《Vincent's Trials (Placeholder Name)》Chapter 4: Birthday (Draft)


Chapter 4 Birthday (Vincent's PoV)

Vincent entered the ballroom of the mansion dressed in his finery while being escorted by his mother. His father was off talking to his grandfather whom he could barely remember and his sister was near the pastries gathering some on her plate to take back to her table of friends.

“Vincent it is important that you go around and present yourself to everyone here. This can be considered your introduction into noble society and you’ll want to make a good impression.”

Nodding, Vincent left his mothers side to do what she suggested, by going from table to table and receiving everyone before appearing in front of his grandfather.

Adrian who was getting on in his years still retained some of his youthful charm. With gray hair, blue eyes, and a wide bearing he was a striking figure in the room.

“Oh, this must be the young lad now, let me get another look at you. You’ve grown much since I’ve last saw you.” Adrian smiled as he appraised the young man before him.

Seeing as how his assumptions were proving to be true Tobias who was standing nearby smiled as well.

“I’m happy to see you’re smiling again. It’s healthy for you.”

“Mmm, I’ve come to realize that Estelle wouldn’t have liked the person I was becoming. It’s about time I concern myself with family once more. After all, I don’t know how much longer I have left.” Adrian laughed at his seemingly innocent joke, but he was wholly unaware of just how much his family have been worried about him.

“Don’t be like that you old fool, you’re only seventy. You’ve got many years ahead of you.” Tobias laughed along after giving his father a light verbal jab, but he wasn’t happy at the thought of his fathers inevitable passing. He decided he needed to change the subject to lighten the mood, but didn’t get a chance as Maria arrived joining their little group.

“Adrian, you should be more mindful of the ears around us. Besides, you’ve great-grandchildren to look forward to in the future. Now, enough of this silly talk. I take it you’ve discussed what you needed to with my husband?”

“Indeed.” Adrian glanced at Vincent before turning before turning his attention back to Maria.

“I’ve got someone in mind. Assuming he hasn’t kicked the bucket yet, I see if I can send him around.”

As Maria was giving her thanks, a disturbance appeared near the main door of the ballroom. Two young men had abruptly entered followed closely by a distressed maid who turned towards their group upon noticing them.

“I’m sorry milady I could not stop them, they were extremely insistent and...”

“Calm yourself, there wasn’t much you could have done without one of us there anyway. Head back, we’ll handle it from here.”

Maria calmed the maid down before sending her off. It wasn’t a surprise she unable stop them as both of the boys that entered were part of nobility. What Maria didn’t understand is why they would suddenly appear at time this time. However, her confusion would be short-lived as the taller of the two boys made a brash declaration.


“Elizabeth Hart, I challenge you to a duel for your hand in marriage! What is your answer?”

With the distinctive black hair of the Spade family, Sylus Spade, proudly announced his intentions as his green eyes darted around the room before settling on his target. At sixteen years of age he was much too old to be doing these kinds things, yet he cared not for what everyone else thought, as the woman he loved was right before him.

“I accept.”

Elizabeth accepted the offer and got up from her seat before motioning for him to follow.


Maria, shocked at her daughters decision shouted out her name in surprise.

“It’s fine mother. Going along with his attempts is the quickest way to shut him up.”

Elizabeth responded calmly to her mother as she continued to walk outside.

Soon everyone at the party realized what was about to take place, and they moved to follow, wishing to see the duel and its outcome.

During this time the younger of the two intruders took the opportunity to make his way over to the members of the Hart family to apologize for his siblings actions.

“I’m sorry, once he gets it in his mind to do something he cannot be stopped. I’m not sure how, but he learned Elizabeth was here and headed straight over before I could prevent it.”

Mortimer Spade was a handsome young man with black hair and black eyes who was known for his calm demeanor as well as his talents in both conjuration and dark magic. Due to these attributes, he was set to succeed the Spade family even though he was younger than his brother by two years. Currently he has been tasked with trying to reign in his brothers antics.

Seeing as how her daughter acted as if this was normal occurrence, Maria proposed a question to Mortimer.

”Does this happen often?”

Giving an exasperated sigh, Mortimer responded.

“Like you wouldn’t believe.”

