《The CEO. (W|W)》11.


I drove back to the office in a complete daze, my phone ringing non stop. José called me so many times I'm sure he was convinced she fired me. I wasn't going to tell him what happened because I'm sure Amelia wouldn't appreciate that.


God, her lips were so fùcking soft. I've never been kissed like that before and it turned me on more than I could comprehend. I was bouncing in my seat, ready to grab my things and go home to my removable shower head with the pulsing option.

"Bitch! What the fuck happened?!" José yelled as I pulled into the parking lot. He had my stuff in his hand and I smiled appreciatively before grabbing them.

"It's a long story-"

"What the hell happened to your knuckles? Did you guys fùcking fight?! Holy fuck! She fired you, didn't she?! You gave her that good ol razzle dazzle to knock some sense into her!"

"No you fùcking idiot. I'm not fired and she's fine, she just-she has a lot going on like you said. Thanks for holding it down. She won't be back until Monday." I breathed.

"You look like you need a drink."

"Yeah and a blunt. I'm going to head home, okay? I'll see you tomorrow."

"YOU KISSED?! YOU FUCKING KISSED?! OH MY GOD! I'M GOING TO PASS OUT!" Kaya screamed before dropping to the floor and placing a dramatic hand on her forehead. I rolled my eyes and stepped over her before taking my poke bowl and walking to the couch. I sat down and grabbed my cup of wine before sipping it.

"Y'all are gonna fuck and have English babies. I'm so excited!" Kaya squealed as she ran over and sat next to me. I rolled my eyes and continued to ignore her as I ate my food.


"Kaya, please leave me alone about this. I wasn't even supposed to tell you."

"But I would've known anyway, duh. But..is Sheri gonna press charges? I have a lawyer."

"I don't think so. I was defending Amelia. She was all swollen in the face and everything. I just snapped. You know I don't like stuff like that." I responded as I shook my head. I can't tolerate a person that disrespects another person, especially by putting their hands on them.

It was a disgrace in my eyes.

"I knew something was wrong. Ugh! Well, I'm gonna head to bed so I'm not late tomorrow. Goodnight babe, kiss Amelia for me." Kaya snickered as I pointed the middle finger at her. She ran off and I rolled my eyes before downing the rest of my poke bowl.

For the rest of the week I counted the days until I would see her again. Work went by terribly slow and I hated it. We all had conference meetings with her over the phone which required us to be more attentive.

Any little mistake would make her rip her hair out. And then ours.

The weekend was quiet, Kaya and I going apple picking. She wanted to pick fresh apples for her students so she can give it out to them at the fall dance. I thought it was a great idea, not to mention they sold a ton of Halloween candy.

Of course I bought a bucket full. Not for myself, though.

Sunday night, I decorated the bucket with velvet and placed a dozen white roses at the top. I wrote her name in cursive in white ink on the black velvet layer before smiling at the finished product.

"You're a fùcking simp." Was Kaya's response. I knew it was because she was jealous.


It was now Monday morning and I decided to pack a large piece of the apple pie Kaya made before heading to the office. I wanted to get there before Amelia did so I can place the bucket of roses on her desk. I scurried inside, going up the elevator and running straight into her office. I placed it on the center of her desk before placing the card I wrote in between the white roses so she can see it.

I sat at my desk and tapped my foot, acting normal as I heard the familiar clicking of heels from down the hall. I swallowed hard, feeling my body warm up as I felt a gentle hand rub against my back. I nearly whimpered when the contact went away.

"Good morning."

I turned around and nearly melted into a puddle at the sight in front of me. There she stood in an all black bodysuit, her breasts sitting upright with her cleavage fully exposed. It was strapless, the top being heart shaped and covering just her nipples. Her black red bottom heels were tall and thick. Her hair was slicked back in a bun and her makeup was smoky, her lips blood red and perfect with her complexion.

Oh fuck.

"What? Cats got your tongue?" She asked as I continued to gape at her with my mouth wide open, chuckling slightly before walking past me, swaying her hips as she walked into her office and shut the door.

"Holy fuck." José whispered.

"Right.." I responded before looking at him.

"I've never seen her so...chipper." He chuckled before looking at me skeptically.


"Did y'all fuck or something?"

"What?! No!" I hissed quietly. He shrugged and put his hands up in defense before going back to his desk. I shook my head and sighed, turning on my computer when my phone chimed.

'All for me? Come share x'- Amelia.

I smirked and looked up to see her staring at me through the blinds. She was sucking on a lollipop and winked at me, before shutting the blinds completely.

My God..

I decided to test the waters, praying to God that wasn't being too risqué and typed out my message, pressing send.

'I don't think that's what I would like to taste..'

I heard a loud laugh come from her office causing me to smile widely as I licked my lips. I took a sip of my coffee, but ended up spitting it everywhere and choking as I looked at the next message she sent.

It was a picture of her legs spread wide under her desk, the print of her vagina showing through her clothes.

'Maybe you should come show me what you mean by that....xxx'- Amelia.

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