《From NPC to villain》Chapter 7. See you soon


Gadlin looked sadly into the distance. From her bedroom window, one could see the great forests of the elves. Her hands were on her stomach, in which there was a glimmer of life. The king's child has been actively kicking since the morning and did not give Gadlin rest. The Queen was tormented by thoughts. Like any mother, she loved her child, but as the king's wife, she hated him. Does the child have to suffer all her life because she hates him? The child stirred again. Gadlin ran her hand over her stomach and sighed heavily.

"Your Majesty, it's meal time. The king is waiting for you in the dining hall," said the maid who had just arrived.

- I'm not hungry.

- You need to eat.

"I told you I'm not hungry!"

Gadlin's sad look changed to anger. She was thinking why did all this happen to her? Why is her house destroyed and her family divided? She stared into the distance again. Rather than live like this, it's better to die.

The silence of the room was broken by the knock of the door. The king, walking firmly, went to his queen.

"How much longer are you going to be stubborn?" his voice thundered through the room, "You have to eat to give me an heir." Stop showing your character and silently do what they say! The doctors say that you will give birth in a week.

- I want to see Rish.

The king's face turned purple. Who knew that one woman could cause so many problems?

- You will see your daughter as soon as you give birth to a healthy heir. I've told you that a hundred times.

- At least from afar… You don't have to bring her to me. Just let me see her? I want to know that she's okay. I beg…


Gadlin's eyes filled with tears. She hasn't seen her daughter for 4 months.

- A week. You will give birth and only then will you see your daughter. I've said it all.

"Why haven't I seen her for so long?" Is she all right?

- She's with her father. You'll see your daughter later. Right now you need to focus on my baby.

It wasn't the first time Gadlin had heard these words. She sensed the lie in the king's words, but she no longer had the strength to resist.

- I will order food to be brought to you.

Having thrown these words, the king quickly left. After closing the door behind the king, the maid approached the queen.

- You see, there is no reason to worry. Your daughter is with her father. You'll see her soon.


Time passed. The baby in the womb of Gadlin was growing, the day of childbirth is approaching. The Queen of the elves has turned from a once beautiful elf into a pale ghost. Her silky hair was streaked with gray, the nails on her thin fingers were gnawed until they bled, and there were dark bruises under her eyes. The queen did not fulfill her duties, and various bad rumors were circulating among the people. One of them was about the queen's daughter.

- I heard that a dark elf was seen in the underground prison of the kingdom, they say that this is the queen's daughter.

- Don't talk nonsense. If someone hears your words, you will not be happy.

- My words are not nonsense at all! My brother who works in the palace said that the queen's daughter turned into a dark elf. They say that's why the king ordered her to be killed.

"Nonsense! Do you think a child is capable of such a thing? Not every adult, even in strong anger, cannot turn into a dark elf. Yes, and it takes a lot of magical powers. I can't do that to a child.



- Don't try to say anything in front of the Queen! If she hears this, she will only get worse. Watch your languages!

The queen's maid was scolding the other servants. She, like the other maids, was afraid for the queen. The sight of the queen was frightening. Gadlin was broken because of the long separation from her daughter. These stupid rumors could have killed her.

- What should they be silent about? Queen Gadlin was standing behind the girls. Her dead eyes looked straight into the depths of her soul, and her cold gaze pierced with cold, - I asked what they should be silent about?!

The girls lowered their heads. A quiet wheeze broke the silence. One of the maids clutched her throat and desperately tried to catch air with her mouth.Gadlin's hand glowed blue. She put all her strength into this spell. The frightened maids tried to escape, but Gadlin, with a wave of her hand, pinned them to the ground.

- Answer me!

After a couple of minutes, the Queen was walking at her own speed. The hem of her blue dress was developing. My heart was pounding. She felt her strength leaving her, but she couldn't stop.

Running into a dark room with musty air, she frantically examined all the cells of the prison. One by one. Empty... Empty again.. And again... Exhausted, she leaned against the stone wall. We need to get ready! One more. Gadlin pulled the door open with an effort. Locked. Her hand shot blue again. There was a click. The door opened. A terrible stench escaped from the dark cell. She stepped inside. Lighting her way, Gadlin saw a lifeless body lying on the ground. The world spun around the queen. There was a shortage of air. She tried to approach the dead body of her daughter, but her strength left her. The lights went out, the queen fell into a nightmare.

Opening her eyes, Gadlin tried to stand up. Did she have a nightmare? No, what she saw was not a dream. Her baby is dead. Then, does it make sense for her to live? Gathering her remaining strength, Gadlin went to the window. A silver moon illuminated the area.

- Lilies bloomed ...

turning, she sat down on the window. There was a noise outside the door.

- We'll see you soon...

the doors opened and the king entered. Gadlin leaned back and unclenched her hands. Her body was falling, her hands were catching the wind. She closed her eyes and smiled gently.

- I'm coming...

the sounds have subsided. Blood stained only the opening flowers.

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