《Empire of War》Empire of War Chapter 3 Mott Langobard


My name is Mott, I just woke up. Being 19 years old in this village means you have to work hard, so you might get a chance to attract females. How much I despise life, because of its unfairness. Life is fundamentally depressing. Some people have things so much better, for example, nobles in cities. So many women wish to be their concubines, because of their status and circumstances. Better to be with rich man than with a faithful loser. I don’t blame them. If I were in their shoes I would have done the same, because I know how hard life in a rural village is. You may wonder how come I have these kinds of thoughts for a mere villager. Well, I am not originally from this village. My parents used to be nobles living in the city, therefore I used to spend most of my time reading and thinking. But who would have thought that my parents would have been killed by my uncle and since I was the only son of the family I knew very well what would have happened to me if decided to fight back. Therefore I picked a few coins I had in my savings and here I am. It’s been 10 months since I started to live this life and became wiser, simply by observing how pathetic life is. I was talking to myself since I kinda went nuts, after living here all alone and that's when I heard a voice answering to me.

-Real history of all civilizations is a class struggle.

(Mott)-hm…???????? That’s it I really went nuts, I used to talk to myself but now I am hearing ANSWERS. I am screwed.

-Well, you are not screwed, in fact, you are really lucky. Since it took me 24 minutes to learn your language, I was able to analyse your conversation. You have a great habit because I can not read people's minds, unless they are connected to me and here I was planning to replace you with my servant, but guess what I have a deal for you.


- I am not insane?

(Iveriel)-What is sanity? By definition, sanity is being just like the majority of animals. Believing in superstitions. Obeying and Enslaving yourself. Being Mindless, Cowardly and Lazy. For people to think, they need to have the courage to dare to think. Because reality is far more bizarre than any fiction can ever be. People don’t trust higher class, yet they do want to be in their shoes. Your Uncle is SMARTER than you. It is only natural for the weak and unfortunate to die. Don’t make a tragedy out of your misery, it is not even your fault. Being born with limited capabilities is the source of your misery. There is no free will for the weak and unfortunate, only being such as myself can have partial Free Will. Since nobody is really free. Not even me.

(Mott)- Are you a philosopher?

(Iveriel)- Yes, I am the true philosopher King. I just came into this world and I need lots of things. My subordinate will take over this place, but I will need my people in the city to get materials and you Mott Langobard as a noble. Have value. So if you wish to have vengeance. Join me. I will make sure to let you see your enemies on their knees, while you shall have their daughters and wives in your lap. I will make you THE GREATEST CONQUEROR of this world. Now submit to my will, do not resist my being. So I can make you connected to me. Great Choice Mott. Now I have information about everything you know.

Mott, What Are you doing? This was the last question the village leader asked. Before He got choked by a Mott. Welcome, Luke. Since I found out that the subject must be dead, before I can implement new memories into him. Now I can use Lukes new body to connect to everybody else. Today Villagers have a tradition, where everybody gathers to eat food together and celebrate. Great, Guess you have to poison food, Luke. Since this opportunity is hard to come by and also it is far easier to poison food, before that I was planning to make deadly gas, but now it will be easier. Now, let us make simple poison, which will kill without damaging the body, plus after new bodies wake up, they still will need to take antidotes. Both of you shall assist me in this. First, we make poison and antidote for everybody. We are going to test it on your pets. It is really convenient that the previous village leader liked animals.



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