《The CEO. (W|W)》26.


I have decided not to end it yet. God bless.


"My bitch is engaged! We're both engaged! Oh my God what if we get married together?! Oh my God!" Kaya squealed into the phone. I chuckled and looked down at my fiancée to see she was still asleep, her thumb halfway in her mouth as she drooled on her teddy bear.

"That's all on you and Amelia. She said she wants a grand wedding. I left her in control of everything."

"Of course you did." Kaya stated in a fake British accent causing me to laugh. After devouring each other and finishing our dinner in the middle of the night, Amelia and I spoke about the type of theme we'd want for our wedding. I told her I don't mind whatever she wants and she said she wanted a large wedding as if the queen was getting married all over again.

I told her her wish was my command. Even though she was in charge of the finances.

I just couldn't wait for our honeymoon. I know she is going to go all out and I couldn't wait to see what she comes up with.

"I have to tell you something." Kaya breathed into the phone.


"I'm pregnant."

"I knew it. You haven't been smoking or anything. How far long? Are you okay with it? Is Chad-"

"Four months, yes and he is so happy that he tried making another one when he found out."

"Spare me the details, shit." I groaned causing her to laugh and Chad to chuckle in the background.

"So when's the engagement party?" She asked. I sighed and looked down to see Amelia was still asleep, except she had her thumb fully in her mouth and it made me smile wider.


Such a damn baby.

"I'm not sure. I'm sure she'll plan everything."

"Okay but what is it that you want? You seem to let her take the wheel a lot."'

"I let her because I know she'll surprise me. She never disappoints."

"So, what do you think, eh? A masquerade themed engagement party?" Amelia asked as she pointed toward the computer, showing me the different designs of dresses with matching masks.

"Yes, that's fine."

Amelia stared at me for a second, before standing up and closing her office door and crossing her arms. We were in her office hiding from Ashley who was on a rampage about her files that went missing.

We didn't want to be apart of that crossfire. We could hear her screaming at everyone else and it caused Amelia to laugh before touching her heart.

"I'm so proud." Amelia giggled before straddling my lap.

"What's wrong? Why are you so complacent?" She asked as she rubbed her nose against mine. I sighed and shook my head before kissing her softly.

"I'm not complacent I'm just..indifferent. I want to make sure you're happy. Everything you pick out never fails to surprise me." I responded.

"I mean..do you want to get married?" She asked.

"Of course I do, Amelia."

"So then show some enthusiasm. Pick the menu for the party and the wedding. Just..something to show that you're engaging. I want us to plan together." She pouted. I looked into her blue eyes and smiled before nodding.

"You know what I want?" I asked as I kissed her lips. She moaned and kissed me back.

"What?" She asked, her eyes still on my lips.

"A baby."

Amelia's eyes widened as she sat back, her arms still wrapped around my neck as she stared at me. I nodded, rubbing my hand up and down her soft stomach as I smiled at the thought of her being pregnant.


She would look so beautiful.

"A baby? Now?" She asked.

"Yes. Why not?" I asked.

"I mean I've never really..thought about that. I would have to really sit and think-"

"I thought you liked kids." I stated suddenly, causing her to be taken aback by my sudden attitude. I couldn't help but have one considering she asked me what I wanted.

And it's this.

"Okay, if this is going to turn into an argument I suggest we wait until we get home and feed cheeze it. Okay?" She asked slowly as she started to climb off my lap.

"Wait, no. Come back-"

"Uh nuh. You had a tone in your voice, now you're on a penalty. Tata." Amelia shrugged. I could tell she was annoyed because her nostrils were turning red and her cheeks were flushed all while refusing to make eye contact with me.

"I have candy.." I teased as I poked her side but she shook her head, still staring at the desk with a slight frown on her face causing me to sigh.

"You're the reason why I've gained fifteen pounds. I rather not. I'll see you later, Casey."

I sighed because I knew she was definitely mad at me. She never denied candy, and she hasn't gained anything that didn't go straight to her thighs and ass.


I went back to my desk and groaned before taking a sip of my tea as I finished my task for the day. We had a meeting in an hour and I had to prepare my notes because it was with a screenwriter that wants to adopt one of Amelia's books and turn it into a television series.

I watched as she walked out of her office and walked past my desk without a glance, confirming that she was definitely upset with me. I sighed and stood, grabbing my notepad and walking to the elevator, standing next to her as she pressed the button.

"Are you really upset with me-"

"Ms. Alvarez I would greatly appreciate it if we kept this conversation strictly professional. I'll meet you in the lobby." She turned on her heels and walked over to the stairs and I slumped my shoulders in defeat before stepping into the elevator.

"Well aren't you a cutie?"

I looked up and saw a woman with jet black hair leaning against the elevator railing. She had on thick black shades that covered her eyes and her cheeks, exposing nothing but her pointy nose and her lips.

"Are you here for the meeting?" I asked, completely ignoring the compliment that she gave me. She sighed and pushed her shades up, her familiar blue eyes piercing into my brown ones.

"No..I'm looking for Amelia White. My half sister."

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