaning forward with interest as Cain leans back.

Cain closes his eyes. "You tasted good...no... you tasted wonderful like a fine wine and dark chocolate. You were rich in flavor...the perfect amount of sweetness and the perfect amount of savory. I truly enjoyed it and it made me feel full almost immediately...but you are... quite addicting."


"Hmm... okay." You say.

"I... I didn't offend you did I? I promise I'm not trying to creep you out...I'm not just after just your blood." Cain say worriedly

"I am aware." You say, clearly not bothered.

You two sit in silence once again. It was relaxing and the anger that you felt earlier was almost gone. There was a little bit still lingering, but you chose to ignore it.

"Do you.... would you like to taste my... blood... someday?" Cain asks quietly.

You gaze at him with your innocent and pure eyes. Cain loved it when you looked at him like that.

"I don't know. Maybe... why?"

"Well... maybe you'll like it? I... I don't know I just–We could... we could do it today if you want." Cain whispers shyly, stumbling over his words.

"Perhaps some other time." You say, leaning back.

"Did I... did I gross you out?" Cain asks.

You shake your head.

"Not at all." You sigh.

You close your eyes. After a few minutes you felt some movement in the water. Then you hear a series of small splashes.

Next thing you knew, Cain had come over to your side of the tub. You opened your eyes again. Cain was only inches from your face, his eyes closed. He was goin in for a kiss.

You liked kisses, but you didn't think that the bath would be the right place to do it. Of course, you cared about kisses a tiny bit more than where you were at the moment, so you would still give him one, it just wouldn't be one of those long kisses the Cain seemed to like. Rather than quality over quantity, you switched them around. You were going to give him many smooches, which to you, is lower in quality than a long kiss.

You put you hand under his chin and you give him a peck on the lips. Cain opens his eyes in surprise, his cheeks going to a dark scarlet.

He smiles at you. "Woah, taking the lead huh?"

You don't answer. Your cheeks turned a soft pink. Cain didn't know if it was from all of the heat from the bath or if you were embarrassed. Either way, he thought you looked adorable. You kiss him again and then you kiss his cheek, his nose and his fore head.

"What's gotten into you?"He asks lovingly.

"I..." You put you had on your chest. "I don't know."

It was true, you didn't know. Yes, he went in for the kiss, but why didn't you just end it after the first peck? Why did you chose quantity and why didn't you just tell him you'd kiss him later? What was that feeling that made you want to give him so many kisses?


Cain chuckles, interrupting your internal crisis. He was getting confident and with confidence comes his pervert side.

"Hmm? You don't know?" His nose touches yours. "Let's find out then."

He hugs you, your bare chest again his. He pulls you back to his side of the tub, resting his back in the rim of the bath while hugging you. You didn't care, but you were curious, what exactly was he trying to do?

"How do you feel right now?" He asks. His deep voice was husky.

"Like usual." You say.

"Hmm... what about if I do this?" He softly blows air into your ear before nibbling on it.

It tickled, but it didn't really make a difference to you. Although... you did feel a bit strange. Just like when Cain first kissed you, you began to feel restless, but that was about it.

"Do you feel any different?"

"My heart is beating a bit faster...?" You whisper.

"Is that all? It has to be more than that." He chuckles. "Will this change things?"

He licks your earlobe, before going down to where he had bitten you before. He was right above your bites when he started suck on your neck. Your breath hitched and you became very tense. He wasn't bitting down, he was just.... well... sucking. It felt odd, strange, weird, but it wasn't unpleasant. The bites didn't even hurt anymore, they just tingled, adding to the mixture of feelings that you were experiencing. He releases your neck, creating a 'pop' sound because of the suction.

"How do you feel now?" Cain asks, smirking.

It was weird how Cain could seem innocent and shy one moment and then turn into some type of sex driven demon in the next. You weren't going to judge him... not verbally anyway.

"I...I don't...." You stutter.

"Yes, you do. Just say it (y/n). Describe it to me."

"I feel....I... feel..." Your eyes sparkled with wonder. "Electric."

Cain laughs wholeheartedly, his cheeks still pink. You look at him as he laughs, his eyes shut, his smile bright, and his cheeks a soft rose shade. Everything about him was beautiful and while he was laughing you began to realize things. In books, there was only one feeling that could make you feel so... nice... so warm. Of course, the way they described love was weak compared to the train of emotions that just hit you.

It had to be love... either that or you were aroused, but you highly doubted it.

Cain wipes a tear from his eye and looks down at you, only to see you staring at him. Your eyes were still sparkling. He watched you, slightly interesting and very much confused. You looked like you were... alive. You didn't look empty, which was puzzling. What were you thinking about that made you seem so... happy. Your eyes suddenly shift over to his and you two stare at each other.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asks curiously.

You nod. The way you were looking at him made him happy, but he couldn't read your mind. He wanted to know what you were thinking.

You lean closer.

"What did you just do?" You ask.

Your face was still as blank as always, but you eyes told a different story. It was like you made a grand discovery.

"I um... I gave you a hickey. Was I really that good?" Cain laughs.

It was such a beautiful laugh.

"Do you want me to return the favor?"

To you, it was a simple and innocent question. Even thought you mother had told you many times to have some type of shame, you still lacked it. You had some... just not a lot.

Cain stares at you wide eyed before smirking.

"Oh? Sure, but may I ask why?"

You nuzzles closely to his neck. Cain always smelled nice. He made coffee in the mornings and read books in the evening. Even when he was avoiding you, that what he did and that all together made him smell so cozy. Now he smelled like soap, but it was a great smell too. Thinking about his scent, his ruby colored eyes, his laugh, his smile, just him in general, made you feel electric, high, giddy, warm, and... happy. Even after that scary experience that he had put you through, you still loved him.

"I'm doing it because I think I..." You kiss his neck and he shivers. "I think I love you."

Cain was shocked.

You loved him?

You loved him!

Cain hugs you tight. You didn't get to give him a hickey, but that was okay. He was laughing. It was sweet and wholesome laugh.

"I love you too!" He buried his face in your hair, laughing happily.

You couldn't help but smile...

And then you laughed too.

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