Around the time Elizabeth had first entered the academy, Sylus has become infatuated with her. He made many attempts to get her attention and never succeeded. At some point he decided to try the direct approach, and challenged her to a duel. Elizabeth being curious about the Spade family’s usage of conjuration magic agreed, only to win and quickly lose interest. However, unbeknownst to Elizabeth, her initial acceptance of the duel only served to solidify the thought that was beginning to form in Slyus’s head, that if he was to have a chance at her heart, he had to be able to defeat her. As such it almost became routine for Sylus to appear out of the blue and challenge Elizabeth, which is what has led to the current situation.

There was a small tension in the air as the match was about to start.

Sylus was standing on the far side of the lawn with the two harpies that he was bonded with through conjuration magic. The harpies had the upper body of a human woman along with a modest waist, reasonable bust, an a soft face with silky long hair that flowed down from their heads. However that is where the similarities ended. The hands of the harpies had razor sharp talons and their backs sported two large white wings while their legs below the knees resembled a predatory bird. Truly they were beasts of prey.


On the other side, Elizabeth was calm and didn’t seem worried about the outcome of the duel. She hadn’t made any special preparations and instead stood there waiting patiently.

One of the other nobles at the party stepped up to officiate.

“This is a duel for Elizabeth’s hand in marriage. As such no lethal moves will be allowed and the winner will be decided when one participant is unable to continue. All agreed?”

Both Elizabeth and Slyus nodded as the noble looked towards them.

“Then… Begin.”

At once the harpies by Sylus swept towards Elizabeth with one coming at her high from left and the other from the lower right trying to pincer her in. Sylus in an attempt to add pressure started casting Wind Blades as fast as possible to pin her down so his harpies could land their attack. Elizabeth was unfazed as she responded. A shell of ice formed around her while a snake like tentacle of water emerged from the ground to swat one of the harpies out of the air before the Ice Shell blocked both the wind blades coming at her as well as the harpy that managed to reach her. Elizabeth then used a Shatter spell to send pieces of the ice shell in every direction as an attack.

During the exchange the observations of the crowd could be heard.

“His attack was rather simplistic, but it well well coordinated. A fine opening move I’d say.”


“I’m more interested in Elizabeth, she used Ice Shell.”

“Are you sure? That’s advanced water magic.”

“I’m certain.”

“What a scary adaptation she has, casting a Shatter spell to use the Ice Shell as an attack when it was no longer needed.”

“Enough about that, what is with her skill in using Water Whip?”

“Aye, I heard that if it was in that skill alone she could be considered an adept water mage.”

While the voices continued so did the fight.

Sylus used Wind Wall to create a barrier of directional wind to deflect the shards of the now broken Ice Shell. At the same time recalled the injured harpy using his conjuration magic to let it heal. Down to only one harpy he decided for a combination attack as he commanded the harpy to grasp him by the legs to take him up in the air while he started to throw down different spells from just out of reach in a manner that seemed extensively practiced.

Elizabeth used Ice Pillar at her feet which raised up quickly launching her into the air before a Water Whip formed in her hands as she threw it to wrap around the harpies torso and wings forcing it to plummet. Just before the three of them crashed into the ground Slyus created a gust of wind to cushion their fall, but was unable to continue the fight as Elizabeth held a piece of ice that formed into dagger from her use of Ice Armament during the fall at his throat.

Noticing that the duel has ended, the noble officiating declared it to be over, and turned to the crowed.

“Does anyone object to the results of the match?”

With no opposition voiced, he officially proclaimed the winner of the duel.

“Elizabeth Hart has won the duel.”

Clapping and a few cheers could be heard as Elizabeth helped Slyus to his feet before moving to join her family who had started conversing with Mortimer Spade again after the end of the duel. As she approached her mother turned to her to speak.

“Were going to have a talk about all this later.”

After few seconds of silence, Adrian spoke up.

“Well today was a little more exciting than expected.”

As the others turned to look at him he continued.

“Vincent you’re nine now, and your father an I think it’s time you got yourself a proper instructor. I plan to have someone sent for you within a month.”

Vincent was confused as he thought his current growth under Charles was adequate.

“What about Charles?”

“He was teaching you at your mothers request as she thought you would enjoy it, but it is time you move on and start your training in earnest. The kingdom does not view space magic as a viable combat option, as such, if you wish to remain a noble, you will need to work hard under the new teacher. He’s an old friend of mine an I think you two will get along great”

Vincent being as pragmatic as ever decided that he has been a bit selfish lately, always going on about magic and decided that they were right. It was time he started on the path he would walk for the rest of his life. However, he promised himself that the knowledge imparted to him by Charles go to waste, as he was fond of the time he spent with him.

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