《Vincent's Trials (Placeholder Name)》Prologue


“Vincent, come here.”

In the corner of the bedroom near the headboard of the bed sat a woman with blonde hair and green eyes in her mid thirties sporting a sensible night gown with a dark blue trim beckoning over her son to read him one of his favorite stories. ‘The Hero’s Trials’. In it, the gallant story of the hero overcoming obstacles and gaining allies on his path to defeat the tyrannical Devra King.

The boy of six years had brown hair that was a touch overgrown and green eyes showing a hint of wisdom beyond his young years, responded and went over to the bed and sat in her lap as she regaled him with the story he’d heard many times now. When it was over she closed the book and got up from the bed as she turned and tucked Vincent in for the night.

As she left she pulled the door to when she was confronted by her eldest child Elizabeth in the dimly lit hallway of the Count’s mansion. Dressed in a robe for mages even at night the twelve year old with a soft face blonde hair and green eyes like her mother and gave off an air of duty as she stood waiting.

“Why do you coddle him so?”

“He’s my child, as are you. Do I need a reason?”

“No, but you’ve even gone so far as to get him a Space Magic tutor. Father will not be happy.”

When Vincent was born, it was found that he had no magical talent besides that of space magic much to his fathers displeasure. As a Count and a water mage of a distinguished lineage Tobias Hart dearly wanted a son he could share his knowledge and experience with. Elizabeth being born first caused his desire to grow only to have it shattered years later upon the birth and subsequent status check of his second child. Furthermore, complications from the birth assaulted his already depressed condition as it was stated that the next time Maria were to give birth, it would be her last, as it would likely kill her.


“I’ve already discussed it with him, not that it should be any of your concern.”

Sighing Maria continued, “I wish you would be more lady like, wearing those robes does nothing for your figure and acting so serious all the time turns away any suitors. Now, it’s time you head to bed as well.”

Exhausted, and not wanting to deal with her daughters attitude so late at night, she finished her thoughts quickly and turned to leave towards her bedroom, her thoughts wondering on her children.

Elizabeth growing up had some freedom in what she could decide to do, but after Vincent's birth, her father had pushed her more and more towards being a water mage and in turn she started to change from a cheerful little girl who's smile could brighten a room into her current state.

As a wind mage herself, Maria would’ve wanted a daughter to nurture much like her husband had wanted but fate didn’t allow for such a thing and she was unable to conceive again and her husband had taken to Elizabeth. Adoption might have proven a solution but she decided against it to give more attention to Vincent lest her husbands attitude turn him away and he starts to despise his family. She knows her husband doesn’t have any ill intentions toward Vincent, but that doesn’t stop her worry, and it’s too soon to tell if her concerns are unfounded.

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