《The CEO. (W|W)》13.


"Do it like it's your bday! Do it like it's your bday!" Kaya screamed as she started to twerk in my face. I laughed, gripping her ass and shaking it before hopping off my bed.

"Are you excited?! Cause I am! I get to meet your girlfriend too!"

"She's not my-"

"After tonight she will be!" Kaya exclaimed. I rolled my eyes before looking at my phone to see I got a text from Amelia.

'Hi baby..happy birthday to you. Take the day off and check your payroll account.' - A ❤️

I opened my bank account and my eyes widened, before looking at Kaya.

"What?" She asked.


Nothing except she gave me an extra thousand dollars on top of my paycheck. Holy fuck.

"We can do the VIP now. That's what I know." I chuckled as I ran a hand down my face.

'Amelia...what the fuck?'

I watched as she started typing again, but then stopped typing. I waited for a few minutes, before gasping and throwing my phone when I saw the Zelle notification.

'1,000 has been deposited in your account from AMELIA W. Captioned, 'stop being a brat. I'll just send more.'

"This fucking lady.." I chuckled in shock.

My phone started to ring and I saw it was her and I smiled before answering.

"Happy birthday, sweet girl." She breathed into the phone. I smiled, feeling my cheeks heat up as I picked at my blanket. Luckily Kaya had walked out to get ready for work.

"Thank you, beautiful. Do you really want me to take the day off?" I asked. I heard her sigh dramatically and I giggled at her theatrics.

"Oh, I'm not sure. Id love to see those long, glossy legs walk around here like usual. However, what type of woman would I be to not give you the day to pamper yourself? Hm?"


"I'm sending the money back-"

"And I'll just add it to your next paycheck. So choose wisely." She giggled. I heard a wrapper in the background and I rolled my eyes.

"What are you eating, now?"

"A zebra cake." She responded with a stuffed mouth. I giggled and rolled my eyes again before sighing.

"I'll see you tonight?"

"I'll be sending a limo to pick you and your friends up. I will be in the backseat waiting. I've got to go, my client is here for their meeting. They're bloody late, but they're here. Bye baby."

"Bye. Enough sugar."

"Don't tell me what to do." She hung up the phone and I stared at it for a second with a goofy grin on my face.

"Such a simp!" Kaya exclaimed causing me to jump.

"Mind your fucking business."

"That massage was so needed. Thank you for inviting me to come with you." Kenan grinned as she stretched her arms. Kenan was my college roommate before I graduated almost two years ago. She was such a sweetheart and we stayed in contact overtime.

"Right! And of course! I can't wait for tonight." We were going to a club that just opened up in downtown Manhattan. It's supposed to be a really high quality lounge with all different celebrities.

It was also a rooftop.

"Same! Rochelle is excited to finally meet you." Rochelle was Kenan's fiancée. They've been together for almost three years. I never met her in person because when we were in college they were a long distance relationship. I'd say hi a few times when they were on the phone together but that was it.

She finally moved to New York and lived with Kenan and I couldn't be more excited to meet the young woman that my friend was head over heels for.


And I couldn't wait for them to meet mine, either.

"Do you have a date for tonight? If not, I can definitely hook you up with someone." Kenan beamed as we grabbed our coffee from Starbucks. Before I could respond, the familiar smell of Amelia's perfume hit my nose and I looked over to see her standing at the counter looking through the glass display filled with pastries causing me to giggle.

She's such a child sometimes.

"Can I have the red velvet cake pop? Oh and the chocolate one too." She stated as she tapped the glass with her long acrylic nail. I smirked before looking at Kenan.

"Yes. I have a date for tonight."

"Oh, who is she?! What does she do?! I didn't know you were dating! You were such a stickler in college."

"Yeah, well you'll meet her later tonight."

"Bro she's so hot..look at her scarf down the cake pop. I've never seen someone so attractive eat like that before." Kenan whispered as she nodded over to my blonde beauty who was waiting for her coffee as she stuffed the cake pop into her mouth.

"Yeah, she is hot isn't she?" I breathed as I tried to not allow my jealousy to engulf me.

"Yeah, but damn is she hungry.." Kenan snickered as she watched Amelia eat the second cake pop. Amelia grabbed her coffee and turned around, her eyes meeting mine immediately. She smiled, but it dropped as she looked over at Kenan, her eyes telling it all.

She started to walk over, the aggression in her step causing me to swallow hard and stand up.

"What the f-"

"This is Kenan, one of my closest friends who will be accompanying us tonight. Hi, beautiful." I breathed before she could start a scene, leaning in and kissing her cheek. Amelia's face turned bright red from embarrassment and she looked up at me, before looking at Kenan who's jaw was dropped as she stared between us.

"You let me call your girlfriend hot? Jesus Christ. I am so sorry. Hi I'm Kenan, fully engaged and committed to my fiancée." She chuckled nervously as she stood and held her hand out to Amelia. Amelia stared at it for a second, but rolled her eyes as I slapped her shoulder.

"Be nice." I whispered. Amelia sighed and shot Kenan a curt smile before taking her hand and shaking it.

"I'm Amelia. Casey's girlfriend."

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