《The CEO. (W|W)》2.


I stared into her ice blue eyes that glared at me with a fire I didn't expect. She was so nice over the phone, her voice gentle and even flirtatious.

I just had to cut into traffic, huh?


I looked around and saw everyone staring at me with wide eyes and the embarrassment bubbled in the pit of my stomach as I stood slowly.

"Ms. White I-"

"I don't care. Get into my office. So much for a good impression, mate." She mumbled as she stormed into her office. I walked in behind her, catching the door that almost hit me in the face considering she didn't hold it for me.


As I walked behind her through the long hallway that led to her actual office I couldn't help but admire her from behind. She was a bitch, but a beautiful one. Her bone straight blonde hair wrapped in a ponytail that landed just above her shoulder blades. She had on an all black cocktail dress and a black vest, her long pale legs stuck in long black heels that made me swallow hard.

I love heels.

Especially on women.

I've always knew my sexuality ever since I was young. My parents were very accepting when I came out at sixteen. They were Haitians straight from port au prince, but knew that things were different for my generation. We were more in tune with ourselves and they understood that.

Whatever makes my Cherie happy.

"Are you going to keep staring into space or will you sit, hm?" Amelia asked, breaking me from my trance. She was sitting at her desk, her legs crossed as she glared up at me through my lashes causing me to gulp. I sat down on the chair in front of her and she smirked, before rolling her eyes.


"Okay Cassie-"

"It's Casey. Cah-see."

"Yeah okay Cassie, here's some files I need you to organize. I expect it to be done by the end of the day." She hissed as she slapped a huge pile of papers in front of me that caused my jaw to drop.

"I can't do all this in one da-"

"Then I guess this isn't the job for you, then now is it?" Amelia asked smugly as she sat back in her chair, causing me to clench my fists at my sides.

What the hell did I sign myself up for?

"Well..like you said you can't do this in one day so I suggest you start now. Do I need to light a fire under your arse? MOVE!" She yelled as she slammed her hand on the desk causing me to gasp and jump in fright. I swallowed the ball that formed in my throat and stood slowly, grabbing the large pile of papers and walking to my desk with the feeling of her eyes burning holes into the back of my head.

I swallowed my frustration and started to file the paper work, ignoring the mutters and eyes that grilled me from all over the room. I kept my head down the rest of the day, doing as I was told. Amelia had me fetch her coffee so many times that my fingernails were staining brown.

I was tired of it by the time eight o'clock hit. I was supposed to leave at five but I knew she wanted this done. So I sipped my coffee and finished the rest of the papers before sighing in satisfaction with myself as I placed the last of the paperwork into my desk drawer.

"Oh, look. She said she couldn't but she did, didn't she?" A soft voice came from behind me causing me to jump and twist my chair around. Her eyes were softer than they were earlier, a smirk on her face as she leaned against the file cabinet that sat diagonal from behind my chair. Her arms were crossed, causing her cleavage to be exposed in my vision as her necklace dangled above her chest.


"She did." I responded with a curt nod before standing up. I was taller than her by a few inches with her heels on, so I knew she was even shorter with them off. I couldn't help but wonder what this ice queen behavior was trying to hide.

She had her guard down and I saw right through her. It made me hold back a smirk.

"Well good. Hopefully tomorrow you don't make me late again. Have a good night Cassie." She breathed before turning on her heels.

"It's Casey! Fucking bitch.." I whispered at the end as her heels clicked toward the elevators. I grabbed my things and sighed before walking to the second elevator as her doors closed, her blue eyes meeting mine for a second before the doors shut completely.

I need a drink.

"So she deliberately says your name wrong? After basically railing you in front of everyone about making her late?" Kaya asked as she sipped from her cup of wine.

"She didn't rail me in front of everyone, Kaya. Jesus."

"Sorry, I'm horny. You know this." Kaya giggled as she downed the rest of her cup. I was now home and in my comfort pajamas as the embarrassment from today churned in my mind. I couldn't believe the complete one-eighty that I experienced with Amelia. On the phone she was so sweet, telling me I had such a nice comforting voice and that she couldn't wait to meet me.

But then I cut into traffic.

I can't seem to win,

"Don't even stress it bitch. Just be on your p's and q's and even your r's. Be ahead of the game so she has no reason to wring you out and don't cut into traffic again." Kaya chuckled as she leaned back and unbuttoned her jeans before patting her stomach that was filled with Alfredo pasta.

"Ugh, whatever. I'll make sure I'm extra early with a cup of her fùcking decaf in my hands."

"That a girl! Now roll this blunt."

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