《The CEO. (W|W)》35.


"Bitch! Bitch! You look so fucking good! Oh my God!" Kaya squealed as she walked into the dressing room. I smiled and cooed at my God son who was sleeping soundly in his car seat. It was the day of mine and Amelia's wedding and I couldn't be more excited.

After that night at the restaurant, Amelia really took her retirement seriously. She handed the company over to Diana who was doing absolutely amazing with running the company. From time to time I would pop in and help out, but my main focus was Amelia and the life we planned on building together.

Amelia and I decided we wanted to adopt our first child. His name was Alexander and he was eight years old. Amelia fell in love with him the moment we saw him at the orphanage. He was in his room painting and watching a documentary on the monarchy in early Europe.

Amelia was whipped.

It took us a while to get him to live with us. He was partially deaf and mute so Amelia and I took our time to make sure he would live comfortably. We took ASL classes and moderated our home to fit his needs. He had his own room and Amelia managed to get him a bed with a built in panic button that would chime straight to our phones.

"And where's my nephew?" Kaya scoffed as I grabbed Cj from his car seat and cooed at him.

"With his favorite mama, but it's okay because I have you, right buddy?" I cooed as I rubbed my nose against Cj's. Chad and Kaya ended up getting eloped without telling anyone, going to the courthouse and signing papers before having a silent honeymoon. She said they both preferred that because they wanted to spend more time together as a married couple before the baby's arrival.

Cj came a little earlier than everyone expected, giving his mama a hard time when she was about eight months. He was a premie who stayed in the NICU for quite some time, but we always visited and surrounded him with love. Now here he was, chunky and ready to take over the world at his little age. The door to the dressing room opened and there stood my own son who smiled brightly as he closed the door. He was dark skinned with a head full of hair, his dark eyes sitting behind his green frames. He walked over and grinned before leaning in and kissing my cheek.


'You look amazing, mommy.' He signed with a large grin on his face. I smiled and kissed his cheek before kissing his hands.

'Thank you. I'm sure mama looks amazing too.' I signed back. He nodded enthusiastically.

'Yeah she does. You're going to want to 'eat her' like you say sometimes in the kitchen when you think I'm not around.'

"Ha!" Kaya laughed as I blushed with wide eyes.

I didn't think he would hear.

'Okay hon. Go sit with grandma and grandpa, okay? We're going to start soon. I love you booger.'

'Love you mommy. And mama told me to give you this.' He handed me an envelope with my name written in cursive and I furrowed my brows.

"Okay girl, I'm gonna go sit. Don't trip!" Kaya giggled before running off and shutting the door. I stood from my seat and smoothed down my pant suit before analyzing myself in the mirror. My face was fully beat, my hair in a crown braid with a few strands falling on the sides of my face. I had on an all white power suit and a strapless top that held my breasts in place. My heels were also white with red bottoms.

I opened the envelope and pulled out the letter, smiling at the scent of Amelia's perfume and her cursive handwriting.

''My Casey,

Before we walk down the aisle I just wanted to say a few things that I think should only be shared between us. I know we chose not to write our own vows but I decided why not write my own to give to you personally, hm?

Anyway, my princess when I first laid my eyes on you I was conflicted. I wasn't really mad at you for skipping me in traffic. Hell, I thought you were an absolute bad ass for doing it. I was mad because I wanted you from day one but didn't have enough confidence to show you.

You are so beautiful. Inside and out. I want nothing more than to give you every single thing you ever want. You've helped me so so much in this life time. So why can't I gift you in return?


As the rich, pompous woman I am, I managed to get my tubes untied and reconstructed a few weeks after retirement. When I told you I had a business trip to attend? Yeah I was actually down the block at mount Sinai with the finest doctors. Behind your back I've been getting tests done and ivf to see if I was now capable of getting pregnant.

Well..it worked. I was going to wait until we were at our secret destination to tell you, but I just couldn't wait. Yes, our son knows but I told him not to tell you just yet because we have another surprise for you. I won't tell you what, though.

My Casey, thank you for making me warm again. Thank you for allowing me to be myself with you. Thank you for loving me the way I've always desired. I love you so much and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

Your babygirl,


"Oh my God..oh my God!" I shouted as I jumped up and down, the tears streaming down my face. I dabbed my tears away and sniffed as I fanned my face and tried to hold it together.

"That sneaky bitch!" I sobbed as I tried my best to regain my composure. I couldn't help but smile widely because Amelia and I were having a baby! A pregnancy! I get to see her pregnant!

"It's time!" I heard my dad cheer as he opened the door, his face dropped as he saw me crying.

"Aye, what's wrong? She didn't cancel, did she? I'll shake her up."

"No, dad. Relax." I laughed as I stared at my father. He was in a beige tux, his curly hair slicked back in a neat bun. He was a lot older, his salt and pepper beard sitting on his face. He looked like the male version of me, and Amelia loved it.

"You look gorgeous, my love. Come on, it's time for me to walk my daughter down the aisle."

As I walked down the aisle, I couldn't help but allow all the memories from the last two years replay in my head. My life took a complete one eighty when I met Amelia. She changed my life for the better and I'll never regret asking her to my birthday party. I'll never regret going to her house and beating the pulp out of Sheri, who lost her own case and was sent to jail for violating her parole. Her rehab wasn't in the building, she just came to be annoying.

Well jokes on her she's serving five years.

"Oh my God.." I whispered as my eyes met Amelia's. She smiled brightly in her white gown as she waited for me at the altar. She was absolutely glowing, it being a week since I saw my fiancée. Her gown was long and swimming behind her, the background of flowers just illuminating her beauty. She held her hand out for me and I grabbed it, smiling graciously at her.

"Hi baby mama." I grinned, causing her to laugh and kiss my forehead.

"Hi princess. You look stunning, I should say."

"Me? You're the angel over here. I can't wait to devour you." I whispered as I kissed her cheek. She blushed and looked at the priest who just smiled widely.

"Well..let's get started."

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