《The CEO. (W|W)》25.


Idk idk idk. We'll see.


"I'm home!" I yelled as I shut the door. Multiple footsteps ran down the long hallway and a loud squeal filled my ears as my girlfriend attached her body to mine, leaving wet kisses around my face as our dog barked at my feet.

"Oh, I missed you a bunch!" Amelia squealed as she kissed my face before kissing my lips. I kissed her back as I held her to my body.

"Hey cheeze it! Did you behave for mama today?" I cooed as I looked down at our golden retriever who barked in response. The last year with Amelia has been nothing but amazing. After everything cooled down with the press, we decided to just lay low and do what we had to do.

Amelia wasn't as bitchy as she used to be. She loved every single new employee that she hired. We both watched them grow through the last year, some of them even inviting us to their college graduations.

Of course Amelia went all out, especially for one young woman in particular. She was in her last year of college, getting her bachelors degree in journalism. She was a single mom with no help what so ever. There was one point where Amelia caught her crying in the parking lot and Ashley explained that she couldn't find a babysitter for the day and had to go home and miss work.

I've never seen Amelia interact with a baby before until that day, and I swear I fell in love all over again. We both took turns watching the baby while Ashley worked, Amelia cooing at the young boy who made her smile so bright that I couldn't help but picture us with our own little family.

She even shared her candy with him, laughing at his reaction to the sour candy.


'Babe did you see his face?! Did you?! I'm such a twat!'

When Ashley invited us to her graduation, Amelia decided she wanted to help the young woman now that she was finished with school. So she bumped her position, firing her assistant and making Ashley her new one and raising her pay.

She then added a bonus to her last paycheck as a regular clerical worker, saying that she commended the young woman for being headstrong and not giving up on her son.

It made me emotional because I know where that stemmed from. After Amelia and I got home, I caught her crying her eyes out in the bathroom. She explained that she wished her parents were still here and that she saw Ashley as a strong person who will get very far in life.

It made me call my parents.

Thanksgiving was a trip, Amelia finally agreeing to meet my family. Kaya and Chad came along, Chad deciding to pop the question in front of my entire family making Amelia burst into tears.

She was such a baby sometimes.

For Christmas, I decided to surprise Amelia with cheeze it. He was a puppy when I had secretly adopted him, leaving him with Kaya until I was ready to gift him to Amelia. She cried, before deciding to name him cheeze it.

'What? It's better than Worcester. You know I love some Worcester babe.'

"Something smells great." I grinned as I placed Amelia down on top of the kitchen counter. She kept her arms wrapped around me as she looked up at me with a beautiful smile.

"I made the legume that you like with the crab in it. Mom said it was your favorite and showed me how to make it today." She grinned.


Did I mention that my mother and Amelia were best friends?

"My Haitian mother taught you how to make that? That's her special recipe. She doesn't even tell me how to make it." I scoffed playfully.

"She also told me how to make the rice and beans-"

"Oh my fuck I am going to eat your ass tonight. Jesus.." I moaned as I walked into our dining room to see the large bowl of rice and beans sitting in the center, along with the pan of legume and some fried plantains.

One thing I loved about Amelia was her appreciation for my culture. She wanted to learn everything about the Haitian culture and it made me fall in love even more. She said she was acquainted with the Jamaican culture considering the British and Jamaicans were somehow aligned and went to a carnival every year to appreciate it.

She even had me do bantu knots in her hair when we went for her birthday. She looked ridiculous but they loved it knowing she was appreciating rather than appropriating. Chad said she looked like a Pokémon and showed us pictures of when they were younger and went to the carnival from time to time.

She sure knew how to make some oxtail. Kaya almost passed out when she tried her recipe. Chad already knew what the deal was, immediately high fiving his best friend when he saw what we had for dinner that night.

"I wouldn't mind that..Here sit." Amelia grinned as she pulled my chair out for me. I obeyed, sitting down and watching as she grabbed my plate and served me.

"Babe, I could've-"

"Shut up."

"Alright then." I chuckled as I sat back and watch her place the large plate of food in front of me.

"Damn, you even made the potato salad."

"Yes I sure fucking did." Amelia stated proudly before sitting down at her seat. We both mumbled a prayer before starting to eat. I moaned, thanking God that my girlfriend knew how to cook just as well as I did.

"Good, hm?" She asked as she looked up at me. I nodded, taking the crab leg and getting ready to put it in my mouth when I saw something shining around it.

"A-Amelia whats this?" I asked, the tears welling in my eyes as the large diamond ring shined under the light.

"Oh, just something I wanted to give my fiancée is all. Why?" She asked as she stood and walked toward me. I swallowed hard, the tears starting to stream down my face as she grinned, before digging in her pocket and opening the velvet box.

"The one on the crab is a replica." She breathed as she slowly lowered herself to one knee.


"YES! YES!" I screamed before tackling her to the ground and kissing her face, before kissing her lips softly.

"Oh if you didn't smell like crab, I would've fucked you right here."

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