《The CEO. (W|W)》31.



"You okay?" I asked Amelia as I held the car door open for her. After forcing her to take Friday off and consoling her for the day, the rest of the weekend consisted of the same thing. Her being clingy toward me and refusing to let me leave her side. After Kaya and Chad came over, she seemed a little better, laughing and eating the large ice cream sundae that they brought for her.

It's the only thing she wanted to eat.

But then it went back to silence and her being physically attached to me until we went to bed. She kissed me goodnight and immediately fell asleep, leaving me staring up at the ceiling.

I couldn't possibly tell her about her sister right now. I'm afraid it'll make matters worse, but it was chewing me up inside.

We were now walking into the building, Amelia holding my hand tightly with her shaking one as we walked toward the elevator. Her face was completely free of makeup except for mascara and my blistex that she used in the car. She had on a black turtle neck and black slacks with black toms on her feet, exposing her anklet and the evil eye charm bracelet I bought her for her birthday.

"I love you. It's gonna be okay." I breathed as I kissed the side of her face.

"Aw, no more trouble in paradise?" I heard the voice of Sheri call causing my head to whip around. Amelia slowly turned around and stared blankly at Sheri, blinking aggressively.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed as I clenched my fists. We haven't heard anything from her after the TMZ situation. She never bothered us again.

Until now.

"Doing my penance since SOMEONE wanted to tell the whole world I was abusive. My rehab is in this building. Good to see you Amelia. Looking as English as ever."


"Piss off you bloody fucking cunt before I stuff my shoe so far up your ass you taste the fucking shit at the bottom." Amelia spat aggressively before stepping into the elevator and pulling me inside, leaving Sheri staring at her in shock as well as everyone else in the lobby.

I was shocked too. That's the first Amelia like thing she's said all weekend and it actually scared me a bit. I haven't heard that much aggression in her voice in over a year when she told me she was going to fire me for almost killing her with hazelnuts.

Jesus Christ.

I watched as she glared at the elevator door, her nostrils flaring as she clenched her fists at her sides before aggressively walking out of the elevator and leaving me scurrying behind her.

"Everyone listen and listen to me carefully! I want every single file, assignment, and book finished or else you'll lose your job! Understood? I don't even want to hear a PIN drop or else you're fired." Before giving anyone a chance to process, she walked into her office and slammed the door shut before pulling the blinds and covering her windows.

Everyone looked from the door to me and I chuckled awkwardly.

"Miss White isn't feeling to well today. Just do as you're told, okay? We don't want to lose our jobs now, okay?" They all slowly nodded before getting their day started.

Amelia never left her office. Not even for lunch. She had her door locked and I knew she wanted her space so during lunch I bought her one of her favorite sandwiches with some soup on the side, before walking to the bakery and buying her favorite cake. I bought a small one so she can have it all to herself.


"Knock knock.." I breathed as I opened the door. She didn't even look up from her computer, her eyes squinted behind her glasses as she continued to type on her computer.

"Hey." She responded blandly before sniffing the air and looking up. I smirked as I held up the lunch and her face softened into a small, appreciative pout.

"Thank you princess. I just have a lot to do right now, I'm not ignoring you I promise. Come here." She breathed as she took her glasses off and opened her arms. I grinned and walked over, placing the bags on her desk and leaning in, pecking her lips softly and earning a moan.

"How are you feeling?" I asked. I watched as she looked in the bag and her eyes lightened up at the chocolate cake. She looked up at me before looking down at the cake before pulling out the sandwich and soup.

"Lox and miso soup? Do you want to get fucked, Casey?"

I laughed loudly and kissed her forehead and watched as she pulled the bagel apart and bit into it, her eyes rolling into the back of her head.

"I haven't had this since New Years. You want a bite?" Amelia asked with a stuffed mouth and I shook my head with a grin.

"Enjoy, mama. I love you."

"I love you baby." She moaned with a stuffed mouth. I walked out, but bumped into someone as they were walking into the office.

"Diana! So good to see you again!" Amelia shouted from her desk. Diana stared at me with a look and I shook my head, confirming that I didn't tell Amelia who she really was and she nodded.

"Good to see you both. However, I'm not here to visit. I have important news to share with the both of you so I suggest you sit down."

I watched as Amelia's face dropped as she slowly chewed the rest of her food before swallowing. I walked over and sat down on the couch and Diana sighed before handing me the newspaper.

"Sheri porter has decided to sue the SNOW enterprise for deformation. She's claiming that the allegations you made against her were false and wants to sue for a million dollars."

My heart dropped in my chest and I watched as Amelia stared blankly at the table. She slowly stood up with shaky hands but then collapsed to the ground, causing both Diana and I to gasp and run over as my fiancée laid unconscious on the ground.


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