《From NPC to villain》Chapter 6. The Empty Stone


Alme opened her eyes. Her eyes were burning and her chest was in pain. She was lying in her room on her bed. Everything seemed empty to her. The world seemed to lose all its beauty in an instant. There were no sounds, no colors. There was only emptiness. A huge gaping hole.

Alme got up and went into her daughter's room. She hoped that everything she saw was a dream. One bad dream… She opened the door. The room was empty. The bed made, and the always-fresh flowers have wilted. The room smelled of grief. The pain surged with renewed force. Holding tightly to the door handle, she felt the strength leaving her legs. Staggering, she dragged herself to the bed and fell down without strength. Tears burned her eyes again. Alme clutched her daughter's cold pastel in her fists and could not believe that her child was no more. Exhausted, she fell asleep, curled up in the room by the window.

The morning sun was shining through the bedroom window. Alme woke up to a bright light. She didn't remember how many hours she had slept, but she remembered one thing–she had to meet with the Guild Master.

Leaving the house, Alme noticed that there was no one. Doesn't he care what happened to their daughter, she thought. Ktom has always been callous. The only thing he cared about was his shop. She mentally cursed him and moved towards the guild building. People scurrying down the street didn't notice her. Nobody cared. Passing by the square, Alme saw a Haka Merchant.

* Have they already restored all the characters? I need to pick up Uuna as soon as possible. She must have been scared. *

Alme ran with all her might. Hope was born in her. Her baby will be coming back to her soon. Passing building after building, Alme ran into the guild building. She saw the characters who had been restored and joy filled her. In the crowd of people, Alme was looking for her daughter.


* Where is Uuna? Uuna?*

Joy replaced by anxiety. Uuna was not in the hall.

Alme: Maybe Uuna just went through the recovery process. Of course! Therefore, I need to go to the recovery room!

Alme rushed up the stairs, but when she was few meters away from the cherished door, someone's strong hands stopped her. It was Guildmaster Nolad. His usually steady gaze today was worried.

Nolad: You should have rested, - Nolad's voice sounded notes of emotion.

Alme: Uuna.. Where is she? – Alme freed her hand and looked at Nolad.

Nolad: Alme…

Alme: I saw people who were restored. Nevertheless, Uuna is not among them. We couldn't miss her. Have you had time to restore it yet?

Nolad: Follow me.

Alme and Nolad walked in complete silence. They went down to the first floor and moved towards the Temple. Alme didn't understand what was going on. Anxiety crept into her heart.

Nolad: Let's say a prayer to our goddess first.

They approached the altar and bowed their heads in prayer.

Alme: What happened? Explain to me. Where is my daughter?

Nolad: As you know, many people were injured in yesterday's incident, including your daughter. The restoration stones of some were damaged, because of this; it took more effort to restore them. We had to choose who to restore first and who to leave for later. Priority was given to those whose purpose is more important. Because of this, Uuna was at the end of the list.

Alme: What do you mean by that?

"Her stone was badly damaged. Because of this, there was little time to recover. In addition, magicians… We didn't have time… We didn't have time to restore it.

Only a budding hope was killed. Alme again felt that this world was suffocating her. I didn't have the strength to cry anymore.


Alme: Can I... say goodbye to her?

Nolad: Of course.

Alme: I would like to take my daughter to her favorite place for the last time.

Alme came out of the Temple holding a broken restoration stone in her hands. She walked silently along the roads away from the city. The surrounding sounds pressed on her. Finding herself in a clearing full of her daughter's favorite flowers. Alme sat down on her knees.

Alme: Goddess Ringras, why didn't you protect my child?

System notification. Wrong command.

Alme: Why did you let this happen?

System notification. Wrong command.

Alme: Why don't you answer me?

Attention! NPC Almerequests permission to move to the location of the Throne Room of the Kingdom of Asania. I'm starting to move the NPC Almeto the requested location. NPC Almehas been moved to the Throne Room of the Kingdom of Asania.

Necromancer: Welcome to my domain!

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