《The CEO. (W|W)》23.


"Still nothing?" I asked Chad. He shook his head and locked his phone before sighing. It's been a few days since the photos of Amelia and I leaked. TMZ was not giving either of us a break, paparazzi following me everywhere I go and asking questions, including whether or not Amelia and I broke up yet.

"Is that what yall what?! Clearly it fucking is!" I screamed.

She hasn't come to work for the rest of the week, the new employees not even questioning anything. No one even batted an eye and I was grateful. She probably thought that they were going to look at her differently which is why she wasn't coming to work.

At least I hope that's what it was.

I've been sending baskets of candy to her house, and I know she's been seeing them because I would see that everytime I bring one, the other one was missing.

I just wanted my baby to be okay. I didn't care about the rest.

Amelia white..a softie?

Amelia white..

CEO of Snow Enterprise gets exposed by her own girlfriend? Wow! What a time to be alive, right audience?

Every channel I changed through reminded me of the reason why I was such a bitch to everyone but myself. I wanted nothing more than to crawl in a pit and die. I knew Casey wasn't the one who did this, but I couldn't help but put my guard up because I was tired.

I was tired of it all, actually.

It seems as though everytime I make myself vulnerable, stupid shit like this happens and I become guarded. With Sheri, she betrayed me in the most ultimate way and now here we are.

All because I didn't want to give her my virginity.

I sniffed, the tears streaming onto my pillow as I chewed on my candy bar. Casey kept sending me baskets of candy for the last five days and it made me feel terrible. I shouldn't push her away, but I didn't want to deal with anything.


Not even myself.

I slowly stood from the bed and placed snuggles in his usual spot next to biscuit before standing from the bed and glaring into the mirror.

"Pull yourself together! You go down there and you give them a piece of your mind, Amelia. You did not go through all of this just to shy away because everyone knows you suck your thumb and lick your girlfriends fingers clean from ice cream. Pull it together!" I screamed, the tears streaming down my face as I stared at myself in the mirror. I took a deep breath, before slipping off my robe and getting dressed in the sweatsuit I stole from Casey's closet before slipping on my baby pink crocs and walking down to my car.

I sped down the road, not having any regard for anyone else that was driving, before getting out of the car and walking into the TMZ studio when I heard someone speak.

"Oh look! The she-devil."

I turned and saw José smirking as he flipped through his papers, before looking up at me with an evil grin.

"You peasant. You downgraded to come and work here?" I scoffed as I crossed my arms.

"Where do you think all their info came from? Be careful who you trust..and give your address to. Also, Sheri said hi." He grinned before walking off. I stormed after him, walking onto the set to see everyone staring at me with wide eyes.

"You're all getting sued. Every single one of you. And the department of health will be coming to SHUT YOU DOWN!" I yelled, my voice echoing through the studio. I saw that the cameras were on and that they were live and I took advantage.

"My ex-girlfriend Sheri has been sending you all photos of me in compromising positions because of this bastard over here-" I pointed at José who just scoffed.


"My private investigator found everything. You think you're slick? Don't copy my girlfriends phone number next time because little did you know, she changed her number. Learn to cover your messy tracks. Both you and Sheri will be getting a lawsuit as well. Now, while I'm here let me say this. Me? Amelia White? Am now the true and sole owner of TMZ. I own every single one of you now, and you're all fired. Two: yes I love black women. And I don't find it okay for you guys to criminalize me because of it. The rude comments you guys make about my wife's skin? That just shows your character. Not mine. I love Casey with my whole heart. I don't care what color she is. I love her for HER. Not for what she looks like, although she is a looker so it's a plus.

The only reason why all of this is happening is because my ex-girlfriend was an abusive prick who got her ass handed to her. You want to spread photos? Here-spread these." I hissed as I slammed the photos the police took of my bruises onto the camera, causing everyone including José to gasp.

"Sheri tried forcing me to have sex with her because I refused to give her my virginity. Yes I was a virgin at thirty years old, but I gave it to someone who didn't treat me like fucking garbage. So eat shit, Sheri. Because you're not the one who popped it. And there's no fùcking slave kink. I didn't even know what that was! Yes I suck my thumb, it's a habit I've had since I was an orphan. Yes..an orphan. It was the only comfort I had at the time and I never grew out of it. Anything else?! Huh?! Since you guys think you know me?!" I shrieked as I looked around, the tears streaming down my face.

"Amelia I didn't know-"

"Shut the fuck up, you piss bucket. You would've if you didn't decide to be a prick and follow after my ex." I spat at José before storming out of the studio to find the woman that I love.

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