《Vincent's Trials (Placeholder Name)》Chapter 3: Indulgence


In a well lit study at a dark wooden table filled with papers and surrounded by shelves sat Tobias Hart, the lord of the mansion and Count of the Sunderland Kingdom. He was currently busy dealing with tax reports from Wear that had come in late yesterday, but as he has been swamped with other work he was only just getting to them now. Wear was an important trade city as it sat next to the mouth of a river of the same name as it exits into the sea nearby. The Wear river being a strong life line for the kingdom meant that it was well protected and brought in lots of funds through tax and trade. Such funds had to be dealt with as fast an appropriately as possible to keep things running smoothly throughout the rest of the kingdom.

Some time went by an as Tobias was moving onto the next troublesome sheet a knock at the door halted his thoughts while he paused to see who it was.


When the door opened he noticed a charming young lady with blonde hair and green eyes of fifteen years wearing a dark robe with a blue trim that hugged close to her body. His daughter seemed to develop more and more into a mature young woman every time he saw her rather than the small young girl he used bounce on his knee. How time has gone by, he mused.

“It’s rare occurrence as of late to see you Elizabeth. To what do I owe this pleasure?”

“I’ve come back home for Vincent’s birthday in a few days. A letter was sent a week ago, did it not arrive or have you forgotten?”

“No, no, now that you mention it I do remember, it’s just been so busy lately as the expense reports and taxes from the territory have come in this season.” Deciding to take a break he stood up from his seat and gave his daughter a hug before leading her out into the hall and towards the dining room. It was about time for the chef to prepare the mid day refreshments and they would take the opportunity to have them together in the dining room while they talk.


While walking through the halls they saw maids and butlers scurrying about as they were setting up for Vincent's birthday. Since his father would be coming around Tobias wanted to make the event a little more special as he was planning to ask his father for a favor.

When they got to the dining room they found tea and fruit juice prepared for them with some small sandwiches and pastries. Sitting down he immediately asked his daughter how her life was going.

“I trust your doing well at the at the academy; making friends and studying appropriately?”

“Yes father, I’m an apprentice Water Mage at the moment and I’ve been told that I should reach Adept in the next few years.”

Mages have a classification system with seven ranks ranging from beginner to absolute with the ranks being; beginner, novice, apprentice, adept, expert, master, and absolute where absolute represented the mage in question having absolute control over an element. Warriors who use aura also use a similar system where saint replaces absolute in the terminology.

Satisfied with is daughters progress he smiled and took a drink of tea before continuing the conversation.

“That’s good, be sure to keep working hard as you’ll have to succeed me one day.”

As he finished speaking Elizabeth started to relax from the journey an enjoy the refreshments provided, nibbling on a pastry and savoring her tea as a calm silence set about the room.

In the Sunderland Kingdom succession of nobility was not determined by gender, but by merit, and no matter how proficient one may be at running their territory, the nobility always had be someone capable of war potential due to the kingdoms unique circumstances. The mountains to the north that wrap around eastward and the sea to the south along with the Kingdom’s policy of quality over quantity are the only reasons why the relatively small Kingdom has been able to maintain its sovereignty and not be annexed by the larger powers that surround them.

The policy in question, dictates that every able-bodied persons who could fight, must be trained to at least apprentice rank before fifteen years of age, and that restriction was only stronger for nobles as it further required them to reach adept before twenty to maintain their status.


Stewards and attendants could help run the respective territories on a day to day basis, but a nobles primary duty was to protect the people within their territory.

As he was reminded of the kingdoms troubles he thought to his son Vincent as he continued to receive tutelage from Charles.

“Perhaps I’ve enabled him too much.” In his thought he was unaware that he voiced his opinion.

“Who, Vincent? It is about time he starts to take things more seriously.” Elizabeth stated as she continued to nibble on her pastry looking more like a squirrel than the dignified young woman who met him in his study earlier.

Looking back, it seems some things do remain the same. He thought as he smiled inwardly and decided to continue the conversation he unwittingly started as she was old enough to participate in these types of discussions.

“Yes, I think you are right.” He looked to one of the maids by the door and motioned for her to come near, and told her to tell his wife that he wanted to speak before going back to talking leisurely while waiting for Maria to arrive.

Sometime later after they finished with the refreshments Maria entered the dining room wearing a warm dark blue sundress that covered her alluring figure and did nothing to diminish her standing as the matron of the house.

“I’m told you wish to speak to me?”

Maria spoke as she sat into the chair across from her husband and next to her daughter while a nod to the maid meant some tea would be delivered soon. The servants of the house were all well trained and simple gestures could be used to communicated without the need to command them. They were a great boon to the household an as such, well paid.

“I think it’s time we get Vincent a proper teacher and start him on the path to becoming a knight.” Tobias knew this might not go over well as Maria still had a soft spot for the boy, but it was in his own best interest as if they began too late he would miss out on the policy deadline and have his nobility stripped from him. Even now it was going to be hard to make it.

“He loves magic dear, can we not let him continue his current training as he goes forward?”

Knowing he needed to be strong lest he get enticed by his wife’s charm and guile he pushed on with a slightly more pressing an exasperated tone to try and persuade her.

“Enough is enough Maria. I’ve allowed you to indulge his dream of being a mage, but it has to come to an end. These fanciful notions he has has limits. You must know this is for his own good.” Taking a drink of the tea provided he cleared his throat and continued. “I plan to ask my father during Vincent's birthday to introduce him to one of his old friends, he’ll get the best training, I assure you.”

Maria was visibly surprised at her husbands insistence and declaration, but knew that he was right, and the time for fantasy was over. Still, it was news to her that her father in law would be making an appearance.

“Adrian is going to be there?”

“It was a surprise for me as well when I first heard it but it’s good that he is getting out again after Estelle passed. I’m hoping that the fact he has decided to attend means that he his shifting his attention to Vincent as it will be good for the both of them.” When his mother died Tobias, as well as everyone else were shocked, but it was especially difficult for his father. With no warning she passed in her sleep and he didn’t even get a chance to say good bye. Adrian has since been in his home the last four years withering away and Tobias hopes his interest in Vincent's party is a sign for the better.

Hearing him out, Maria nodded, relenting that everything he said was right. Perhaps I indulged him too much.

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