《The CEO. (W|W)》3.



"Let me get one hazel nut decaf and one regular with three sugars and a cream. Thank you." I breathed to the barista as I handed her a twenty. I took Kaya's advice and decided to give myself a head start. I woke up at dawn and did my daily workout before meditating and writing down my affirmations and intentions for the rest of the week.

I then showered and got dressed in a white cocktail dress and a sheer throw-over and matching heels. My makeup was light, my hair wrapped in a tight bun as it was yesterday.

I felt ready to deal with the devil today.

The barista handed me my order and I walked over to my car with a grin on my face knowing I had an extra thirty minutes to get to work. I wanted to make sure everything was perfect before nine o'clock. I drove to work, reorganized my desk and placed the files she had me organize for her onto hers before walking out and looking at the time.

9:01..where is she?

I decided to walk downstairs to the lobby and collect her mail when I stopped in my tracks. There she was, in the copy room red faced with tears streaming down her face causing me to gasp quietly.

"So that's it, then? Just like that." She hissed. Her accent never failed to shock me, it being so thick that it made me wonder what part of Britain she was from. She barely pronounced her T's and her r's and I couldn't help but snicker lowly.

"Whatever. Don't expect me to answer when you finally realize what you've lost!" She snapped before hanging up the phone and letting out a breath. I watched as she ran a hand down her face before sniffing and squeezing her eyes shut.


"You're fine, Amelia. You didn't need that rotten bitch anyway. She couldn't even cook. Now let's go to work."

So she's gay?

Before she saw me I managed to scurry back to the elevator and hit the button aggressively to make it seem as if I was late to work. I heard the sound of heels clicking behind me and I swallowed hard.

"Better late than never, Cassie. Let's get to work."

It's fucking CAH-SEE! Not KAY-SEE! Fucking she-devil.

I turned around and met her watery blue eyes and swallowed hard. Her face wasn't as done as heavy as it was yesterday. She still had makeup on, but it was light. Airy.

It was a pretty look on her.

The tip of her nose was red due to her crying but she didn't know I knew that. Her pink nostrils flared with every breath she took as she tried to pull herself together.

"You okay?" I asked quietly as we both stepped into the elevator. She looked at me for a second, as if she was shocked at my concern for her feelings. It made me wonder what type of people she surrounds herself with.

"I'm fine. What happens in my personal life is none of your concern. You work for me. I am not your friend. Not even an acquaintance-"

"You just looked like you were crying, that's all. Nothing else." I interrupted her causing her to scoff.

"Did you just interrupt-"

"Yes I did and I'm doing it again because I can tell you're projecting whatever emotions you're feeling right now toward me. There's coffee on your desk and the papers you had me file are also there as well." I stated strongly before stepping out of the elevator and walking over to my desk, feeling her eyes on my back with every step I took.


I sat down at my desk and watched as she walked down the long hall, everyone scurrying around her in fear as if she was God himself. It made me scoff. What type of pompous bitch is she that everyone has to fear her?

I watched as she pointed at a young woman who sat at her cubicle and demanded her to go to her office. They both walked, Amelia's eyes finding mine before rolling them and slamming her office door shut, causing the office to tremble slightly.

"Oh shit.." I heard someone whisper, the office being so quiet that if a pen were to drop from across the room I'd hear it. I turned my computer on and scrolled through my emails when I heard a loud slam causing me to jump as everyone else gasped.

"And now YOU'RE FIRED! GET OUT! NOW!" We heard come from the bordered office. The door swung open and a loud sob came from the young woman as she scurried to her desk and grabbed her bag before running toward the stairs.

"What the hell.." I whispered as I swallowed hard. Everyone looked around at each other but ducked their heads when Amelia walked out of the room.

"I expect everyone to use that as an example. Do your jobs. Stop meddling in each other's fùcking business because when shit goes left, THAT happens. When I ask for something to get done, GET IT DONE."

"Ms. White, I'm sorry to interrupt but your ten o'clock is here." A short, slender man stated as he walked toward her slowly out of fear. Amelia sighed, before pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Cassie cancel all of my meetings and forward all of my calls. I don't want to see anyone, today. I'll formally write an email you can send to them later."


"Do you want to keep your job?" She hissed before I could finish my sentence. I swallowed hard and nodded, knowing that I'll never come across an opportunity like this again no matter how bitchy she was.

I get paid 45 an hour for Gods sake. In New York City! Why would I quit just because she's a fùcking bitch? I can handle it. Right?

"So I suggest you shut your mouth and do what I said. Understood, Cassie?" She hissed. I nodded, feeling the tears of embarrassment well in my eyes and she grinned.


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