《The CEO. (W|W)》34.


"Aye, wagwan Amelia?! Take a seat here, your food will be out soon." The host stated as he walked us to our table.

"Did you really call them ahead of time?" I asked as we took a seat in the Jamaican restaurant. Amelia nodded with a wide grin on her face and it made me smile.

"Sure did, mate. I'm fùcking hungry." Amelia stated as she sipped her soda. I tapped my foot and looked at my phone to see Diana said she was on her way. I told her to meet us here to speak to Amelia.

The door chimed and we both watched Diana walk in as she adjusted her pants before taking a seat next to Amelia and smiling.

"Thank you for inviting-"

"Hi sister!" Amelia squealed loudly as she jumped on top of Diana, wrapping her arms and legs around her causing Diana to gasp in shock. I watched the tears well in her eyes and she swallowed them back as she held Amelia who dropped her feet to the ground so she could stand.

"Casey might be able to do that, but you are heavy big sister. Don't do that again. I beg you."

"Oh hush! Sit down, let's talk." Amelia giggled as she sat back down in her chair. Diana adjusted her clothes before sighing and looking around.

"Oh yes, I want a beef patty with cheese on some cocoa bread."

"Oh fuck, that sounds good. I'll order ten. Waiter!" Amelia called out causing me to slap her arm.


"Relax. Relax.. you cannot eat ten beef patties-"

"Erm, nine actually. Diana is getting one, duh."


"Oy, she can eat can't she?" Diana laughed, causing Amelia to flick her cheek. I watched as they interacted with a large smile on my face, Amelia poking Diana's stomach and Diana slapping her boob causing Amelia to pout.


"They're sensitive."

Our food soon came and I watched as amelia dug in, moaning at the taste of her fried chicken. Both Diana and I stared as she stuffed her face, jumping from her yams to her collard greens and back again, just to then stab her Mac and cheese like a crazy person.

Amelia looked up with full cheeks and saw both of us watching, before swallowing her food.


"You're a fat ass. Do you make her smoke or something?" Diana asked. I laughed and shook my head.

"Amelia is worse when we smoke."

"Oh hush!" Amelia playfully scowled as she threw a chicken bone at me. The rest of our dinner went well, Amelia and Diana getting to know each other more. They were complete opposites and it made the bond even more special.

They were also born on the same exact day and eleven months apart. Amelia was born January third while Diana was December third. Same exact year, same day, and their birthdays fall right after each others.

It was weird.

Amelia and I were now on our way home, her and Diana texting back and forth. Amelia was smiling widely and I never felt happier.

"I love you." I breathed as I kissed the side of her face.

"And I love you."

"So, did you find your replacement for work?" I asked her. She looked up at me with wide eyes and shook her head before groaning.

"I completely forgot. You can't do it?"

"And who will be home to take care of you? Hm?" I asked. She huffed and laid her head on my shoulder. I smirked and kissed the top of her head.

"You know..Diana has her masters in journalism-"

"Absolutely not. I just met the woman, I can't possibly hand over my entire legacy to her."


"Why not? She's a literal carbon copy of you. I'm sure she'll have a field day running her sisters company until she's back on her feet."

"About that.." Amelia started as she cleared her throat. I furrowed my brows and watched as she played with her fingers.

"I think I want to retire."

I gasped and watched as she blushed and nodded her head as she swallowed hard.

"Are you sure?"

"I think I need a break. I've been doing everything on my own since six years old. I'm tired, Casey. I'm tired. I'm still going to own it, I just don't want to run it anymore. I want to travel, make love to you, eat exotic chocolate-"

"In moderation-"

"Yes, mom, in fùcking moderation." Amelia scoffed playfully as she rolled her eyes.

"But yes. I have all this money and haven't done shit. I want to go crazy for a little while..learn myself a little more."

"I think that's beautiful." I breathed as I opened the car door, walking over and grabbing her hand.

"You really think so?" She asked. I nodded, opening the house door and allowing her to walk inside.

"Then it's a plan. I'll tell Diana in the morning."

"Oh so you're taking my advice?" I asked as I kicked off my shoes and started to unbutton my shirt as we both walked upstairs to our bedroom.

"I had already considered it. It's nice to know I have a bloodline I can pass things down to." Amelia sighed as she kicked off her pants, walking into the bathroom and turning the shower on.


"And I'm sure our kids will love to know they'll have very hefty trust funds." Amelia giggled as she ran a hand down my now naked chest. I smirked and leaned down, kissing her lips softly as her naked body pressed against mine.

"How about we get in the shower? Hm?" I whispered. She smirked against my mouth and nodded before stepping into the shower and holding my hand to help me inside.

I immediately pinned her against the shower wall, my lips automatically attacking her neck causing her to moan. I kissed and sucked on her skin, nibbling the part that makes her knees buckle as I hitched her leg over my hips.

"Now let's relieve some of this stress."

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