《The CEO. (W|W)》6.


"Do you need anything else before I leave?" I asked Amelia as I knocked on her office door. She had on thin framed glasses that made me smirk slightly. She looked up at me and shook her head before looking down at her computer again with bunched eyebrows.

"You sure..? You seem a bit confused." I chuckled. She sighed and took off her glasses before looking up at me again.

"This manuscript is really hard to get through. I'm not sure if it's me or if it's his writing structure." She huffed. I looked at the time and saw it was after seven. I wanted nothing more than to go home but I knew I would get brownie points if I helped her.

"Well..let me take a look at it."

She scoffed before looking up at me to see that I was serious. She rolled her eyes before nodding and I grinned, placing my bag on the leather couch in her office and walking behind her chair. I bent over slightly, my face just below her chin as I looked at the computer.

I couldn't help but admire her scent, her perfume sweet and light. Something I've never smelt before. Her hair was in her usual ponytail but I could smell the shampoo she used.

It smelt like apricots.

"Well..what do you think?" She asked quietly. I swallowed hard and looked up at her to see her staring down at me with slightly parted lips and hooded eyes. I couldn't help but be taken aback.

It seems as if she was most vulnerable when no one else was here. She was softer, a lot more gentle. As if she only puts on a show when her workers are here.

"I think I can help. Just email it to me."


"Can you have it done by Sunday?" She asked. I nodded and she shot me a curt smile as she nodded.

"Okay, I'll email it to you. Have a goodnight, Ms. Alvarez."

I stood slowly and started to walk away but stopped as the discussion I had with Kaya last night replayed in my mind. I sighed and turned around, smirking as she ducked her head as if she was staring and didn't want to get caught.

"Ms. White, do you want to get a drink sometime?"

Her head shot up so fast I thought her glasses were gonna fly off. She looked around before looking at me again with a look of confusion and shock.

"Huh?" She asked. It caused me to snicker behind my hand and I cleared my throat.

"Is this some kind of prank?" She asked. I shook my head and walked over to her desk, holding the edges slightly.

"My birthday is in two weeks and I wanted to know if you wanted to join me along with a few friends for a drink."

She looked around again before looking up at me with eyes of uncertainty and it made me feel bad. I'm sure a woman like her has a ton of friends but she keeps showing me that she might just be as alone as everyone thought.

"Uh, I mean..sure. Yeah okay." She breathed, nodding as if she was trying to convince herself. I smiled and nodded before taking a post it note and writing down my personal number.

"Here, just text me and I'll give you the details when the time comes."

With that, I walked out with a sway in my hips that I knew grabbed her attention because I saw through the glass door that she was staring.


It made me smirk.

"So she said yes?! I fùcking knew it. I fucking knew it!" Kaya squealed as she hopped on my bed. I sighed and continued to read through the manuscript, typing my notes in red font to show what needed to be changed.

"Yeah. I just hope she doesn't change her mind. She's very standoffish."

"Well being a billionaire does that to you. People only care about what you can do for them."

I nodded in agreement before shutting down my computer. It was going on midnight and I knew I needed to go to sleep. I just couldn't help but think about the switch in personality I keep seeing with Amelia.

One minute she's harsh, screaming and red faced. Then the next, she's touching my shoulders and caressing my neck with those warm, slender fingers of hers..

"Hello! Earth to Casey!" Kaya yelled as she snapped in my face.

"What?!" I exclaimed in aggravation. She smirked and crossed her arms as she analyzed my face.

"You like her, don't you?"

"Shut yo stupid ass up and go to bed. I'm tired."

Kaya finally left me alone and I sighed as I stared into the dark. I kept twisting and turning until I groaned and finally gave up, grabbing the rest of my spliff and my lighter before lighting it. As I took a pull my phone chimed and I looked down, seeing it was an unfamiliar number.

I grabbed my phone and opened the messages, coughing as I choked on the smoke that got trapped in my lungs from gasping in shock.


It was a simple text yet I couldn't help but feel the butterflies travel in my chest. I watched as the bubbles popped up and disappeared again, seeing that she was contemplating sending another message. I waited and waited, but grew disappointed as she stopped typing for quite some time.

I sighed and locked my phone, finishing my spliff and groaning in frustration before forcing my eyes shut. I hated having a crush on someone. It was the worst feeling because I was scared of disappointment.

And with Amelia I don't know what to expect. Tomorrow when I go into work, I don't know if she'll decide to play the ice queen card or not. I just know that I have to be prepared for anything.

And I mean anything.

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