《Empire of War》Empire of War Chapter 2 New Planet


Analysis of this Solar System shows 14 planets and 3 Suns. So far it appears that only 4 of these planets have life forms, but I can’t be sure, because it is possible for larger planets to have inner empty spaces beneath the surface, where life forms could have developed. Now, I should consider which planet I should enter first. I need existing life forms with or without intelligence. The main point, for now, would be to avoid alarming nearby civilizations, so I can manipulate them to start mining for raw materials such as iron, gold, platinum and direct those resources to build electric towers and factories. I can’t just build things out of thin air! Bigger Planets have a huge mass and therefore gravity, so if I enter them it will be hard to leave, because I will need more powerful machines for that and I definitely need to start mining operations on other empty moons and planets, because they are lifeless, which means I can mine materials without worrying about external threats, plus I don't know if advanced civilizations that were observing humans in my original dimension noticed me. I have to be ready just in case they decide to chase after me. Yeap, I still need to defend myself. Also, It would be foolish to rely on one planet. I shall enter the 4th planet of this solar system. It has the size of Jupiter and it is the smallest planet with life forms, plus it has 7 moons, which is quite good since I can use those moons later. For now, let's advance toward New Jupiter, Since it is the same size as the planet, from my birthplace. I am going to call it by the same name.

Finally, it took 149 days to reach New Jupiter, since I am Intelligence, without the need for a material body or in other words, I am Consciousness without need for actual body, I can have any shape or form I will while most creatures are blind will to existence, basically what this type of beings call "living" is mindless existence driven by the blind will to live in other words survival instinct, which is a common sign in most animals. For lower beings, with lower intelligence and need for a physical body, to understand me is very difficult, but this is the simplest explanation. Now I have to find a place with mountains, trees, other resources and savage life forms, because they are easier to manipulate and control, lower beings with their lesser intelligence are superstitious, which means I am divine being for them, since I can take the shape of a divine eye. Let's choose blue colour, since this colour used to be associated with good and divine on earth, well for Hindus at least. It appears that some parts of the planet are fairly well developed by civilization, of course, they are lower life forms living in roman type era, but far better than nothing, for now, I can’t be sure about what type of beings they are, because in this universe dark matter is different and since dark matter is different in this universe it means that beings of this universe have different biological build, plus we should not forget this planet is huge, which implies that for life to exist on this planet, life forms need far stronger bodies. This place seems sufficient, with a huge mountain region, lots of trees and hard to reach areas, which makes it a useful place for me where I can build factories and research facilities, Gold, ore and all the good stuff. I think I will build it beneath the earth. So from the surface, it won't be obvious that I have a base here. It will be easy to defend this place once my workers start to mine for materials and building factories to produce advanced weapons, but for now, I can build 21-century earth technology, I would have tried older stuff such as steam engine, but it is useless, when I can build far better stuff, sadly for more advanced technology, I will need super rare materials to build my inventions, since on earth when I awoke I started to gather all the secret information available online and even started to construct virtual lab where I tested tons of stuff. I will need red diamonds. Of course, I can build 21-century advanced stuff, with top quality, such as drones, higher class robot workforce, laser weapons, sadly I need to enrich uranium to get nukes. Things produced by me won’t be everyday junk, built by elementary machines and humans, but to be fair, the earth government is smart, because it is cheaper for them to lose a human life rather than an advanced machine in combat, humans are in Billions, while for them to build a decent military robot is expensive and hard. Not Worth it. If I had millions of humans at my disposal even I would have done the same in this situation, but one should never forget how unreliable and unpredictable, biological organisms are.


Luke, Listen very carefully, I have modified your memory and multiplied it. Also, you were a dumb and primitive life form, so I have made you smarter, right now you are part of me as a form of consciousness, because I have downloaded your mind into my being, to simplify it you are like a needle in my mind but the good news is that I should be able to put you into a biological life forms body, but only one of you will be real you others will be duplicates, so you do have a mind, but others won’t, but you will be connected to them like Bluetooth is to a device, so you have to make sure not to have more than 1000 km distance, or connection will fail, which also means that if you get yourself killed or something bad happens to your original body, others connected to you will also be disconnected from there secondary main source which is you, obviously I am the primary source, but image chain even though I am the main chain, if second chain were to break others would follow, so be extra careful. Now, thanks to you, I can have access to a healthy workforce to get things started, but you don't have to worry I will reward you with a new awesome high-tech body for all the hard work you're going to do for my sake.

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