《From NPC to villain》Chapter 4. Sunrise of the dead sun


Icy mountains, bottomless seas and spacious fields, all this combines the huge Berlu continent. Initially, the inhabitants of this continent were magical races. Later, people sailed from the nearest mainland to Berlu. They were looking for a new home and Berlu turned out to be the best place for wanderers. People began to build their cities, push aside the local inhabitants or, finding a common language with them, build a life together. The elves were the first to form an alliance with humans. Their wise ruler decided that it would be better to live together than to shed each other's blood. Asania, the kingdom of the elves, extended a helping hand to the people. Together they founded the state of Mitras. After that, a new state appeared in tandem of spirits and people – Ligarchu. However, not everyone accepted people. Their main opponents were dragons. They did not like the fact that foreigners invaded the sacred lands of Berlu. The wrath of the dragons marked the beginning of the first war on the mainland. The leader of the dragons, Itras, led his relatives into a fierce battle. Although dragons were powerful, humans outnumbered them. In addition, the skill of the humans and the discord among the dragons gave the outsiders an advantage. The war ended when Ithras fell at the hands of a human hero. The place of the battle became the basis of a new state – Likoris.

A lot of time has passed since that battle. The peoples lived in peace and harmony. The countries traded among themselves. The inhabitants of the Berlu mainland did not know the troubles. However, everything changed when the King of Asania, who ruled for 300 years, overtaken by death. The king's heir, his only son, M’yoy, ascended to the throne of the kingdom. Asania, once the heart of culture, began to see. The greed of the new king knew no bounds and his vanity even more so. First, the young king ordered to restrict the rights of the half-elves and banish the lower spirits from the country. He imposed a ban on the discovery of the knowledge of the elves to other peoples and ordered the transfer of all the higher spirits of the sacred forests to the capital. Intoxicated with power, he imposed heavy taxes and took all the power into his own hands.


The people of Asania began to go through difficult times. They could not do anything, because they revered the past ruler and thought that one day the son would become like his father. But as time went on, the king only became greedier.

No matter how hard the time was, hope always glowed in the people of Asania. She was an anchor for the people of the country. She and love. It was these two feelings that helped the Asanis to go through difficult times. However, the king also took them away…

Reveling in his power and wealth, M’yoy had everything he could desire. Jewels, relics, lands and a crown, he owned everything, but did not have a queen. After all, he, the king, is perfect in everything, which means that the queen should be a match for him. M’yoy lost his peace in search of a betrothed. He could not find the one. Then one day, walking through his personal libraries, he saw her. An elf with a thin figure, black hair and a gentle voice. You could see the starry sky in her eyes, and her gait resembled a summer breeze. The King made a choice. Nevertheless, he did not take into account one thing, whether the girl agrees.

Returning to his chambers, the first thing the king ordered was to prepare for the wedding. His faithful assistant and defender was both pleased and surprised at the same time. Maybe love will change the king, and he will be able to become closer to his people? Hawn was devoted to the former king and saw how the current one grew. He got his position as a court magician more than 100 years ago and has seen a lot during that time. However, it was the first time he had seen his King M’yoy so happy. Then he asked:

- Oh, our Great King, tell me, who is the girl who disturbed your heart and took you prisoner?


The King replied:

- An elf who has no equal on the entire continent. In her eyes is the boundless night sky, and her voice is the verbal singing of the best of the nymphs. She is smart and beautiful. Her greatness cannot be expressed in words. She's one of a kind.

- What is the name of your chosen one, My King?

"Her name is as majestic as she is. Her name is Gadlin.

The King smiled as he answered his only friend. However, Hawn's joy disappeared at the same moment.

- Gadlin, what works in your library?

- Yes. - The king replied, - Do you know her?

Hawn's heart seemed to stop. He turned as pale as his pale skin tone would allow. He felt as if the blood had frozen in his veins.

"Gadlin is my daughter, My King," he replied softly.

- Great! I've always thought of you as my own. Well, now we will become close!

- My King… I'm glad you're happy and I don't want to upset you, but I have to. Gadlin is married, My King. Her husband also works in your library. Their daughter recently went to the lyceum.

The king's face changed. The joy was gone, now he was angry. How dare someone touch what belongs to him? How dare someone take it before he, the king?!

- The order for the wedding given, - said M’yoy in a cold tone, - She will become my wife. I decided so.

- But, My King…

- Don't you dare object to me! I am the king of this country! In addition, everything here is mine! I you stop me from getting what I want, I'll just take you away. Do you understand?


The ceremonial hall of the royal palace was full of guests. Beautiful melodies competing with the voices of those who came scattered around. The elegant decorations of the hall could not but surprise. The tables were bursting with viands. In the center of the hall, under an arch of the most delicate roses, there were two people. The bride's robes sewn from the best silk of the elven masters. It shone blue. The groom was dressed in white robes. His face radiated happiness, while the bride's face was deeply sad. Music and enthusiastic cheers flowed like a river. In a voice, everyone praised the beauty of the couple, and whispered gossip about the grief that befell the bride.

Days passed and gossipreplaced by joyful news. The Queen is expecting a baby. Did the greedy king get the desired happiness? However, this happiness was the color of blood. Gadlin gave birth to a son to the king, but died during childbirth. The King was heartbroken. All the people shared the loss of their ruler. However, their troubles did not end there. Less than three days after the queen's death, disaster struck the country – an army of the dead was advancing. In a matter of days, the Necromancer captured Asania. The songs of the elves died down. Again, after a long time, Berlu filled with crying and blood. Once the pearl of the mainland became the land of the dead. A dead sun has risen over Asania.

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