《The CEO. (W|W)》19.


"That dress looks familiar." I heard José chirp as he skipped over to my desk. I rolled my eyes and sipped the coffee that Amelia made me, the familiar taste of hazelnut touching my taste buds.

She's a joke for thinking that was funny. I almost killed my own girlfriend before she was my girlfriend. Now it's a pun. Good one, Amelia.

"Oh really?" I asked sarcastically as I continued to type out my email. He chuckled and leaned against my desk, staring at Amelia's hand writing on my cup.

"So when I asked-"

"Answer was still no. I don't think we should be discussing this at all, actually." I chirped, causing him to scoff.

"Oh please. Everyone is talking about it. Even TMZ. Yeah, the party I wasn't invited to? They posted it-"

"I saw, José. I didn't intentionally not invite you. It wasn't a big thing." I stated.

Not to mention I don't know you like that.

He rolled his hazel eyes before sitting on the edge of my desk and clasping his hands together.

"What's the tea?"

"Huh? About what?" I asked as I shut down my computer.

"About Amelia."

"I really don't think it's appropriate to discuss this like I said."

"But you were so quick to gossip before." He scoffed, rolling his eyes. I was taken aback by his sudden attitude and looked up at him, to see the rest of the office staring. They all looked away and I squinted my eyes.

"Never have I gossiped with you about Amelia. You told me one thing about her and it was about her old assistant. So where is this coming from?" I asked, feeling myself start to grow aggravated with his nosiness. Before he could respond, the loud echoing of heels walking toward me filled my ears and I sighed in relief.


"Ready to go?" Amelia asked as she walked up to my desk, handing me my sweater. I nodded and slipped it on, everyone's eyes including Jose's on us. He rolled his eyes before walking away but Amelia grabbed his arm.

"I need you to stop asking questions and go do your work. Now. I heard the entire conversation. I suggest you sit down and be quiet for the rest of the day or you'll no longer be my property. Understood?" She growled lowly as she glared at him. He nodded swiftly and swallowed hard, gasping as she aggressively let go of his arm and laced her fingers with mine.

"Let's go. We need to talk."

"You okay?" I asked as I watched her play with her chocolate mousse cake. We just finished having lunch, it being completely silent but not tense. She seemed deep in thought about something and it concerned me.

"What did José mean when he said you guys used to gossip about me?" She asked. I sighed and placed my fork down on my plate before looking up at her to see she was still staring down at her cake.

"We went out for lunch that time I bought food. He literally told me about your last assistant and what she was doing to you. That's it. I've never once bad mouthed you. Most I said was that I invited you to my birthday party." I responded, the honesty thick in my voice. She looked up at me through her lashes and nodded.

"Thank you."

"What for?"

"For never bad mouthing me even though I gave you many reasons to."

"Never, Amelia. I adore you." I breathed as I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. She smiled and nodded before kissing my hand.


"That dress looks amazing on you. Keep it. I want to see you wear it again."

I rolled my eyes and smirked, watching as a smile broke out on her face making me grin wider. We finished our lunch and walked back to the office hand in hand, ignoring all the paparazzi that followed us around to ask questions.

"Is it true you're suing TMZ?!"

Amelia clenched her jaw as she swung the building door open so hard it hit the man in his face, causing him to scream in pain and fall to the floor, his camera falling to the ground and shattering completely.

"That's what happens when you don't mind the business that pays you." Amelia spat before pulling me into the building and notifying security to not let any of them in.

We got into the elevator and she let out out a breath before looking over at me with a soft smile and I smiled back, squeezing her hand and letting it go.

"Let's get the rest of this day over with so I can have you in my arms again." She breathed before swiftly walking to her office and shutting the door, leaving everyone staring.

"Mind your business! Jesus!" I yelled, causing her office door to swing open. She didn't hesitate for one second as she stepped out and smirked.

"You're all fired. Get out."

My eyes widened as she stood there, leaning against the glass door with a nonchalant smile on her face as she waved her hand before crossing her arms. Everyone gaped at her, some people standing to see if she was serious as she shrugged.

"Think I'm joking? Get out. I'll have all of you replaced by tomorrow." She breathed before walking back into her office and slamming the door shut, causing the room to shake.

"Are you..are you fucking kidding?!" Someone yelled. We heard a loud, manic laugh come from her office before her door swung open again. She stormed out, looking for the culprit and smiled wickedly as she found the man who screamed.

"Do you think I'm kidding?! You're too busy caring about my personal life and quite frankly, it's fucking annoying. I give you guys one fucking glance and you think you can talk?! GET OUT! ALL OF YOU! NOW!" She screamed, her face turning red and the vein in her neck popping out, causing me to cover my mouth in shock.

"Even me?" José asked. Amelia looked at him and scoffed before going back into her office and slamming her door shut even harder, causing one of the glass windows to shatter completely.

She really wasn't joking..

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