《The CEO. (W|W)》10.


"Bloody fùcking Christ I think you killed her...oh my God, I'm going to jail. I'm going to jail and I'm gonna get butt fucked. Oh my God!" Amelia sobbed as she dropped to her knees, crawling over to Sheri who was covered in her own blood and my spit.

"Amelia.." I breathed as I walked toward her. She looked up at me with a heartbroken look and I sighed and lowered to her level.

"When the police get here, I want you to tell them everything that happened, okay?" I asked as I nodded.

"Okay." She sobbed as she looked at me with a pout. I slowly raised my hand, watching as she flinched slightly but melt into my touch as my hand slowly met her cheek and caressed it.

"I'm not going to hurt you." I whispered. She nodded, looking up at me with big, watery eyes that made me melt inside.

"I have to go now, okay-"

"No! No please, please stay. I don't want to be alone." She sobbed as she suddenly jumped on top of me, sobbing into my shoulder as she wrapped her arms and legs around me.

"O-oh, okay. Okay I'm here.." I wrapped my arms around her to secure her place on my body, reminding myself that this wasn't the time or place for my desires to take over. She needed me here and I wanted to be there for her.

In any way she needed it.

Her warmth radiated against mine and I swallowed hard as I rubbed her back. We stayed like this until the police came, Amelia filing a police report and finally explaining what happened.

"I had an allergic reaction to some treenuts a few days ago, and when I was in the hospital she came. Luckily my friend here was there too and she defended me from her, but after I left the hospital she kept sending me threats through text. I ignored them because I knew she wasn't serious. She's hit me once before but that was it. We've only been together for six months. But on Friday I woke up and she was in my house on top of me.." Amelia sobbed to the police. I held her hand, squeezing it gently as she tried to calm her breathing.


"What did she do?" Both the cop and I asked at the same time.

"She tried having sex with me but I told her no. We've never had sex in our relationship because I was never ready and she hated it. It's why she broke up with me in the first place. But..she held me in here. She wouldn't let me leave saying that if I left she would kill me and no one would ever know. Because I'm alone.." She sobbed as she pressed her face into my shoulder. I felt my own tears well in my eyes because this is exactly what I was afraid of.

She was so vulnerable and all alone. How could someone live like that?

"She made me call out of work. She hit me, punched me a few times. She pushed me into my vanity mirror and destroyed all my things. She just kept saying that I was hers and no one else was going to have me until she did. And then Casey came.." Amelia looked up at me as I looked down at her and I smiled sadly before looking at the cop who continued to write in his notepad. Sheri was in cuffs as she was dragged down stairs and we watched in silence.

The police finally left and Amelia calmed down, wiping her face before standing up, slowly letting go of my hand as her fingers grazed gently against mine.

"Well..I have to clean all this up-"

"I can help." I breathed. She looked up at me with a defeated look before smiling sadly as she shook her head.

"It's okay. I think you've done a lot of helping, today. I guess the shock is wearing off." She sighed before grabbing a large bag from her closet and tossing the garbage in there. Despite her protests, I stood and helped. I picked up the large pieces of glass and helped her take the vanity apart before throwing out the pieces. I threw out the large wooden pieces and then helped vacuum the carpet before steaming it as she reorganized her closet and pushed the file cabinet back in there.


We threw out the remaining trash, before walking back upstairs. I sighed as I looked around the room, admiring its beauty considering the mess was gone. It was so..Amelia. She had a ton of stuffed animals on her large double king sized bed. Her drapes were gold and silk, matching her bedsheets. Her various perfumes that sat on the vanity now sat on the nightstand next to her bed.

She walked over to the mini fridge and placed the soup and cupcakes that I bought for her inside before running a hand through her hair.

"I've never seen your hair down. It's nice." I breathed as I tucked a strand behind her ear. She blushed and looked away, staring down at the floor.

"Thank you..seriously. I thought I was going to d-"

"I would've never let that happen." I breathed as I took a step closer to her. She looked up at me with watery eyes and smiled softly, a tear dripping down her face as she looked down at my lips. My hand found the side of her face, my fingers slipping into her blonde locks that sat at the nape of her neck. I pulled her toward me, my lips gently pressing against hers.

Her body physically melted into mine, her knees buckling as she gripped my shirt for dear life and moaned into my mouth. We kissed slowly but passionately, her tongue caressing mine as my lips parted against hers. I moaned, taking her tongue and sucking on it softly, causing her to whimper that same hoarse whimper she made when she bit into the muffin I gave her.

It made my stomach flutter with butterflies.

I pulled away, panting softly but moaned as she pulled me back to her, kissing my lips again.

"Have a goodnight, Casey."

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