《The CEO. (W|W)》30.



"Girl, where are you? I thought you would be here." Kaya breathed as I answered the FaceTime call. It was early in the morning and Amelia was still wrapped around my body. I was in the kitchen as I angled the camera down toward Amelia who just looked up before laying her head back down.

"You okay, Amelia?" Chad asked through the camera. Amelia just ignored them and I shook my head before placing the phone down on the table.

"She's not feeling too well. But we're fine. How are you guys?" I asked as I stirred the noodles I made for Amelia. After giving her an orgasm and massaging her back until she fell back asleep last night, she went back to acting like the big baby she was, staying attached to my hip. I had woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and she scared the life out of me when I opened the bathroom door, seeing her standing there waiting for me with her teddy bear in her hand as she rubbed her eyes with the other. Her hair was a complete mess and she was in one of my sweaters, it being slightly big on her but not too baggy.

It was a sight even though I nearly shat myself.

"We're good, I have my ultrasound today. I'll send you guys pictures. Do you want us to come over after? I'll bring ice cream.." Kaya sang. I felt Amelia smile against my skin and I grinned.

"Would you like that? Hm?" I asked as I looked down at Amelia. She nodded and I smiled before kissing her forehead.

"Yeah that'll be cool. Be safe okay? Text me when you're on your way."

We hung up and I sang a small tune as I continued to make Amelia her soup. She was quiet, just staring into space as she held onto me. I was used to this side of her, but I could tell she was in a different headspace than usual.


Usually for breakfast we'd go out, or she would make crepes and add crazy ass toppings. But today, she barely could get out of bed until I asked her if she wanted me to hold her.

She never attached herself so fast to me in her life.

"Okay, your noodles are ready. I added hot sauce and cheese just the way you like it." I grinned as I sat at the table. Her legs dangled at my sides as she continued to stare into space and I sighed.

"Amelia, you need to eat. You had scotch for dinner last night."

"I don't want it." She whispered.

"But you want ice cream?" I asked. She nodded and looked up at me with a soft smile.


"Can you eat some? Just a little bit?" I asked. Amelia rolled her eyes and huffed before opening her mouth causing me to laugh.

"You want me to feed you?" I asked her. She grinned widely, but her eyes were still sad and it made my heart sink slowly. I know she's trying to process her emotions but I couldn't help but feel for her.

"Mhm." She hummed as she nodded. I scooped her noodles up with the fork and placed it near her mouth, watching as she opened her mouth and took the food in, chewing slowly and swallowing before groaning and shaking her head.

"Yeah no..ice cream please." She groaned causing me to laugh. I managed to get her to eat most of it and we were now laying in bed, Amelia still holding onto me for dear life.

"Baby, I have to pee."


"Amelia please."



"Fine." She pouted before rolling over to the other side of the bed and staring out of the window with a frown on her face. I sighed and touched her shoulder, watching as she continued to glare out of the window in silence. I walked over to the bathroom and quickly emptied out my bladder before wiping and washing my hands. I walked back into the bedroom and saw she was still staring out of the window but her face was back into the same blank mask she was wearing earlier.


"Amelia, what is it that you need right now?" I asked her gently as I sat down on the bed. I watched as she slowly looked over at me with a look of confusion before blinking her eyes rapidly.

"What do you mean?" She asked quietly as if she was uncertain. I know it was because she was so used to dealing with everything on her own, and even though we've been together for a year she still wasn't used to having someone be there for her.

"What do you need right now? It could be anything. What will help you feel better? Even if it's just for a moment?" I asked. I watched as she stared at me for a second, her chin starting to tremble as she looked down at her hands and picked at her nails.

"I just want to feel better." She sniffed. I watched as fat tears rolled down her face and I pulled her into my arms as she cried softly into my chest, wrapping her arms and legs around me again. I held her as she cried, her sobs growing louder and louder until they were loud wails that echoed through the room. It made my own tears fall and I cried with her as I realized that the reality might just be that she was depressed.

Amelia was depressed and held down the feelings by working until she couldn't function anymore.

Some time passed and she grew quiet, but I knew she was awake as she sniffed and hiccuped. She let out a few shuddered breaths since she was hyperventilating while she was crying. She was staring into space with her head still laying on my chest, her watery eyes watching the city from out of the window.

"I think I need help, Casey." Amelia breathed quietly. I nodded as my fingers ran up and down her back, watching as she broke into goosebumps.

"And that's perfectly okay, Amelia."

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