《The CEO. (W|W)》8.


"Knock knock.." I grinned as I walked into Amelia's office. She let out an aggravated sigh but I could tell she was holding back a smile which made mine grow even wider.

"Yes, Casey?" She asked as she continued to type on her computer. I walked over and placed the bag of food onto her desk and she sniffed before looking up swiftly.

"What is that?" She asked, her accent causing me to laugh slightly.

"Whot et is is your lunch. I noticed you didn't take a break today, so here." She rolled her eyes at me mocking her but then her face softened as I finished my statement.

I watched as she stared at the bag for a second, before looking up at me with red rimmed eyes that soon disappeared as she blinked. It made my heart swell because I knew she was trying to hide her emotions.

Too bad she couldn't. Not from me, at least.

"Oh..I mean, I had some biscuits." She sputtered slightly.

"And now you'll have some spaghetti, and then some chocolate cake."

"You said what?" She asked as she grabbed the bag and looked inside before looking up at me. I watched as her eyes dropped to my lips before meeting my eyes again and I smiled and nodded.

"Enjoy your lunch, Amelia." I breathed before walking toward the door. As I walked through, I heard a heavy sniff and I felt myself grow sad as I shut it, knowing that she wasn't used to such kindness.

I was determined to change that.

The rest of the day went by smoothly. I watched Wendy Williams as I reorganized some paperwork, as well as sent emails and booked meetings for the rest of the week. It was almost Friday and I had to keep reminding myself so I wouldn't go crazy from all the paper cuts.


"Casey, I need you to stay back. I need help with this file cabinet. Everything is a fucking disaster." Amelia hissed as she busted her office door open, her heels slamming against the marble floor.

"Alrighty then." I chuckled as I watched her look around the empty office space. It was just us two left, it being a quarter to seven. Everyone else left at five. I sent Kaya

"You drink?" She asked as I followed her into her office. I nodded and she sighed as she walked over to the cabinet above her desk and opened it, revealing expensive bottles of wine and scotch.

"Well..pick your poison." She chuckled as she popped open the scotch bottle and poured herself a glass.

"I'll take the same."

She nodded and poured a cup for me and handed it, staring as I took a sip of the smooth alcohol. She did the same, leaning against the desk as she downed her drink completely before pouring herself another.

"So..what do you need help with?"

"I need to put these in alphabetical order. You seem to be quick with your hands so.."

"Oh really?" I chuckled as I took another sip of my drink. Amelia blushed and rolled her eyes before walking over to the cabinet.

"Just..just help."

"What's the magic word?"

"Do you want to keep your job?"

"Okay, fine."

Amelia and I worked in absolute silence, nothing but the sound of papers being flipped and our glasses touching the ground. We drank in silence, and I took advantage of it. I watched her work, watching as she calculated in her head. Her lips were pursed and her eyebrows were furrowed.

It was so cute.

"Why are you staring?" She asked. I looked away and downed my third cup of scotch before standing up.



"Please." She responded back. I obeyed, pouring the scotch into her cup before pouring the rest of the bottle into mine. The familiar buzz from the alcohol filled my body and I felt my cheeks warm up.

I looked over and saw hers were flushed pink as well as her nose. She sipped her drink before continuing to organize her pile, pushing her glasses up her nose. I couldn't help but allow my eyes to trail downward to her bare thighs that were crossed under her. She was so petite and curvy it made me swallow hard.

I felt myself slipping into my thoughts, the fantasy of her dress half down exposing her breasts with my head in between her legs filling my mind and intoxicating me. I wanted her arching, gripping her desk from the ground as she writhed against my face that sat under her dress with her legs spread wide-

"Are you okay? Do I have something on my face?" Amelia asked suddenly, causing me to break from my thoughts.

"Huh? I-I mean no. No you don't." I stated as I tried regulating my breathing. I didn't notice I was breathing so hard. She analyzed my face for a second, before slowly peeling her eyes away from me and continuing her work.

"You seem out of it. Are you drunk?" She asked as she downed the rest of her drink before looking at me with intoxicated eyes that nearly made me orgasm right then and there.

"A little bit." I breathed.

"Yeah, me too." She chuckled before standing up. I stared at her legs for a second, her bare feet touching the marble floors. Her toes were painted a soft pink color and I licked my lips before looking away.

"I think we've done enough for today. We can finish tomorrow." She breathed. I nodded and stood up, organizing the papers in a neat pile so we can find it tomorrow. I wanted nothing more than to go home and play with myself for the thought of her.

I was so aroused that I was pulsating on the inside.

"Thank you again for the lunch. It was good." She breathed as she slipped her shoes on and grabbed her purse.

"Anytime." I grinned before stepping out of her office and holding the door open for her. She walked out, the sound of her heels echoing through the hall as we walked to the elevator. She pressed the button and we waited, before stepping inside.

I watched as the elevator counted down the floors. Our office was on the one hundredth floor. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I licked my lips before looking over at her to see her staring at my face.

Her hand travelled from my shoulder to the back of my neck, playing with the hairs that sat at the nape causing me to moan.

"Oh, what was that?" Amelia grinned, scratching gently as my eyes closed. Her hand continued to play in my hair and my eyes stayed closed when I felt a warm pair of lips touch the side of my mouth, pecking it softly.

"Have a goodnight, Casey."

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