《Vincent's Trials (Placeholder Name)》Chapter 1:


Knock, Knock, Knock...

A maid tapped at the door before opening it and allowing herself into the room with a food tray filled with a few different fruits and a hearty breakfast. Moving the cart next to the bed she walked over to the double wide window and pulled the drapes to let the light in.

It was the morning of the next day and the tutor his mother had called for was due to arrive. Vincent started to wake and upon noticing the smell of breakfast opened his eyes and stared at the maid who just finished tying up the drapes. The maid walked back over to the covered tray before opening the lid revealing its contents.

“For this morning it’s an orange with grapes, two sausages, a slice of toast, and a thick mushroom soup. Will you take it in bed or should I move it to the table?”

“There’s no need, I’ll take it in bed.”

The maid nodded and moved the tray onto the bed as Vincent sat up and readied himself to eat before leaving as quickly and efficiently as she had come.

Vincent who was eager to begin the day and learn magic started eating as the door opened once more and his mother entered before closing it behind her, moving to sit in a chair near the table watching her son eat. As he finished his mother started to speak.

“It’s good your eager but the tutor isn’t expected for another hour or so. In the mean time I expect you to brush up on your basic knowledge of magic while you wait for him to arrive.”

As she left Vincent got up to get dressed before pulling a few books off the shelves in the corner of the room before moving to sit down at the table his mother was at moments before. He started reading while skipping around some due to his excitement.


It it stated that there are six elemental magics (light, dark, earth, fire, wind, and water) and any number unique magics most of which were lost to time. Furthermore…

On the subject of racial magic there are four known of the civilized races; Humans have Space Magic, the Elves Nature Magic, the Dwarves Gravity Magic, and finally the Devra Illusion Magic. It is speculated that the Scalefolk also have a racial magic but it is either a well kept secret or nonexistent as there is no evidence support such theories. Should such a thing prove to be true it would set precedent and give fuel to the theories that all races have an inborn racial magic…

While not considered magic it should be mentioned that the warrior born usage of Aura does have unique properties that can be attributed to magic in its applications. How it works without Mana is a question that has troubled mages for centuries as Aura and Mana are mutually exclusive and trying to combine these two combative forces has yielded no results...

Vincent flinched abruptly as his fascination with the book was interrupted when a maid knocked at the door an entered to notify him that the tutor has arrived. Putting down the book he swiftly left the room to go see the tutor as the maid gave a small chuckle and put the books back on the shelves before exiting the room to follow the boy.

Arriving at the foyer Vincent slowed his pace to a walk before downing the stairs to see his mother conversing with an old man who had a bald head and sparse beard dressed in a dark robe with a brown trim.

As he finished his descent his mother had apparently concluded her conversation as both her and the man turned to Vincent and he decided to introduce himself.


“I am Vincent Hart, and you are?”

‘Hmm, manners, good.’ The old man thought, as he eyed Vincent and slowly appraised him. Though he was brought to teach a child the man started to feel this boy was worth his time as his manners were appropriate and there was an intelligent – if naive – glint to the boys eye that made him feel as if he was more than willing to learn.

“I am Charles Owen, an I’m to be your tutor.”

Vincent was excited that the day has come where he finally starts to learn magic. Fire and Light spells – not to mention swordsmanship – were the specialty of Tiberius the hero of ‘The Hero’s Trials’ and he was ready to follow in his footsteps.

Maria raised her gaze from her sons obviously excitement and looked at the maid who followed after Vincent and was waiting near the staircase.

“Lead them outside to the pavilion, and stay with them should they need anything.”

“Yes, milady”

Vincent and Charles followed the maid through the mansion and outside the back of the house as the pavilion modestly spaced pillars lead them down a small path ending at an area with a few large benches, and some tables situation under the pavilion next to a small pond on the property.

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