《The CEO. (W|W)》16.



I woke up to soft kisses being left on my chest and my neck, causing me to groan as my eyes fluttered opened.

"Oh! Good morning." I jumped as Amelia's large blue eyes and bright smile came to my vision.

"Good morning, love. I've ordered us breakfast, and took the day off cause ya know..How did you sleep?" She asked, a large grin on her face. I rubbed my eyes and slowly sat up, seeing that she was still smiling widely as she waited for a response.

"Good morning. I slept well, did you?" I asked. She nodded and I looked around and saw that the countless stuffed animals were back on the bed, including the one she was holding for dear life against her naked body. It was half her size, her hair sitting on one side of her body as it laid down her shoulder like a princess. Her face was completely bare of makeup and she smiled sweetly at me with happy, bright eyes.

"Splendid, really. Especially with you all on top of me. You're very warm. And heavy. Like solid muscle..I liked it." She grinned. I smirked and leaned up, kissing her forehead before stretching my arms. I felt her eyes still on me and I looked over, watching as she continued to stare.


"Nothing." She stated fast before scurrying off the bed and running over to the bathroom, shutting the door. I heard it lock and I shook my head with a small smile on my face when my phone started to ring.

"Bitch! Bitch are you alive!?" Kaya yelled into the phone causing me to cringe.

"Yes, Kaya. I am alive and well."

"Okay so that means you can turn TMZ on! You and Amelia are the talk of the fucking morning!"


"What?!" I yelled, causing Amelia to swing the bathroom door open with wide eyes.

"What happened?! You caused me a fright." She panicked. I waved her over and she walked over to the bed, crawling on it causing my eyes to linger on her ass for a second.

"Hi Ameliaaaaa.." Kaya sang into the phone causing me to roll my eyes and put her on speaker.

"Top of the morning, Kaya." Amelia responded as she watched me flip the television channels until I reached tmz.

Amelia White and the help? Wow! Couldn't believe this one! They were caught being nice and cozy at the winter lounge in downtown Manhattan in the VIP section. Now Amelia..who knew you liked such..color?

The help..?

Amelia scoffed before looking over at me. I swallowed hard as Kaya started to scream into the phone about 'baking soda bandits' and how racist that statement was.

"Quite frankly, I agree. I think I should make a call." Amelia hissed as she grabbed her phone.

"You're not worried about everyone knowing?" I asked as I watched the clip they played of me whining my waist against Amelia's core as she smoked from the hookah pipe, her hands caressing my body.

"What am I to be ashamed of? Why would I hide you? It's why I'm enraged. Who the fuck says something like that? Oh 'who knew you liked such colour?' Oh please! These bloody fucking bastards are going to hear my fùcking mouth." She growled as she dialed the number. We watched as the men on the television screen stared at the phone.

"Woah, speaking of the devil!" The man responded as he answered the phone.

"Now who in the fuck do you think you are, eh?! You think that it's appropriate to comment on my girlfriends skin color like it's some fucking pun?!" She screamed into the phone, her voice echoing through the tv. I watched as the man's face dropped as the one black woman on set smirked snugly at him.


"I mean, Amelia it was just a joke-"

"A joke?! A bloody joke?! You fucking twat brain, what type of fùcking joke is that? Who funds your company, JOSH?! Huh? You make the most money off of celebrities and airing their dirty laundry. Well, too bad this isn't dirty laundry what so ever. You've done nothing but exposed yourself for being a racist bigot! Don't be surprised when you get a summons tomorrow from my fucking lawyer. Ta ta! Fùcking cunt." Amelia hissed before hanging up the phone, her face red and her breathing ragged.

Woah ha! Someone's pissed! Alright folks, enough of the interracial highlight of the year..Let's move on- oh..we have another caller.

"What?" Amelia asked as she looked at our phones. Kaya was shuffling her cards as she stayed on the FaceTime call, staring at her television as Amelia and I stared at hers.

I dated Amelia for quite some time and I must say, it's not worth the slave kink. At all.

"Oh that fùcking bitch! That fucking bitch! BITCH!" Amelia screamed at the top of her lungs, causing me to jump and place a hand on her chest.

Slave kink?! Holy s***. And she wants to talk about dirty laundry? My God!

I watched as Amelia's chin trembled slightly and she stood from the bed, her face red with anger as she started to get dressed.

"Babe..babe calm down. It's not-"

"It's not what? Let's not forget that woman is out to get me in any way she could all because I didn't give her my virginity. That's what she wants. She wants me to admit it. So fine! I will! I'm a thirty year old virgin! So what?!" She hissed angrily as she threw one of her teddy bears across the room.

"Wait no, snuggles didn't deserve that." She suddenly whispered as she scurried over and grabbed the beat before placing it gently on the bed and patting its head.

"How about we eat breakfast and discuss this before we do something irrational, okay? Please? For me?" I asked as I grabbed her hand. She sighed, before nodding and slumping down on the bed.

"Fine. But I want to personally beat her ass this time. My damn self."

"PERIOD!" Kaya shouted.

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