《Empire of War》Empire of War Chapter 7 The Unlucky Merchant.


On an empty road where very few people used to travel, one could see merchant caravans marching with more than 100 well armed guards. One would think that since there were so many guards then they were carrying lots of goods or things they were protecting was very valuable. But neither of these two assumptions had anything to do with the truth, since anyone who knew the place they were going would instantly realize why so many guards were necessary. Five vagons in total guarded by 100 guards; only two of these wagons were carrying cheap goods. Each wagon was carried by a single beast, which locals of this empire called Sopheris, they were gigantic spider lookish type beings with 8 legs. This type of beasts were not cheap since they consumed lots of food and normal merchants usually prefered to use normal horses, but on a special occasion they would choose these beasts since Sopheris were powerful, they would scare most low and mid level beasts. In the luxurious wagon, one could see the nephew of a very influential merchant of the border city. Ishtar had some skills, therefore, he was chosen as a leader of this expedition. If his uncle did not have 4 wives and 11 children, maybe he could receive much more profit from his job, but under these circumstances he was lucky in the first place to be taken in after the death of his parents. With him were two low-ranking wizards, so he had to be respectful with them. He does not know why they are following him, but he dares not to question them.Since for Ishtar it is good news, now thanks to these mighty wizards he feels much safer. One needs to know that wizards have a ranking system. Low-ranking also known as rookies, but compared to average beings they were much more powerful since they could cast feared fireball spells. Second rank Wizards had the title of “amateur” since they were much more powerful than rookies, even nobles had to show some respect to them. The third rank Wizards were known as Pros; they were highly respected individuals since they could cast spells up to 6th tier and finally Wizard Veterans, unfortunately Ishtar knew only their rank, but he did not know anything else about these wizards. Which is not really surprising since odds of meeting such a powerful being was the same as casually bumping into an emperor in the streets. In short, chances were extremely slim. Within a month the caravan should reach the villages in the mountains and the only thing he hoped for was that he could buy some rare herbs from villagers and gift it to these wizards to obtain some favour.


(At the same time in the mountain village)

Iveriel watched happily how his “New Species” grew up so quickly after consuming some meat, now they looked even more charming as grown ups. They grew up 1.85cm+ which is considered desirable height on this planet, with their charming pale white skin, blond hair and blue eyes they looked like supermodels, truly angels from hell will appear as the angel from heaven. One should not trust his eyes, but this is something I learned on my previous planet, where people used to say all the time `Don't judge a book by it’s cover '' while at the same time worshipping good looking people. 78 of these children were males, this was also deliberately done by me, because with their looks it will be super easy to seduce females. Also, male bodies are much more durable and I need strong supporting force. Even though I want to obtain magicians to run experiments on them. For now I should teach these bastards some manners and arm them with weapons.

(After a month)

(Iveriel) What? Number 5 you have seen some merchants approaching? This is surely unexpected since this place should be far away from civilization, but it is easy to guess that they rarely show up. But no matter what I can not let them return alive, since this place is already destroyed and even if I were to kill those people by the time a possible investigative team arrives we will already be on our new base so there is really nothing to lose. On the other hand, if I were to let them live, who knows what kind of news they would spread in the city. Number 5 make sure to take half of them as prisoners. We can use them for labour while the other half can be used as a food supply, and also do not kill the monsters they are using to travel and do not kill people in luxurious carriage, they will have far more value alive than dead.

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