《The CEO. (W|W)》21.


"Oh, I am starving! Let's eat, shall we?" Amelia grinned as she rubbed her hands together. It was after twelve a.m and Amelia decided to go to the nearest diner and buy almost everything on the menu.

"You eat like you're stoned."

"Like I'm what?" She asked with a mouth full of her burger and furrowed eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and smirked as I stared at her. I watched as she doused her fries and burger in Worcester sauce making me laugh.

"What?! What is so funny, angel!?" She asked as she stared at me with wide, playful eyes. I smiled at her and shook my head.

"Nothing. Nothing."

"Are you going to eat your chips?" She asked as she stared down at my fries. I smirked and took a handful, before placing it on her plate causing her to grin widely and clap her hands.

"Such a doll-"

"I love you." I stated suddenly, causing her to look up at me with a wide open mouth, her fry falling out of her mouth.

"What?" She asked quietly as her wide eyes analyzed my face before chewing the rest of her food and swallowing.

"Yeah. At least I'm falling in love with you. The last three weeks you've shown me a side of you that makes my heart swell. I'm falling in love with you, Amelia.."

"Is it the way that I fucked you earlier?" She joked in reference to when I told her it was the endorphins after she told me she loved me causing me to laugh and throw a fry at her, just for her to catch it perfectly with her mouth.

"Holy shit! You saw that?! I'm skilled with my trap." She giggled before wiggling her tongue.


"You are so silly.."

"But you love it." She grinned as she danced in her seat while stuffing an onion ring into her mouth. I smiled and nodded.

"I really do."

"Well...I think I love you too. But I'm not sure how love works so bare with me here. You make me dizzy just from being around me and I always want to just lay on top of you and talk about your day..and give you a money shower...so yeah, sounds about right, eh?" She beamed. I laughed and nodded, but frowned as I saw a flash come from outside.

"Oh, bloody hell!" Amelia hissed before standing up and walking outside. I couldn't help but stare for a second.

My sweats look great on her.

I followed suite, watching as she yelled at the camera man who just continued taking pictures of her in an outrage.

"Walk away. Now." I hissed as I stormed toward him. He scoffed and looked me up and down before taking a picture of me.

"What you gonna do? Huh?"

I grabbed his camera and smashed it to the ground, before swiftly pushing him against the car and punching him in the face, causing him to groan.

"I forgot you can fight like that." Amelia moaned as she wrapped her arms around my waist, grabbing my bruised knuckles and kissing them.

"Come on..we're going to my house."

"I really have a billionaire in my two bedroom apartment. This is...I didn't even clean. Nothing. Thanks for the heads up." Kaya hissed as she slapped my shoulder, causing Amelia to glare at her.

"Nothing wrong here, I can say. I do need the loo, though."

"The what?" Kaya asked.

"The bathroom. Fùcking idiot." I hissed causing her to roll her eyes and shut her robe.


"Upstairs to the left." We watched as Amelia walked up the stairs as she whistled a tune. I smiled as my eyes dropped down to her bare feet, her diamond anklet glistening under the light.

"Don't tell me you be sucking her toes bitch."

"What?! No. Why would you-"

"You were eyeballing the FUCK out of her feet just now. Anyway, why are you here? You told me you were at Amelia's."

Before I could respond, a loud shriek came from upstairs causing both of us to jump.

"Oh! Oh..well hello!" We heard Amelia exclaim with an awkward chuckle. I ran up the stairs and saw her staring up at a large, shirtless man who just stared back with just as much shock. He had grey and black locs that laid down his back, his salt and pepper beard thick and his skin dark like mine.

"Oh shit, I forgot you were here. Sorry." Kaya giggled as she pushed him toward the bedroom and shut the door before letting out a breath.

"And people wonder why I date out of my race. Please. It's fucking obvious why, mate." Amelia mumbled before walking down the stairs, leaving both me and Kaya staring at each other in shock.

"Who was that?"

"My man."

"Oh okay. Respected." I giggled before chasing after my girlfriend who was sitting on the couch, staring at her phone with a frown.

"What's the matter?" I asked as I walked over and sat next to her. She sighed and handed the phone over and I scrolled through before rolling my eyes.

Amelia and her Nubian queen out for a nice stroll..until it got violent! Paparazzi says they were attacked and for the billionaire to expect a grand lawsuit against her. Who will win?

"Just ignore that crap. Come, let me make you feel better." I breathed as I tossed her phone to the side and kissed her forehead. She sighed and smirked as I stood and walked over to the kitchen, grabbing my pre rolls and walking back to the living room.

"I didn't know you smoked."

"Yeah, well..I didn't want you to know. But I think you need to relax." I grinned as I lit it before handing it to her.

"Is this what you meant by stoned, earlier?" She asked as she took a pull, before coughing so hard her face started to turn red. I laughed and rubbed her back as she continued to cough, the tears streaming down her face.

"Holy..bloody Christ what the fuck?! Might as well smoke a cigarette! Jeez!" She wheezed as she coughed again.

This went on for about thirty minutes, and she was as high as a kite by the time we finished the second one. We were now slow dancing in the kitchen, her face smashed in my chest and her arms wrapped around my waist as we swayed back and forth to the low music that played in the background.

"I feel like I'm a walking puddle." She groaned into my chest, causing me to laugh and wrap my arms around her.

"Oh my Amelia..what would I do without you?"


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