《From NPC to villain》Chapter 9. The end


Lurg opened his eyes in a familiar room.

Hinra: Welcome back to the world of the living.

Nolad: Next time you should immediately accept a request for the resurrection of a Necromancer. If you pull again, we can all provoke the wrath of Ringras.

Hinra: It's not my fault that no one wants to do this.

Nolad: You shouldn't be here for a long time. To go to their domain.

Lurg couldn't understand what had happened. The resurrection room looked as usual. The guild building was not destroyed, and the people killed during the attack on the city were here. They're all here.

Necromancer: Alme... where is she?

Hinra looked at the Necromancer in surprise. Probably didn't come to his senses after the recovery, he thought.

Hinra: I don't understand who you're talking about, but you shouldn't linger here.

Attention! The Necromancer NPC requests permission to move to the Throne Room of the Kingdom of Asania. Starting to move the Necromancer NPC to the requested location. The request has been canceled. The Necromancer NPC requests permission to move to the location of the Blacksmith's Forge. Starting to move the Necromancer NPC to the requested location.

The old smithy building was located near the square. In a large, soot-covered room, the blacksmith Ktom was working. He was forging special armor for the holiday in honor of the beginning of spring. On such days at the fair, there was usually a demand for his special products. Ktom, as usual, was engaged in melting metal when a blue light lit up the room. He did not expect to see such a visitor in his possession.

Ktom: To what do I owe your luck, Necromancer? You know you're not welcome here, right?

Necromancer: I wanted to see your wife.

The blacksmith's face twisted in a surprised grimace.


Ktom: It seems that the heroes have applied you a lot, since you are talking such nonsense.

Necromancer: Nonsense?

KTOM: You should get out of here.

Necromancer: I want to see Alme.

Ktom: I don't know such people. Now get lost.

Necromancer: But your wife...

Ktom: I don't have a wife! And there wasn't! Now get out before I ask Ringras about it.


Guild Master Nolad: Adventurers! The new year is coming! To congratulate you and give you an incentive, the Guild announces an Event! By completing it, you will receive special rewards. And those who have the grace of Ringras will be able to get legendary items. I hope this holiday will bring you great victories!

Before the New Year, our city was filled with festive lights and music. Participate in the games that Tit arranges in his tavern and get valuable prizes. Collect Christmas decorations to decorate your home.

On the eve of the holiday, the Goddess Ringras grants us mercy. Visit the Temple of the shrine of Ringras to receive the grace of our Goddess.

Happy New Year, adventurers!


Alani: Welcome back to the world of the living, Mr. Necromancer.

Necromancer: Do you really think this greeting is funny?

Alani: Don't you like it?

Necromancer: It sounds a little inappropriate.

Alani: Anyway, you're back in the ranks.

Necromancer: It's time for me to get back. By the way, today is the day when the children will receive appointments?

Alani: Yes. My daughter was really looking forward to this day. She can't wait to find out what she will do.

Necromancer: I didn't know you had a daughter.

The door of the resurrection room suddenly opened. A little girl's head appeared in the gap that appeared.

Alani: How did you get in here?

Alme: Guildmaster Nolad said that you are in this room. I thought you'd finished the job.


Alani: Alme, meet this young gentleman is a Necromancer. He was chosen by Ringras for the education of heroes.

The girl entered the room and, taking hold of the edges of her dress, imitated a bow.

Alme: Nice to meet you, Mr. Necromancer. I am Alme, the daughter of Alani and Syne.

Lurg was surprised and dumbfounded. He froze in place and could not utter a word. The girl's shocked look brought Lurg to his senses. With his left hand behind his back and his right hand folded across his chest, the Necromancer bowed.

Lurg: And I'm glad to meet you. My name is Lurg, the son of Ney and Riat.

Alme smiled.

Alani: Come on, your father is waiting for us. We have to go.

Alme: Goodbye, Mr. Lurg.


Guild Master Jord: Adventurers! In 3 days, the Necromancer's Wedding event will begin. Have time to visit the wedding in Lily Garden location. May the Grace of Ringras come with you!

The end

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