《The CEO. (W|W)》27.



I laughed, but my face dropped as the woman arched her brow, indicating that she was serious. She did have similar features to my fiancée, her eyes being the most prominent one.

"What?" I asked quietly as I continued to stare. The woman smirked and shrugged, chewing her gum as her eyes roamed up and down my body.

"I'm guessing you're my sister in law. TMZ really had it hot for you guys." She chuckled, before rolling her eyes. I just continued to stare, the confusion boggling my mind.

"Does she know you're here-"

"No. She doesn't know I exist, so don't go all batshit on her thinking she's kept secrets, kay?" She scoffed sarcastically.

"You're not-"

"British? Oh please. That English muffin wouldn't have survived the American foster system." She chuckled. She didn't have an accent whats so ever. She sounded more New York than me.

"Older or younger?" I asked as I finally allowed the elevator doors to close as I stood across from her. She sighed and looked at me with uncertain eyes that reminded me of my wife's.

"We're eleven months apart. Her dad left my mom after finding out. They were having an affair, next thing we know he's dead." She shrugged as she picked at her nails, her mouth turned down.

"Car accident, right?"

"Is that what it was? I was told he killed himself. Hm. But then that's what my mom did to honor him and I was left alone with her body swinging from her bed pole."

"Jesus Christ." I hissed.

"I know right..anyway, I would appreciate it if you kept this to yourself. I'm not ready to tell her yet, so for now I'm apart of the press that's here for the meeting. That part is true. I work for the New York Times."


I sighed at the thought of keeping something big like this away from Amelia, but I knew it wasn't my place to tell her anything. After all, it was her sister and I couldn't come in between that.


We both stepped out of the elevator and my eyes immediately found Amelia who was talking to a tall, older man who was smiling down at her. I balled my fists as I watched her smooth down his jacket before removing a piece of lint.

Is she serious?

"Ms. White. Diana Smith for the New York Times. It's a pleasure to meet you." Diana grinned as she walked up to Amelia, holding her hand out to her. Amelia looked from me to Diana with a look of skepticism before slowly shaking her sisters hand and causing me to swallow hard.

"A delight. Are you here for the press meeting for my book?" Amelia asked. She didn't even acknowledge me and it caused my chest to tighten slightly. I lifted my hand and rubbed my chest before clearing my throat.

I guess two could play that game, then.

"Excuse me, Ms. White. I'm stepping out for the day." I breathed before brushing past.

"Okay. See ya." She responded back, causing me to laugh humorlessly as the tears of embarrassment stung the corner of my eyes. I walked out of the building and shook my head before pulling out my phone.

All of this because I asked about kids? Something we've never discussed before? It's clear what my answer is. It's all in her attitude.

"Hey I'm in a meeting-"

"It's fine, the key is still under the mat?" I asked. Kaya sighed and I heard shuffling in the background and a door close.

"What happened?" She asked. A tear escaped my eye and I wiped it quickly before letting out a shaky breath.


"I asked about kids-"

"Oh fuck. You asked a self-made billionaire to have kids before even walking down the aisle yet? Holy fuck you're braver than I thought-"

"Kaya come on. She's hurting my feelings right now and I don't know if it's intentional."

"What is she doing?" She asked. I felt my abandonment issues and separation anxiety bubble in my chest as I thought back to the cold shoulder I was receiving from Amelia. It hurt because she hasn't acted this way toward me in our relationship.

"She's literally brushing me off. And then I told her I was leaving for the day and she just dismissed me. In front of the press."



"Key is in the mailbox, there's a few pre-rolls in my room in the cabinet but don't touch the red tipped ones. Those are Chads. Bottle of wine in the lower cabinet and ice cream in the freezer. Love you babe. She'll get over it."

Kaya hung up the phone and I sighed before wiping my face and walking down the street. Amelia and I carpool to work and I wasn't going to fight over taking the car. I didn't want to fight about anything at all.

I just wanted my fiancée to look me in my eye and smile at me the way she usually did. As I waited for the bus I scrolled through my phone and smiled at the video I took of Amelia when we first moved into our new home.

"Welcome to Casa de Amelia y Casey. Where the fun begins." Amelia squealed into the camera causing me to chuckle.

"Wanna give us a tour, Mrs. White?"

"Why of course, Mrs. White. This is the staircase right here."

"Would you let me bang you right there?" I asked as I focused the camera. She was smiling with her hand on her hip, rolling her eyes before shooting me a grin indicating that she was thinking the same thing.

"I might. We'll see."

"Stay just like that..you look gorgeous." I breathed as I started taking photos of her. She just smiled before sighing and looking around before grinning toward the camera.

"I love you."

I felt a tear stream down my face and I wiped it again before sighing. This was being blown out of proportion a lot more than it needed to be and I couldn't understand why. Was it that bad? Me asking for kids?

I didn't want to ruin my marriage before it even started. Especially over something like this.

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