《The CEO. (W|W)》18.


We both stared at each other with wide eyes as she looked down at me. My lips and face were coated in her juices, her sticky arousal dripping from my chin and onto her bedsheets.

"I-I mean I love the way you make me feel, I-"

"Sh..it's the endorphins talking, I know..just lay back." I giggled. She nodded and laid back and I continued my feast, watching her lips part and her back arch as I slipped another finger inside of her, moving them slowly in and out while curving them slightly.

"Oh, fuck what's that?! What is..that.." She gasped loudly as her hips bucked, her hands gripping the sides of my face, her acrylic nails piercing my cheeks slightly.

I groaned in both pain in pleasure, sucking on her clit as I moved my fingers. She pulsated around my digits, her legs shaking around my legs as she let out a silent cry.

"Mm fuck, princess. Don't stop..yes, just like that."

Princess? Why did that make me..fuck! This woman is driving me crazy.

"Yeah, you like this? Hm?" I asked as I let go of her clit and started to move my fingers faster in her. She nodded, her hand gripping the headboard as she looked down at me with her bottom lip stuck in between her teeth.

"Tell me..tell me how it feels." I breathed. She moaned, her lips parted and her eyes pleading and it made me own orgasm build in my stomach.

"It feels so good, baby..so so good please don't stop. Please." She cried out as she looked at me with pleading eyes that made me soil my panties. I moaned and licked her clit, pulling it with my lips and tongue before sucking on it again. She gasped harshly and I watched her eyes roll into the back of her head as her head fell back. She gasped and panted as I milked her through her second orgasm, her legs trembling and her breathed ragged.


"God..I need a nap." She moaned as I kissed up her body.

"Open your mouth. Taste yourself." I whispered against her lips. She moaned and opened her mouth, allowing me to slip my tongue inside and massage hers with mine as I laced my fingers with hers. We kissed for some time, just tasting each other's mouths and admiring each other's accent.

We soon fell into a blissful slumber, Amelia snoring loudly in my ear causing me to jump from my sleep. Her mouth was half open, the drool spilling onto her pillow as her thumb stayed next to her parted lips as if she was sucking it.

"You are such a baby..my baby.." I giggled lowly before stretching. I decided to let her rest, looking at the time and seeing it was almost seven o'clock in the evening. I stood and stretched my body before walking downstairs and deciding to make us some dinner.

I looked through her pantry that had a built in fridge and rolled my eyes at all the junk food.

How does she not have a thousand cavities by now?

I found some thawed steak and decided that would be our dinner, listening to music from my phone as I started to cook. I sang lowly to the Erykah badu and decided on some peppered steak with mashed potato's and a salad.

"Something smells amazing." I heard come from behind me. I twisted around and smiled at Amelia who was rubbing her eyes as she walked over to me. The hickies on her neck made me smile wider because they were unintentional.

"Yes, I made dinner. It's ready, so you woke up just in time."

"You cooked? You can cook?" She asked as she looked around the dinner table. Her eyes landed on the steak that sat in the sizzling hot pot in the center of the dinner table before looking at me.


"I told you..stop comparing me to that weirdo." I giggled as I kissed her cheek.

As we ate, we talked and laughed about everything. She told me her parents died in a car crash when she was younger and that she's been on her own ever since. She was in foster care for some time until she ran away from being treated terribly. She managed to build herself from scratch, investing every single large amount of money she had into property until she was wealthy enough to start her own publishing company.

I was amazed by her resilience. I understood why she went so hard to protect herself and her business. It was something she should always be proud of. After dinner, we laid in bed and watched the entire twilight series until she fell asleep on my chest. She had a habit of sucking her thumb in her sleep and it made me smile because I was the only one who would ever know.

She was such a softie under all that ice.

"Don't go! I'll give you something to wear..please." She pouted as she attached herself to me. It was six in the morning and we both had to prepare for work.

"I can't fit any of your stuff, Amelia. No offense but you're tiny compared to me."

"I don't care. I'll get something made for you." She pouted as she looked up at me. I smirked and rolled my eyes before sighing.

"What's the largest thing you have in your closet?"

I can't fùcking believe she has me in a thousand dollar dress and heels. They were extremely uncomfortable at that, but I knew I would be able to survive. We had bigger things to worry about.

"I'll fire anyone who even fucking looks at you funny. Fùcking peasants." Amelia growled as she stormed into the building and clicked the elevator button aggressively. She had on a similar dress, her hickies exposed completely from her neck to her jawline. It made me smirk because she had no intention of hiding them. Her face was fully beat with makeup, her hair slicked back in her usual ponytail.

We both watched the numbers count up to the one hundredth floor and she squeezed my hand before sighing and walking through the double doors. She had her head up high as she walked through the office, everyone's silence being extremely loud.

I soon walked in after, everyone's eyes going from her to me as I walked over to my desk. I kept my eyes low as I prepared myself for the day when a cup of coffee was placed on my desk and warm lips touched my cheek causing everyone to gasp slightly.

"I'll see you for lunch." Amelia breathed before disappearing into her office, leaving me smiling like a goofball at the cup of coffee that had my name written in cursive and a heart connected to the 'y'.

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