《Empire of War》Empire of War Chapter 5 Chosen People.


Biological organisms need to find partners so that they can reproduce and feel good or delude themselves into thinking that there is great return on investment for those who decide to marry and reproduce. Readers all know how happy Luke was in his marriage. Come to think of it, since I will obtain a bunch of bodies, I will modify their genes and force females to give birth to a stronger race so they can live and work in an underground environment. Otherwise my grand project won’t be possible, because these bodies won’t be able to withstand much work. But it will also mean that females won’t be able to work, but the main problem is that I need to study their anatomy. Guess I have to dissect some bodies and run experiments. Well, I need to build a temporary lab, but the lab needs to be full of explosives, just in case if a hostile force were to sneak in it would be far better for me to destroy all my research and start it over rather let others have papers of my technologies plus this will be temporary lab so when I officially move this place needs to be destroyed. Also, I have no idea what kind of power “mages' ' or this mysterious super biological organism type creatures use so for now I will refer to them as “mages” I can only speculate that, some people are born with different constitution meaning their anatomy is very different from normal human beings maybe they even have additional organs. For now I can only speculate that their existence has something to do with the different environment of these species, but I don’t know a lot about this subject for now. I need to obtain bodies of these individuals to know for sure but since they have lots of privileges and powers in this world it will be hard to just obtain their bodies, maybe digging graves of dead mages to run tests on them is a good idea but risk is too high since I don’t have strong foot on this planet for now. About this universe I am in, with limited information I have there is only two possibilities, either I am in a parallel universe or universe itself is like a matryoshka doll, in other words I have opened wormhole and entered bigger or smaller universe, for now I won’t bother making speculations about this issue, but most likely I have entered a bigger one. Let me turn on Tomaso Albinoni's Adagio G Minor, thankfully I have downloaded classical music, so I can listen to them or create better ones.


While Iveriel was thinking and listening to classical music, Luke and Mott had successfully finished their job. I won’t bother explaining to you what happened, because you can easily guess dear reader. I have zero interest in primates, if you have not noticed already I look down upon biological/lesser intelligence beings.

(2 Days Later)

Luke, Mott and Iveriel stood in front of thousands of villagers, Luke had successfully taken control over them with Iveriels Help.

(Iveriel)- I have finished scanning them, Leave behind 78 Females, 14 Children and 4 men, others genes are either completely and utterly useless or in case of some females they are too old to withstand and properly nurture New Race. P.S. Mott I will need your Sperm genes so hope you don’t mind.

(Mott)- After receiving a soundless mental signal mott immediately realised who was sending message and immediately replied, of course, as you wish. (Mott, is forbidden to refer to Iveriel as “Master” or Some other nonsensical title, when nobody is around.)

(Iveriel)- Good, Now Luke direct others towards work as I have already instructed you. Make sure to limit casualties and take care of their bodies since we need them to work. Use fallen animals as a food for them, don't waste food. But Just in case be careful they may show unexpected symptoms since cannibalism is not very common within civilized people. I expect this work to be done in 2 years. Do your best. While I’ll be busy in my lab.

(Luke)- Okay, You know where to find me if you happen to need my help, I will make sure to do this job properly. I have already mastered how to control and direct these bodies.

(Iveriel)- Make sure to guard your body since you are going into a wild mountain area, make sure to acquire new beasts to use them for building the base properly, from the information we gathered, mountain beasts in that area seem to be stronger and faster, therefore make sure to hunt them down, using this poison. Since so many animals are basically food for them and the greatest food is animal with deadliest poison, since you I am giving you a cure for this poison, use it wisely. Strategy Is pretty simple: choose least useful people from your group and make them take poison and send them near beasts, with this beasts will also be infected from the virus, which will be deadly for them or in worst case they will be extremely weakened, which will make them easy pray for you, so increase strength of your workers this way. When you have an army of obedient biological organisms it's better to use them and replace them with stronger beasts of the wild.


(Luke)- I won’t fail you. See you soon.

(Iveriel Took Control of those people Luke left behind)

(Iveriel)- Mott, you will be my assistant in the lab.

(Mott)- Understood.

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