《The CEO. (W|W)》4.


I stared down at my desk as Amelia turned on her heels and walked into her office, slamming the door shut. I felt so embarrassed, people staring at me as if they pitied me.

I hated it.

"You heard her, get back to work." I hissed before opening my computer.

"Don't mind her. She's going through a tough time right now." A quirky voice spoke from behind me. I turned and looked at the dark haired boy who smiled at me. He had large glasses frames and a button down shirt and tight khaki pants.

"I'm José. Her assistant director. We will be collaborating from time to time especially when we go on business trips."

"Hi José. Thanks for the heads up."

"Coffee is the key to her heart." He chuckled. I smirked and rolled my eyes.

"I did bring her a coffee. A hazelnut decaf. I felt like she needed a-"

"D-did you just say hazelnut?" He asked suddenly, his eyes widening. I nodded slowly but gasped as he ran to the office and opened the door.


Repetitive coughing came from the office and I stood abruptly, running over to the door and gasping as I saw Amelia's face blotchy and red. She was gasping for air, holding her throat and slapping the desk. I ran over but she growled and pushed me away, aiming for José.

"Epi-pen.." She gasped hoarsely. I felt the tears streaming down my face because I knew being overzealous would get me fired. I tried my best and ended up overcompensating.

This is my downfall.

I watched as José dug through her drawer and stabbed the pen into her bare thigh, causing her to gasp for air. Her wheezing slowed down and I watched as the paramedics busted through the door.


"Y-you!" She suddenly yelled as she launched herself toward me, causing me to scream in fright. The paramedics managed to catch her, pulling her back and pinning her onto the gurney.

"Come with us."

"Youre fucking fired. You're fùcking fired and I'm fùcking suing. You're fucking fired! FIRED!" Amelia screamed in the middle of the emergency room. She's been yelling at me from the moment she could talk again, and I just took it.

"Get this fùcking needle out of me! Now!" She screamed at the doctor.

"I think you should calm down. She didn't know-"

"What do you mean she didn't fucking know?! Why didn't she fùcking ASK?!" Amelia screamed at José causing him to flinch.


"It's Ms. White you fucking imbecile." She hissed at me. I swallowed and nodded before continuing to speak.

"Ms. White..I am truly sorry for my callousness. I truly didn't know you were allergic to treenuts. I'm really sorry." I cried suddenly, the tears streaming down my face.

She stared at me for a second with a look I couldn't quite understand, but rolled her eyes before huffing and slumping back into the chair with a frown on her face.

"Amelia! What the hell happened?!"

We all turned and saw a tall, dark-skinned woman in an all white pant suit run over to the bed and kiss Amelia's forehead. She scoffed and pushed the woman away before rolling her eyes.

"Please, Sheri. I'm fine. Who even called you?" Amelia hissed. I couldn't help but look between the two women, my thoughts churning with questions.

She has a type..like me? Holy fuck.

"Ne sois pas comme ça. Je voulais m'assurer que tu allais bien." Sheri responded.

(Don't be like that. I wanted to make sure you were okay.)


Amelia scoffed and rolled her eyes before glaring up at Sheri with a fire in her eyes that made me even more terrified of her. Sheri remained unfazed, staring back at the woman with a look of apathy that nearly made me scoff.

She didn't care one bit about her and Amelia knew that.

"Maintenant, tu t'en fous ? Tu as rompu avec MOI, tu te souviens ? Embrasse mon putain de cul." Amelia spat aggressively, causing Sheri to laugh humorlessly.

(Now you fùcking care?! You broke up with ME, remember? Kiss my bloody ass.)

"C'est pourquoi vous allez être seul pour le reste de votre vie."

(This is why you're going to be alone for the rest of your life.)

José and I watched the two women continue to go back and forth in French, Amelia's face turning red as she started to scream at the top of her lungs at Sheri who just smirked like a fùcking narcissist. It's as if she loved watching Amelia become unhinged.

I wonder how long they were together.

"This is getting good." José whispered as he covered his mouth. I just watched as Amelia stood abruptly, her small bare feet touching the ground as she ripped the I.V from her arm despite the doctors protests.

She pointed in Sheri's face as she continued to speak, the tears of frustration welling in her eyes. Sheri just smirked, quirking a brow.

Amelia glared up at the tall woman and swallowed hard as she continued to just smirk. She leaned down and opened her mouth, saying a word in French that caused Amelia to tense up, her eyes glossing over with tears as she nodded her head slowly.

"I hope she gives you a fucking std." Amelia spat before spitting on Sheri's shoes. Sheri gasped and cocked her fist back but before she could hit Amelia I automatically grabbed her elbow and twisted it, popping her shoulder out of place.

"Ow! You fucking bitch! Mind your bus-"

"She is my business. I suggest you step out of here before I leave in cuffs. Don't you EVER raise your hand at a woman again. I don't give a fuck who you are. She doesn't want you here! LEAVE!" I yelled. Sheri scoffed as she held her shoulder, glaring at me. We were the same height, my fists clenched at my sides as I waited for her next move.

"Good luck." Sheri spat before walking off to the front desk to get her shoulder fixed. I sighed and looked over to see José staring at me in shock while Amelia stared at me with a look I couldn't understand.

Her face was gentle, the tear streaks staining her pretty face. I swallowed hard and nodded slowly, before sighing.

"My resignation will be on your desk by tonight."

José glared down at Amelia who just continued to stare at me as if she was thinking deeply about something. She blinked rapidly and wiped her face before shaking her head and sniffing.

"No. Just stay. You'll have to stay back to catch up on everything we've missed the last three hours."

I felt myself start to smile and I held it back as I nodded, wiping my face of the dry tears from earlier.

"Yes, Ms. White."

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