《The CEO. (W|W)》28.



"Ms. Casey...where are you? U-um Amelia...I think she should go home." Ashley whispered into the phone. I inhaled my from my spliff and sighed as I exhaled before scratching my eyebrow in annoyance. I could hear the sound of things slamming and someone yelling at the top of their lungs causing me to sigh harder.

What the fuck is her deal?

"What is going on-"

"Ashley, who's that? Give me the phone-" I heard Amelia in the background, the sound of grunts and shuffling in my ear causing me to roll my eyes.

"Oh, so you called her? What for?" I heard Amelia press Ashley and I huffed.

"Amelia, leave her alone. She was worried about you-"

"Oh piss off."

"Excuse me?" I scoffed into the phone. At this point I was ready to shake her something silly if she thought she was going to speak to me like that. She's never once spoken to me like that before and I couldn't understand why she thought this was okay.

"You left because you had a shit attitude and I let you. Now it's my turn to have one and everyone's worried?! Oh please! The day is over! Everyone go home!" I heard her shout, the sound of chairs scraping the ground filling my ears.

It was five thirty..she's not wrong.

"Can I have my phone back?" I heard Ashley ask. Amelia let out a hum of annoyance before speaking into the phone.

"I'll see you when I get home."

"No. You won't." I chuckled humorlessly.

"Excuse me?" She stated into the phone. Her voice wavered slightly and I swallowed hard as I tried my best to hold my composure with her.

"I won't be home tonight. I'll see you tomorrow-"


"W-what do you mean you won't be home? What are you talking about? Casey are you okay? Why aren't you coming home?" Amelia suddenly sobbed into the phone, causing me to furrow my brows.

What the fuck?

"Amelia stop crying. What the hell is going on? I mention kids and suddenly you're blowing me off and now you're on a rampage and terrorizing our employees. Jesus Christ-"

"Come home. Please. Please and then we'll talk, okay? I don't want to fight, princess. Im just upset because you sounded mad like you were demanding kids from me and it hurt my feelings. Please come home. Don't leave me." She sobbed into the phone. I could hear Ashley trying to console her in the background and I sighed before standing up and slipping on Kaya's bunny rabbit slippers.

"Tell her to stay there. I'm coming."

"Yeah she's a mess right now. She's like on the floor at this point."

"Jesus..go in her office in the bottom drawer there's a Hershey bar. Just give it to her. I'm on my way."

"You hear that, honey? She's coming to get you, okay? And you can have some candy." I heard Ashley say to Amelia who whimpered in response.

"Okay." She sniffed. I hung up the phone and sighed, before smiling and shaking my head.

Such a fùcking baby.

As I waited for my Uber, I thought about the time Amelia and I had fought. It was once and it was over a pair of socks. We were both stressed out and it was dumb. But even then, she didn't act like this. Instead, we stared at the socks after I yelled at her telling her to chill out, before bursting into laughter and apologizing as she wrapped her arms and legs around me. I then carried her to the kitchen and we ate frozen yogurt from the carton before cuddling and watching a movie.


So why was this time so different?

I finally got into the Uber and scoffed at Ashley's text message that warned me that Amelia was indeed drunk off her stash of scotch in her desk drawer and was talking about how much she loved me and wanted to 'devour my insides like spaghetti'. She then sent me a video of Amelia laughing hysterically at her own joke, slapping the edge of her desk before sipping her drink.

My baby is a mess..what is going on?

I slipped out the car and ran into the lobby and pressed the elevator button. I stepped in and watched as the numbers counted to the one hundredth floor and I sighed before walking out to hear giggling come from the office.


"Oh my baby..there she is..my honey bunny...hi..." Amelia slurred as she giggled, falling into my arms and moaning as she wrapped her arms and legs around me.

"Holy shit. Do you carry her like that all the time?" Ashley asked. I chuckled and sighed as I ran my hands up and down Amelia's back as she attacked me with kisses.

"Baby let's get you home, okay? You're a mess mama." I breathed as she moaned into my neck, tightening her arms and legs around me as we all walked to the elevator. By the time we got downstairs she was snoring loudly into my neck. I knew it would be hard to peel her off of me so I carefully drove home with her still attached to my body.

I needed to get to the bottom of this behavior. I've never seen Amelia act like this before and it scared me. She's had her moments yes, but this wasn't normal. Something was up.

Part of me feels it's about her sister. Maybe she knew and didn't want me to know so she had her sister lie about it. I had so many questions and I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize we were sitting in front of the house. Amelias drool leaked down my shirt as she snores, her thumb in her mouth as her other hand unconsciously ran up and down the nape of my neck.

"Oh my honey..what is going on with you?"

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